That’s a very high moniker to live up to, and while WWE has been flourishing with their transition into more mature content, it’s not known whether the company can sustain that kind of booking long-term. With one of WWE’s big four pay per views right around the corner, the company is going to have to make some very difficult decisions.

Whether these decisions work out or not remains to be seen and will mostly depend on how they are executed, but the company is going to have to take some pretty big swings if they want to get fans excited about the fall months. Furthermore, it’s going to take some stellar five-star matches and unique moments sprinkled in to make SummerSlam a night to remember.

Here are five big moves WWE must make at Summerslam. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us what big move you want WWE to make at the upcoming pay per view.

#5 Bring Ronda Rousey back

Let’s be honest here.

WWE just isn’t the same without Ronda Rousey and that’s exactly why they need to bring her back to face the person who handed her the first loss of her career. Not only would it be a great way to introduce her back to television, especially if she helped Natalya win the Women’s title, it also sets the stage for the highly touted dream match.

With WWE being known to start building up to big matches months in advance, a run-in by Rousey during The Raw Women’s title match would be a great way to leave fans breathless. It also gives WWE a chance to drive up television ratings again and maybe even gain some mainstream attention again in the process.

In the end, WWE needs Rousey on television in some kind of capacity and a run-in during the title match would be a great start to that goal. At least that way, WWE has a big surprise for fans, they can tease the one on one dream match finally happening and maybe Lynch can even gain some of her momentum back!

#4 Let Shane McMahon beat Kevin Owens

The WWE Universe absolutely hates Shane McMahon’s very existence and the company would be absolutely foolish not to capitalize on that for all it’s worth. Of course, WWE seems to already be doing that, especially with how dominant he has been lately, but the company needs to take it a step further.

While putting him in the WWE title picture would be that step forward, doing it before the perfect moment could cause it to fizzle out prematurely. That’s why WWE should have Shane McMahon win the match against Kevin Owens at SummerSlam and thus force the Prizefighter to quit the company.

Not only does that allow for Owens to cement himself as the biggest babyface in the company, it also guarantees a great deal of heat for McMahon, who can then go on to win the WWE title later on. After a few months with McMahon as champion, Owens or another deserving babyface can finally defeat him to put an end to his reign.

#3 Have The Fiend beat The Demon

As much as Finn Balor is desperately in need of a win right now, WWE not putting The Fiend over at SummerSlam just doesn’t make sense. Not only is that evident by the momentum that Bray Wyatt is gaining as this new character week after week, but also by how much a win over Demon King Finn Balor would be mean for Wyatt’s character.

Again, it’s not going to be fun to watch Balor take a loss to The Fiend, especially with how badly he has been booked lately, but it seems to be for the greater good. Beyond that, it’s not like WWE can’t build up Balor later on or even have the former Universal Champion win their second encounter, which could then lead to a rubber match.

A win for The Fiend at SummerSlam is inevitable and whether WWE fans like it or not, its something that needs to be done. At least that way, Wyatt gets his first win under his new gimmick. While we don’t know for sure if the Demon will appear, the Fiend will look super strong for being the first person to beat Balor in Demon mode and can eventually move on to bigger fish on the roster.

#2 Have Ricochet win the United States title

Another thing the WWE Universe needs to admit is the fact that a win against certain Superstars means more than others, and another win over AJ Styles would do wonders for the career of Ricochet. Of course, some are going to argue that this would be done at the expense of the OC, but that doesn’t have to be the case if done right.

For example, maybe WWE can use Styles’s loss at SummerSlam as the last straw so to speak and then have him go off the next night on Raw. The Club could even run roughshod throughout the entire night on Raw, which could then culminate in Styles using it as leverage to get back into the Universal title picture.

As for Richochet, WWE could make use of the Wild Card rule and bring over Ali for a series of title matches between the two high flyers, or the company could even pit him against Rey Mysterio for the title, thus creating a great passing of the torch moment between Ricochet and the legendary luchador.

#1 Keep the Universal title on Brock Lesnar

Admit it.

As much as the WWE Universe wants to see the title off of Brock Lesnar after SummerSlam, doing so might not be best for business. In fact, with the company looking to move towards the future and establish new stars, the only real solution that makes sense is to keep the title on Lesnar.

Face it! Seth Rollins as champion is starting to get a little old, and the title picture needs to finally move on without him. That’s why WWE needs to give him a definitive loss, find something else for Rollins to do and then focus on the dream matches that fans have wanted for years.

In the end, keeping the title on Lesnar allows The Beast to do dream matches against Bray Wyatt, Bobby Lashley, or maybe even Baron Corbin under the right circumstances. If nothing else, this is a much better option for the long term and give WWE fans a reason to continue watching into the winter months of the year.

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