In fact, WWE has seemingly been making things even more difficult for fans to decipher by creating multi-man main event championship matches at upcoming pay-per-views.

With that being said and speculation being one of the most fun pastimes for wrestling fans, here is an attempt to fill in the blanks with five bold predictions for WrestleMania 34. While it would be fun to do a lot of fantasy booking here and make predictions based off of what fans want to see, this slideshow will focus on predictions that are based on current storylines.

Whether WWE goes in these directions or not remains to be seen and will be dependent on what else takes place on the road to WrestleMania.

Here are five predictions that have a good chance at happening!

#5 Daniel Bryan doesn’t appear

The WWE Universe might see this prediction as a little bit crazy, especially since Daniel Bryan defeated Randy Orton, Triple H and Batista all in one night to win the WWE title. The company doesn’t want to risk Bryan hijacking the show like he has done countless other times.

Unfortunately for fans that want to take a nice stroll down memory lane when WrestleMania returns to The Big Easy in April, doing so would come at the risk of fans getting upset at WWE for not letting him compete and would thus hurt the overall feel of the show.

With that being said, look for WWE to keep Bryan off of the pay-per-view like they did last year.

#4 John Cena loses his match

WWE has been doing a lot of interesting things with John Cena lately, especially after having him lose clean to Seth Rollins in a gauntlet match on Raw and that seems to be pointing to a trend of Cena finally putting over younger stars.

With that being said, this would be a great opportunity for WWE to finally give someone a WrestleMania win over The Cenation Leader.

While it is impossible to know whether WWE would pull the trigger on something like this, his loss to Roman Reigns back in 2017, his loss in the Survivor Series match to Finn Balor and his loss on Raw to Seth Rollins, probably signals the best chance the WWE Universe has at seeing Cena lose clean at WrestleMania 34.

#3 Ronda Rousey turns heel

Rumors have been swirling since Ronda Rousey’s debut at the Royal Rumble that the company’s ultimate goal was to turn the former Bantamweight Champion heel, and what better place to do that than The Biggest Stage Of Them All? Not only would it be a media bonanza for WWE, it also sets them up for a lot of great possibilities in the process.

As for how it will happen, WWE will most likely go along with the plan to have Rousey team up with a member of the WWE roster to take on The Authority and have her turn on her partner at the last second. Whether it costs her and her partner the match or not is up in the air, but it’s worth noting that a loss that Rousey intentionally caused wouldn’t really hurt her.

In fact, WWE could even do something similar to when Stone Cold Steve Austin turned on the fans and took help from Vince McMahon to defeat The Rock at WrestleMania 19. In the end, the company can easily think of an interesting incentive to get Rousey to turn on the fans and it would easily be the biggest shock of the year in the process.

#2 No Undertaker

The WWE Universe was in awe of The Undertaker when he made his long-awaited appearance at The Manhattan Center during Raw 25, but were quickly left bewildered when The Deadman didn’t hint at another WrestleMania feud or even if he would ever step back in the squared circle for combat.

In fact, many fans saw the moment as a retirement speech, especially after The Undertaker told his victims that spanned the 20 plus years to rest in peace and thought that was the last they would see of the legend. Unfortunately for fans hoping that The Undertaker will have one more go around, it seems that it’s not going to happen.

WWE had arguably their best chance to pull the trigger on a John Cena versus The Undertaker match at Raw 25, but still didn’t do it for one reason or another. There are currently some rumors circulating around that John Cena and The Undertaker won’t build up their feud until after the Elimination Chamber, but that sounds pretty far-fetched at this point.

In the end, WWE would be much better off to put Cena against a younger star and have him lose clean at WrestleMania for the first time in years. Not only would that kind of match actually serve a benefit to the company in the long term and not just be a way to draw in more fans for a one-off, it also allows WWE not to book themselves in a corner as well.

#1 Third person added to Universal Title match

Let’s be honest here.

Despite WWE doing a much better job at showing off Roman Reigns’ strengths and hiding his weaknesses, it still isn’t going to be enough for fans to get over the fact that this is Reigns’ fourth straight WrestleMania main event. With that being said, WWE now must do something to spice up the main event match or risk the same problem as last time.

While WWE could always take the risk and see just how bad the reaction would be to Roman Reigns finally defeating Brock Lesnar clean to win the Universal Title, it could set a bad tone for the rest of the year if WWE does so. Not only that, it will also fuel resentment from fans that don’t feel they are being listened to, which is bad news for WWE after Mania.

In the end, WWE really needs to add a third variable to this matchup and whether that’s Bruan Strowman, Finn Balor or even Seth Rollins, the company needs to put another man in the match to make it a little less predictable. If not, WWE risks doing the same thing they did last time, which could warrant them a lot of backlash with how despised Reigns still is.

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