Despite bonding on a ten-year lucrative deal with the authorities, the company could be facing a tougher task after some difficulties that have transpired between the two countries.

With many U.S. senators wanting WWE to postpone or cancel the entire event, this could certainly lead to many different consequences over the coming weeks.

Considering that WWE would be making history by producing the very first All Women’s PPV with WWE Evolution, diverting their attention away from Saudi Arabia could help them focus on more events ahead.

Judging by how social media has been reacting to the news, legions of WWE fans are suggesting the reputed promotion to cancel all ties with the Kingdom until further protocol.

Here are the 5 biggest things that could happen if WWE cancels WWE Crown Jewel.

#1 Brock Lesnar might not get a Universal Championship rematch

If WWE definitely decides to postpone or cancel the entire event, the most significant disadvantage for the company would be Brock Lesnar’s absence from further events.

The Beast Incarnate’s bout at WWE Crown Jewel was supposed to be his last encounter before he heads back to start training for an epic comeback in UFC.

Considering that Roman Reigns and Braun Strowman are already feuding, cancelling the event might coerce the Beast Incarnate to not participate in any events produced by WWE until his next fight in the UFC.

While his WWE future still remains a doubt, any sort of cancellation of the event might certainly affect Brock Lesnar’s ongoing schedule with the company.

Since the Universal Championship was set to be defended between Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, and Braun Strowman, such a situation will alter WWE’s plans for a while.

#2 Concentrating more on making history with WWE Evolution

With WWE concentrating on pushing the boundaries on the global platform, many significant events that could genuinely ascend the company’s stature are being neglected.

Considering that WWE Evolution might be the biggest event in the company’s history, not treating it like one has certainly diminished the credibility of the event.

Legions of WWE fans have openly criticized the idea of the company putting mainstream attention ahead of professional wrestling, with Ronda Rousey clashing against Nikki Bella to close the show at such an historical event.

If ties with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are halted for a while, this could certainly end up being a blessing in disguise for the All Women’s PPV in October.

Focusing more on the event by pushing more feuds and storylines might ascend the event’s entire credibility and assist the company’s reputation.

#3 Shawn Michaels’ blockbuster return will be halted until Survivor Series

The biggest feud surrounding the entire event in Saudi Arabia was the Undertaker and Kane’s feud with Shawn Michaels and Triple H.

With all that might transpire with the entire scenario surrounding the event, HBK’s blockbuster return could be coerced to a halt until WWE Survivor Series.

Since Survivor Series is widely regarded as one of the biggest PPVs of the year, bringing Shawn Michaels to participate on Survivor Series might be beneficial as far as narrative is concerned.

Considering that the Undertaker started his career at Survivor Series, booking a singles match at the event between the two biggest superstars could be interesting.

There’s no denying that the Show Stopper is one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time and bringing him back at an event of this magnitude could prove financially beneficial for the company.

#4 Shifting the event to any other country with immediate effect

Judging by how WWE have benefited from international ties, the company continues to enjoy a high success rate through their extension on different platforms.

With the WWE focusing on bringing more content to their audiences, the fans sharing different tastes are able to enjoy the company’s overall product.

In the process, WWE have been highly successful in promoting their business on multiple stages and have also originated many fan base through this worldwide reach.

If something of that stature happens with Crown Jewel, pushing it to an entirely different location could help the company in reaching a different audience and increasing their fan base.

Vince McMahon’s ideology of creating content that caters to all audiences might eventually make the difference in bringing different broadcasters and promoters to reach to the company for a future event of such stature.

#5 Elevating the ratings by presenting more engaging television on Monday Night Raw and SmackDown Live

There’s no denying that WWE’s current product has been disappointing, with legions of WWE fans reluctant to watch more such content on a weekly basis.

This issue has certainly depreciated the show’s viewership and while SmackDown Live has presented a more compelling narrative, cancelling Crown Jewel could be a wake-up call for the company.

Resolving the issue by producing more compelling stories might assist in bringing more audiences to tune in for Monday Night Raw and SmackDown Live.

With credible superstars like John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Kevin Owens, and Sami Zayn already out of action, engaging the audience with some pacy narrative might finally make the difference.

Dean Ambrose’s apparent heel turn or Rey Mysterio’s return would definitely rejuvenate the entire scene before 2019 hits and could coerce the fans to be more attentive to the product being presented.

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