To some, he is an unstoppable force that has taken the WWE by storm. To others, however, he is one of the worst things to ever happen to the company who he has held hostage on more than one occasion. Either way, he is a polarizing character with quite a few interesting stories behind him.

Hyperbole and negative fan opinions aside, here are five bizarre backstage stories about Brock Lesnar that fans need to know about. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us which story is your favorite!

#5 Fight on an airplane

The plane ride from hell!

That ridiculously bizarre moment when a group of WWE Superstars were flying home from the 2002 Insurrection PPV and decided to have some fun. Of course, the open bar that Vince McMahon paid for probably had a lot to do with how things panned out, but one could imagine it also had to do with the fact that it was a long flight.

One specific story that keeps getting floated around from time to time is the amateur wrestling match between Brock Lesnar and Kurt Henning. Now the story goes that Henning got a little drunk before the plane took off and eventually went up to challenge Lesnar to a match.

Interestingly enough, some also claim that Lesnar was originally going to back down from the fight, but didn’t want to because it might make him look like a coward. With that being said, the two soon locked up and Lesnar managed to take down Henning on more than one occasion.

The two then started to make their way towards the emergency exit of the plane, which had some worried that they would somehow manage to open it, but Paul Heyman and Finlay somehow got them apart.

While the situation was no doubt a dangerous one and probably only acted as lighter fluid for the fire that was the overall situation, it still would have been cool to have video footage of it all unfolding.

#4 Angle vs Lesnar outside the ring

Kurt Angle versus Brock Lesnar. Who wins?

The WWE Universe found out the answer to that question when Lesnar defeated Angle at WrestleMania 19, but some wondered who would win in a straight-up fight. In fact, Lesnar apparently used to brag about being able to wipe the floor with Angle in a straight-up match, which led to the showdown eventually happening.

That’s right. One day during a warm-up session, Angle challenged Lesnar to a match on the spot and the two stepped in the ring together. Interestingly enough, Angle spoke about the story on an episode of Chris Jericho’s podcast and the results of the match might surprise fans a little bit.

Angle said, “We had the showdown. It was close. It really was. He had 90 pounds on me, but I probably took him down into the ropes a good 7-8 times. He used the ropes to say we’re out of bounds. That’s OK. I did take him down once. He didn’t take me down at all.”

This moment probably should have taught Lesnar not to run his mouth if he couldn’t back it up, but based on future events, it doesn’t really seem like he really took that message to heart.

#3 Backstage confrontation with Jim Cornette’s girlfriend

Believe it or not, there was a time when Brock Lesnar wasn’t the next big thing and he was just trainee in OVW. He was even teamed with Shelton Benjamin for a time while he learned the ropes of the wrestling business. One thing he had to learn the hard way though was taught to him by Jim Cornette, and boy was it a doozy

Jim Cornette was running the developmental territory at the time and has had quite a few weird stories about The Beast Incarnate. His best story of the current WWE Champion however, came after Lesnar had hurt Cornette’s girlfriend, Stacy, in the ring, and things got pretty heated from there.

According to an episode of Cornette’s show, Lesnar had done something that Stacy had asked him not to and the two got in a shouting match backstage. This resulted in Lesnar cursing Stacy out in front of Cornette, which got him angry. Cornette responded by threatening to shoot Brock Lesnar.

Cornette then went on to explain that he told Lesnar no one would waste their time trying to fight him and that if he runs his mouth too much backstage, he will eventually get himself shot. The conversation was enough to scare Lesnar, and apparently had him a bit frightened.

#3 Getting stalked

What would you do if you saw your favorite WWE Superstar at the gym?

While most fans will probably never get to be in that magical situation, there are a select few that have had the privilege of doing so and it usually yields a very interesting result. That was the case with one 16-year-old kid in Dallas Texas, who saw Brock Lesnar walk into a local gym and proceeded to stalk him.

Former WWE Superstar, Wade Barrett talked about the incident during an episode of the ‘Inside the ropes podcast’ and it apparently even became a running joke in the locker room. Now that doesn’t mean it’s ok to stalk your favorite Superstar anytime you see them in public, but it is funny how the series of events devolved.

You can check out the video here:

The lesson here is that pro wrestlers, no matter how much we may think of them as superheroes are just like us. They deserve the same amount of privacy and to leisurely work out at a gym without being stalked in the bathroom.

# Incident with The Big Show

Brock Lesnar isn’t exactly a guy you would associate with humor.

In fact, the look on his face whenever he comes to the ring and him not saying a word half the time pretty much makes him one of the least comedic entities in WWE history. Sure, he had the whole ‘Brock Party’ thing going for him earlier in 2019, but that was very short-lived and didn’t even go over that well.

With that being said and Lesnar being a stoic and quiet type of person, it might surprise some that he has found himself in some very funny situations over the course of his career. One particular example of this came during a match with The Big Show in South Africa that featured a very unfortunate ending.

Big Show was apparently suffering from food poisoning at that time and Lesnar made the unfortunate mistake of going for a German suplex, which involves wrapping your arms around a person’s stomach. That was too much for Show to take at the moment however and ended up evacuating his bowels.

“Just because I s*** myself Brock thought it was hysterical. He’s laughing at me the whole time,” The Big Show said.

“I think it was two Germans and a belly to belly (suplex) and Brock just started laughing, he goes ‘huh, huh, huh, did you poop yourself, but he didn’t say poop. And I said ‘yeh, a**clown, can we just go home now?’ (finish the match).

If nothing else, the look on Lesnar’s face alone at that moment had to be worth the price of admission.

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