Taking current story-line into consideration, one can deduce a number of possible outcomes for the main event. The rumor about Lesnar leaving WWE to join UFC is still not confirmed.

All said and done I’ve listed five possible outcomes that can potentially make or break the main event at the grandest stage of them all.

Here are the five possibilities.

#5 Brock squashes Reigns

Brock squashing Roman clean may be the least possible outcome, but you never say never. If Lesnar decides not to leave WWE and extends his contract, the creative may have him retain his title at the grandest stage.

For the past three weeks, Lesnar has been manhandling Reigns, and if this it happens again, it will be a shocking moment for the WWE Universe.

The decision of a one-sided victory will turn out great for the Beast Incarnate, not so good for Roman Reigns. The Big Dog has been trying to get his hands on the gold for the longest time, and WWE would not get a better platform than WrestleMania.

Sure, it allows them to live to fight another day, but this would be the second time Reigns fails to capture the gold at WrestleMania, something which is not particularly good for the supposed top guy of WWE. Roman getting crushed by Lesnar might have a drastic effect on his main-event push.

#4 New Orleans Screw-job?

A screw-job may not seem like an option for the main event, but Vince McMahon is a crazy man. If he decides to pull a Bret Hart on Brock Lesnar, it would be a great swerve moment for the fans.

(But hey, any publicity is good publicity)

Mr McMahon was accused by Roman Reigns for favoring Brock and his actions, and the Chairman responded by suspending The Bog Dog. Maybe it’s time for Vince to redeem for his punishment and favor Reigns by turning on Lesnar and Paul Heyman.

The “truth” bomb by Heyman about Lesnar’s feelings towards the WWE locker room and Universe might have irked Mr McMahon, and thus he decides to teach the duo a lesson.

Reigns as a heel Universal Champion will be an excellent move by the WWE. The Authority and Vince in his corner will make Reigns the best badass villain in all of WWE.

Fans love to hate him, and a heel turn for Roman has been awaited for a long time. It’s time to pull that trigger now.

#3 Interference by Bobby Lashley

Brock Lesnar has been booked as a monstrous heel for quite some time. If he decides to stay in WWE, The Beast needs a rival of his stature to remain relevant as a legitimate threat.

In comes the returning Bobby Lashley. The Dominator has reportedly signed a deal the WWE, and there’s no better platform for him to return than WrestleMania. An interference from Lashley costing Lesnar the tile will act as a great base for a high-profile rivalry between the two.

This way Roman Reigns wins the Universal Championship without making Lesnar look weak. Lashley has himself expressed his desire to work with Lesnar, WWE needs to book a feud between two of the strongest performers in the history of pro-wrestling.

#2 The SHIELD gets reunited

In December 2017, Dean Ambrose suffered a triceps injury, rendering him out of action for months. There are rumors flying around about his return, and what better way to return than reuniting with his old stablemates at the grandest stage?

Lesnar has been booked like an absolute monster, and a little assistance from the Shield members during the match would benefit The Big Dog a lot. The trio getting together at WrestleMania should receive loud pops from the crowd.

Roman is cherished by the fans as a part of The Shield, and the victory caused by interference will not make Lesnar look feeble. Roman as a heel Universal Champion, with Shield members by his side, will make The Big Dog an unstoppable rogue.

#1 Paul Heyman interferes costing Lesnar the match, and Reigns turns heel

Paul Heyman mentioned in his promo that if Lesnar loses at WrestleMania, that would be the last of him one would see in WWE. But he didn’t mention anything about himself.

What if Heyman turns on Lesnar and helps Roman win the match, making him the new Paul Heyman Guy? That will surely be best for business. The next big thing in WWE could be the next best heel in WWE.

WWE is adamant about setting up Reigns as the face of the company, and with Heyman on his side, The Big Dog will certainly get over with the few who detest him.

Reigns and Heyman are a dream team, and if WWE plays its cards right, the new Universal Champion would finally get cheered at the end of the night.

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