While WWE has already promised a variety of surprises, I’m sure we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg thus far. I’m certain that WWE has a lot more planned for the grand occasion. I shall try and elaborate on some of them right here.

Let me know what you think of the surprises I’ve mentioned here. Which of the appearances that WWE has already announced are you really excited about?

Here is what I think could transpire this week.

#5 A dream match between two generations

Evolution ruled the roost on RAW for the majority of the stable’s existence there, so it is strange that they would be chosen to appear on SmackDown Live’s special night. I can only imagine there to be a special reason why this booking decision was made. Could we see a dream confrontation and possibly even a match between Evolution and The New Day?

We all know that Ric Flair does not wrestle anymore (although given half a chance, he’d love to step back in the ring once again). Could Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista team up only for one night to take on The New Day? Imagine the kind of reception such a clash could potentially get from the WWE Universe in attendance for this very special event.

Even if it culminates in a brawl, this would be quite special. I hope something of this nature does potentially happen.

#4 Brand new US Champion crowned

Rey Mysterio was supposed to take on Shinsuke Nakamura for a spot in the WWE World Cup Tournament. However, considering that there is much uncertainty about whether or not Crown Jewel will even happen, Paige could change the match’s stipulation. We could see the United States Championship defended during this contest.

And if that does happen, there is absolutely no way that Rey Mysterio will lose his big return match. Therefore, there’s a very likely possibility that Rey Mysterio could be crowned the new United States Champion. And if this does happen, it will change the landscape of WWE for good.

SmackDown Live desperately needs some quality babyfaces because it’s been lacking in that very department over the last few weeks. The inclusion of Mysterio into the mix is a great way to solve the problem.

#3 Nikki Cross rejoins SAnitY

Nikki Cross is doing some of the best character work, not just in professional wrestling, but in all of entertainment, on NXT right now.

SAnitY has been a little directionless since they were called up, having toned down the crazy act they were known for during their NXT stint. The inclusion of Nikki Cross back into the mix could revive SAnitY’s fortunes yet again.

And what better stage for the forces to meet again than SmackDown 1000, with the whole world watching? Nikki Cross could become the leader of the band in the main roster, almost like a manager to the heel stable.

It would certainly get fans invested in SAnitY and make them care about pushing the group up the SmackDown Live ladder. This is very necessary and honestly, very long overdue.

#2 Undertaker faces off with Sting

There were far too many similarities when The Undertaker and Sting were both on top of their respective promotions. Both have gimmicks that were rooted in the dark side, and both men commanded a lot of respect among their peers backstage. People hardly ever have a bad word to say about either man to this day.

While The Undertaker and Sting were expected to clash many a time, according to the dirt sheets, and Sting even pushed for it, the match did not happen because of a variety of reasons. Sting got injured before the match could take place. A face-off is perhaps the best thing we could hope for, at this stage.

Could WWE make The Undertaker and Sting have a face-off at SmackDown 1000, just to see the crowd lose their collective minds? If it does happen, it will be a special moment for many in the WWE Universe.

#1 The return of The Rock

The return of The Rock has not been advertised yet. However, bear in mind that SmackDown Live is a show that is named after The Great One’s gimmick. And it will not make sense to celebrate this special occasion without having him in attendance, at least cutting a promo. Do you smell what we are cooking yet?

The Rock does not even have to take a bump when he appears. He just has to recite his iconic catchphrases with the crowd hanging on to every word. He just has to turn his eyebrows up and the whole place will erupt.

The Rock isn’t just any washed up superstar that is past his prime in terms of popularity these days. He is also the biggest star in Hollywood.

How many of these surprises do you guys potentially see happening?

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