Truth’s second run ended up turning him into one of the most popular Superstars in the company, albeit in a mid-card role. He went on to face John Cena for the WWE Title at the Capitol Punishment 2011 PPV, but failed to win the belt. Years later, Truth is now back in the spotlight, and although he isn’t anywhere near the top title picture, he is steadily becoming one of the most beloved entertainers in all of wrestling.

Here are five reasons why we just might see R-Truth win the WWE Title somewhere down the line:

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#5 R-Truth is dominating WWE’s social media

One would think that Superstars of the caliber of Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and other main event players would be ruling WWE’s social media, but this isn’t the case at all! Ever since WWE came up with the 24/7 Title and handed it to R-Truth, the mid-carder is running wild all over WWE’s social media, especially its official Youtube channel.

Truth getting trapped inside a shipment box currently has 2.7 million views, while his elevator segment with a bunch of WWE Superstars stands at a cool 3 million! To put it into a bit of perspective, Seth Rollins vs Kevin Owens from last week’s Raw is at 1 million views. Numbers don’t lie!

Truth is making fans come in droves and watch his misadventures on social media, which accounts for a large portion of WWE’s business, what with the company having surpassed 1 billion social media followers in the past. This humongous exposure won’t go unnoticed by the top brass for long.

#4 Loyalty has paid off for many before R-Truth

If history is any indication, Vince McMahon has rewarded many a Superstar for their loyalty to WWE over the years. Edge’s name immediately comes to mind here. He didn’t leave WWE like his partner Christian, and went on to become multiple-time World Champion and a Hall of Famer. A recent example of loyalty getting rewarded is Kofi Kingston, who realized his decade-long dream by becoming WWE Champion at WrestleMania 35.

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It has been more than a decade since R-Truth came to WWE. He has been with the company through thick and thin, and loyalty such as this is bound to get rewarded somewhere down the line, if not anytime soon. Sometime in the future, if or when Truth is considered for a run with the top title, his loyalty to WWE will be the first factor that would be considered, and it will only make his case stronger.

#3 The most favorite Champion at the moment

WWE’s official website recently posted a poll, asking the WWE Universe who’s their favorite champion at present. The results were astonishing, to say the least! Seth Rollins, possibly the biggest babyface in WWE right now, didn’t win the poll. Neither did ‘The Man’, Becky Lynch, nor the underdog champion Kofi Kingston!

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R-Truth currently has 27% of votes, with Seth Rollins comfortably placed behind him with 21% of the votes! As said before, numbers don’t lie and it’s clear as day here that R-Truth is currently the most popular Superstar in WWE, thanks to his hilarious antics as the WWE 24/7 Champion.

WWE messed up the title design big time, but is doing incredibly well with the booking of R-Truth as champion. All WWE has to do is to keep the momentum going for as long as they can, and R-Truth will get popular to the extent that a WWE Title reign won’t sound like a pipe dream for him.

#2 An incredible underdog story

One thing that has remained constant throughout WWE’s storied history is that the audience loves a good old underdog story. Bret Hart’s triumph at WrestleMania 10, Chris Benoit’s emotional win at WrestleMania 20, and the culmination of The Yes Movement at WrestleMania 30 are just a few examples of what these storylines are capable of. One doesn’t even have to look this far, as Kofi Kingston’s KofiMania movement earlier this year led to him becoming the WWE Champion.

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R-Truth is genuinely loved by the WWE Universe and this factor will come into play sometime in the future, just like it did with Kingston. The storyline writes itself, as R-Truth will embrace the fact that although he is responsible for putting a smile on everyone’s face for years, he is equally capable of leaving them in tears of joy on seeing him bag the top prize some day.

#1 R-Truth turns the worst of ideas into gold

Ever since R-Truth made his comeback to WWE, the company has put him in goofy segments that made sure that he would never become anything more than a funny act on the lower card. R-Truth somehow managed to turn every angle given to him into gold, and wowed the WWE Universe in the process.

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Be it Truth’s obsession with Little Jimmy, his usually confused mannerisms, or his incredibly hilarious run with the WWE 24/7 Title, the talented Superstar has done justice to every role that has been given to him till date. This would be another major factor, if R-Truth is considered for at least a short WWE Title run.

The fact that he is incredibly popular among the fans, has an amazing underdog story behind him, and is capable of making the fans watch the product, is bound to work in favor of Truth. It will make the authorities consider experimenting with him as the WWE Champion, in what just might turn into one of the best stories WWE has ever come up with.

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