There’s no denying that WWE has built a reputation for itself as the biggest professional wrestling company this industry has ever seen, or perhaps will ever see.

Much of the credit for its meteoric rise in the sports entertainment industry goes to the Attitude Era where Vince McMahon literally took a mighty risk, and his risk eventually made him a billionaire.

While Cody Rhodes and the Young Bucks have got Tony Khan on board, there’s still a lot more All Elite Wrestling will have to do in order to even the gap between them and Vince McMahon’s giant corporation.

Despite the recent decline in the ratings and viewership, with both Monday Night Raw and SmackDown Live failing to entice audiences, AEW’s intervention in the market has brought more competition for WWE than ever before.

It’s understandable that the word ‘professional wrestling’ has a different meaning today, where the fans don’t really just want to see two characters interact and prove their heroism to the world, they want to see two characters tell a riveting tale through their versatility between the ropes.

Triple H’s visionary work down in NXT has brought the company a lot of critical acclaim, with NXT Takeover events giving us a fine blend of professional wrestling and sports entertainment.

Considering the fact that Vince McMahon has not followed the same ideology on the main roster, this has coerced the fans to keep their tabs on to different platforms like New Japan Pro Wrestling, Ring of Honor, and Impact Wrestling.

With All Elite Wrestling now rumored to have grabbed a sensational TV deal and many WWE superstars unhappy with their current direction, should Mr. McMahon be worried about another Monday Night War?

So, without further ado, let’s dive deep and analyze the 5 biggest things that could worry Vince McMahon in competition with All Elite Wrestling.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article belong to the writer and doesn’t necessarily represent Sportskeeda’s stand.

#1 Level of entertaining in-ring quality that caters a mainstream audience

The very first worrying sign that could coerce Vince McMahon and the entire WWE management to scrap their ongoing plans is the competition with All Elite Wrestling, where the latter one would want to bring some interesting stories to the frame.

Where WWE have struggled with their predictable storytelling, Cody Rhodes and the Young Bucks could bring some serious alterations to their style of creativity and WWE’s recent viewership fall could work as an interesting lesson for AEW.

There’s no denying that Triple H’s NXT brings forth one of the most exciting in-ring actions on the entire North American circuit, but the main roster has struggled to capture that essence.

This could be a very tough spot for the creative team. Judging by the many storylines that are panning out on both the brands, the element of predictability could play a big role in their ongoing competition with All Elite Wrestling.

Since the company has reduced their edginess to keep it more kid-friendly, All Elite Wrestling could broaden their universe by igniting the ‘attitude’ that has unfortunately been missing from WWE today.

Hardcore audiences like to see superstars tell riveting tales and presenting that creativity with their fantastic in-ring work between the ropes.

AEW can leverage this point to give the WWE a clear run for their money.

#2 Getting more creative freedom in All Elite Wrestling

Another element that is making headlines all over the wrestling world is the amount of current WWE superstars wanting to leave WWE due to the lack of creative direction.

You sure cannot blame them for being underlooked, with stars like Shinsuke Nakamura, Sasha Banks, Bayley, Finn Balor, The Usos, Dolph Ziggler and others not getting any significant push on the main roster.

With AEW’s inception in the wrestling business leading to many superstars being vocal about their creative direction in Vince McMahon’s billion dollar company, this could really act as a worrying sign for the boss.

Considering that the likes of Finn Balor and Sasha Banks have been given the spotlight lately, it is just a justification of the fact that there is a possibility that many superstars would want to make the necessary transition to the newly formed promotion.

Since there have been rumors that All Elite Wrestling has cracked a groundbreaking TV deal along similar lines of WCW, this could very well come across as a thing of concern to Mr. McMahon and the entire WWE management.

It’s a damn shame that a guy like Shinsuke Nakamura who was evidently the most charismatic superstar to come from Japan has remained so underutilized on SmackDown Live.

The WWE’s creative team has often been known to frustrate superstars with a lack of clear direction on the road ahead and this could just act as a catalyst in AEW’s favor if they play their cards right.

