Believe it or not, WWE still has some creative problems to address.

Unfortunately for the company, however, they don’t have a lot of time to address these issues, especially with WrestleMania 35 right around the corner, but if their recent booking trends are any indicator, they might be able to turn things around. With that being said, however, it’s going to take some serious work and fine-tuning of the current product.

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It is also going to take The WWE not making a lot of mistakes between now and WrestleMania 35, which could be very difficult for a company that seems to stumble ever so often. Of course, this doesn’t mean the company is doing bad by any means, quite the opposite, however, but there are some loose ends they still need to patch up.

With that being said and The Road to another WrestleMania finally kicking into full gear, here are five biggest problems with WWE right now. As always let us know your thoughts in the comments below and also be sure to tell us what you believe WWE’s biggest problem is at the moment.

#5 Use of NXT Talent

WWE has completely altered the landscape of the company over the course of the last couple of months, but one thing that seems to remain constant is their misuse of NXT talent. Unfortunately for the recent batch of NXT superstars, things have only gotten worse in that respect and it shows no signs of changing.

Think about it! Heavy Machinery lost clean in their tag team qualifier match on Smackdown Live, Lacey Evans hasn’t been seen or heard from after her debut at The Royal Rumble and superstars like EC3, and Nikki Cross have gotten the same treatment. With that being said and WWE’s focus on specific dream matches right now, one has to wonder if this trend will ever end.

#4 Dean Ambrose leaving WWE

Interestingly enough, this isn’t even WWE’s fault. In fact, the company tried to do the right thing by releasing an official announcement that Dean Ambrose was planning to leave when his contract expired, but fans are still speculating that its all a work. Unfortunately for the company, they can’t seem to convince fans otherwise now.

With that being said and Dean Ambrose’s path to WrestleMania 35 insanely unclear, the company now must decide whether to capitalize on Ambrose’s momentary buzz and give him a huge match at WrestleMania 35 or bury him completely. If nothing else, WWE seems to be handling this respectfully so far, but will they continue to?

In the end, the company is probably going to have to do what’s best for business and bury Ambrose on his way out, and fans need to be ready for that. They also need to be ready for the fact that without Ambrose, WWE can never do a full Shield reunion again, which is going to cause its own problems.

#3 United States title picture

That’ didn’t last long.

WWE has had a multitude of problems with The United States title lately and those problems continued Sunday during The Royal Rumble pay per view. Unfortunately for The WWE Universe, things only got worse two nights later on Smackdown Live when R-Truth defeated Shinsuke Nakamura for the belt.

Rusev then stormed out to stake his claim for the title he lost at The Royal Rumble and ultimately got into a shoving match with R- Truth. This prompted Truth to put his newly won title on the line and resulted in another victory. Neither Rusev or Nakamura were happy with the results of the match and it pretty much ended in a beat down on Truth

While all of this is a lot more than what WWE did with the title before, it seems like a very messy title right now. Beyond that, R-Truth won The United States championship after a very unconvincing three count, which has only added doubt to the legitimacy of R- Truth as champion.

If nothing else, this isn’t something WWE can’t work out and make interesting, especially with all the combustible elements that they have involved right now, but they are going to need to clean things up first and figure out what their end goal is. In the meantime, however, The United States title scene remains one of the most underwhelming in the company.

#2 Ronda Rousey promo work

Oh god.

Ronda Rousey has accomplished a lot of things in her first year in The WWE, but her microphone skills remain a tender area for the baddest woman on the planet. In fact, her promo on Monday Night Raw was so bad that it caused a lot of fans to turn on her, which isn’t a good thing heading into WrestleMania

With that being said and Rousey and Lynch rumoured to be headlining WrestleMania 35, WWE really needs to get Rousey’s promos back on track. They also need to show her how to handle a hostile crowd and how to play off of them, otherwise, she is doomed to fall victim to the same situation that she did on Raw

In the end, The WWE Universe is already turning on Ronda Rousey and this might actually be the company’s best chance to turn her heel. At least that way, the company can try to make her into the strong silent type while they work on her promo skills and maybe even enhance the feud between her and Lynch in the meantime.

#1 Use of Finn Balor

Finn Balor seems to be once again out of the Universal title picture for the foreseeable future and while that opens the door for Seth Rollins to take on The Beast at WrestleMania 35, it also drops Balor down the card a bit in the process. Unfortunately for Balor, he now finds himself in an Intercontinental feud with Bobby Lashley, which might just be another stop gap.

Of course, this isn’t really WWE’s fault, especially since Seth Rollins is the one taking his place in the title scene, but its still depressing for Balor fans to see him drop again. What makes it even worse, however, is how much the company build Balor up before The Universal title picture and how they act like it was next to nothing now.

Again, maybe WWE surprises fans with something unexpected, but it seems more than likely that the company just has him win The IC title as a consolation prize of sorts. In the end, it could be the beginning of something very big for Balor if he is able to prove himself as a reliable draw with The IC title, but it could also be another chance for WWE to write him off.

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