Lesnar has been booked deadlier than ever during his return to the WWE and his presence on the card is guaranteed to sell tickets. So what about those times where Lesnar actually lost a match?

This list takes a look at the five biggest defeats in Brock Lesnar’s career.

#5 The Bigshow (Survivor Series ‘02)

Brock Lesnar had made a splash in his debut year and was already WWE Champion, beating The Rock and the Undertaker in the process. His next opponent would be the 7 ft tall, 500 pound Bigshow who was riding a wave of momentum then. Lesnar’s manager Paul Heyman did not want Lesnar battling the Bigshow, but the Animal did it anyway.

Towards the end of the match, Lesnar delivered an F-5 to Big Show, but when he went for the pin, Heyman pulled the referee out of the ring. This allowed Big Show to capitalize and proceeded to chokeslam Lesnar on a steel chair. Show went on to pin Lesnar and win the title.

This loss was Lesnar’s first pinfall loss in WWE and led Lesnar to turn for the first time in his career into a fan favorite.

#4 Kurt Angle (SummerSlam ‘03)

Lesnar’s popularity had been eclipsed by Kurt Angle when he made his triumphant return after neck surgery and the Olympic gold medallist went on to win a triple threat match comprising of Lesnar and the Bigshow to capture Lesnar’s WWE Championship.

This resulted in a Lesnar heel turn and led to a Wrestlemania 19 rematch between Angle and Lesnar at Summerslam 2003. Angle would decisively beat Lesnar in the contest despite the presence of Lesnar’s ally, Vince McMahonn.

Angle capped off the performance by making Lesnar tap out to the Ankle lock to end the match and would deliver an Angle slam to Vince onto a steel chair.

#3 Goldberg (Wrestlemania XX)

This match still gives bad memories for Lesnar not only because of the defeat he suffered at the hands of Goldberg’s Jackhammer, but also because of the negative crowd reaction. Both Lesnar and Goldberg were leaving the company at the end of the night and the news had leaked to the public.

The crowd booed both wrestlers during the match and the contest ranks as one of the worst as far as crowd reaction is concerned.

The only upside was the Stone Cold Stunner that both men received to close out the show!

#2 John Cena (Extreme Rules 2012)

Nobody saw this coming – Lesnar’s first match in the company for eight years actually ended in defeat. Lesnar faced John Cena at the Extreme Rules PPV in 2012

Lesnar was dominant throughout the match until Cena punched Lesnar in the face with a steel chain wrapped around his fist. Cena then delivered the Attitude Adjustment to Lesnar onto steel steps and Lesnar lost the match.

Not a great way to begin your second run in the company.

#1 Seth Rollins (Wrestlemania 31 )

Lesnar went into ‘Mania as Champion for the first time, defending his title against Roman Reigns. However, the script had a lot of twists along the way and Seth Rollins chose to cash in his Money in the Bank contract that night.

The match turned into a triple threat match and Lesnar took a Spear from Reigns and went out of the ring, allowing Rollins to Curbstomp Reigns and dethrone the Beast.

It was a great match, but had Lesnar ending up on the wrong side of the result nonetheless.

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