The WCW lost of a lot of mid card talent like The Radicalz, Rey Mysterio & Chris Jericho who jumped ship to the WWE after being overlooked for yesteryear stars. The WWE has to ensure that they do not repeat the same mistake.

#3 Failing to develop or bring any active superstar like Kenny Omega

While many fans might question this section of the article and bring names like Brock Lesnar and AJ Styles into the frame, there’s no denying that WWE hasn’t developed any superstars on the level of Kenny Omega.

The former IWGP Heavyweight Champion is possibly the most prominent figure in the world of professional wrestling and has constantly evolved himself to become a huge name in the market.

Considering that there were rumors of Kenny rejecting a lucrative WWE deal, his refusal could genuinely play a very pivotal role in this competition with All Elite Wrestling.

Since WWE have already lost the main event legend in Chris Jericho, Kenny’s intervention in AEW has been the icing on the cake for Cody and the Young Bucks, who are still continuing to broaden their roster.

If Kenny’s in-ring quality and charisma are anything to take into consideration, then it genuinely feels that WWE hasn’t developed any superstar of his stature that has remained relevant every single week in front of a global audience.

Many independent stars are thriving under Triple H’s supervision in NXT, but only a select few of them can thrive on the main roster and make it to the top.

I definitely believe that buying Omega could have been very consequential for WWE in this ongoing ‘‘war’’ with the newly formed promotion, and since he has reportedly rejected such a lucrative deal and moved to AEW instead where he also holds the executive vice president role, the WWE has now fallen a step behind in closing the gap with competetion.

#4 Many big WWE stars receiving offers that are too good to refuse

If recent reports are anything to take into consideration, then many WWE superstars could be on their way out of the company and go ‘All In’ with All Elite Wrestling.

Some of the biggest names in the world of professional wrestling like Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton, Goldberg, AJ Styles, and many others are linked to jump ship from Vince McMahon’s billion dollar company.

Since Vinnie Mac is known for his incredible business acumen, there’s a definite possibility that he would do everything in his power to retain the services of such huge names.

There’s no denying that superstars like Brock Lesnar or even Ronda Rousey are household names that gravitate solid mainstream attention, and if somehow AEW manages to capture that, it could very well become a huge complication for WWE.

The WWE lost the lunatic fringe Dean Ambrose to AEW and the former champion has already gone on to create a huge name for himself in the all elite promotion. It won’t be long before other big names consider the same move and the WWE needs to act fast to arrest the rot that is settling in.

As far as Brock Lesnar’s future is concerned, the Beast Incarnate has openly stated of being a man who is interested more in the bottom line than the creative aspect of the business, and if Tony Khan presents the Mayor of Suplex City with an offer he can’t refuse, with a chance to dance around AEW and UFC, this could complicate WWE’s ongoing plans.

While I am in no way cementing AEW as that big of a threat to WWE, but considering the fact that Chris Jericho signed the biggest deal of his entire career with them is signaling enough that more superstars could receive the same lucrative offers, with a more light schedule.

#5 WWE Universe having the option of seeing what they want

Anybody who adulates professional wrestling knows that Vince McMahon has been influential in breaking boundaries and changing the entire complexion of the business during his time in the Attitude Era.

While he deserves a lot of credit for propelling the company to unprecedented heights, there’s no denying that his perception of professional wrestling has unfortunately changed.

Catering to a global audience is as advantageous as it comes, but the lack of rejuvenation in their storytelling could cause them a significant amount of loss moving forward.

Remember that it’s been a long time since Vince McMahon’s billion dollar company had been involved in such a huge competition, and with All Elite Wrestling willing to not be a spoke on the wheel, their willingness to push WWE to their best could pressurize the Boss.

Whether it is their remarkable TV deal, or the amount of creative freedom they could provide to their talent, these elements could coerce the audiences to divert their attention towards a promotion that wants to do things differently.

While many of us would think that NJPW and Impact Wrestling are significant competition to the WWE, AEW’s reach in North America could be huge and would certainly help them to garner a lot of casual audience.

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