But, now that he has faced his first big setback since his main roster debut earlier this year, what’s next for Joe? With The Biggest Party of the Summer, WWE Summerslam 2017, just around the corner, he needs something special to keep up the momentum he has generated from his program with Brock Lesnar.

There are a number of viable options for the former TNA and Ring of Honor star, and we think we know 5 ways the WWE can ensure that The Samoan Submission Machine goes into Summerslam as a legitimate badass.

Here are 5 possible booking decisions for Samoa Joe leading up to Summerslam 2017:

#5 He looks for a rematch against Brock Lesnar

Samoa Joe has come as close as anyone else not named Goldberg in getting one over on Brock Lesnar. He executed his gameplan perfectly, ambushing Brock and then slamming him through an announce table before the bell even sounded.

He then dominated large portions of their short official match before Lesnar hit him with an F5 out of nowhere to pick up the win. You can be certain that The Destroyer feels he has earned a rematch having come so close to ending Lesnar’s reign as WWE Universal Champion.

We could see him go after Paul Heyman’s client yet again in the build up to Summerslam 2017 in the hopes of one more chance at slaying The Beast Incarnate. It would certainly make for compelling viewing, but it seems highly unlikely and that is why it comes in at Number 5 on this list.

#4 He clashes with Kurt Angle

Playing off our previous entry on this list, the WWE could add a different spin on the whole scenario. Imagine this: Samoa Joe demands a rematch against Brock Lesnar and is denied by the Monday Night Raw General Manager, Kurt Angle.

This makes Joe very very angry and he decides to go after the former Olympic Gold Medalist. The build up to Summerslam can be The Destroyer going after Angle week after week for denying him the opportunity to challenge for the WWE Universal Championship again.

The conclusion to this as a match between the two at Summerslam 2017 gives Kurt the send off he deserves with one final big match in the WWE against someone with whom he put on great matches in TNA. For Joe, he gets the rub of beating a WWE Hall of Famer at a huge pay-per-view. It’s a win-win situation.

#3 He is Free Agent John Cena’s nemesis on Monday Night Raw

John Cena’s status as a Free Agent means that he is free to come and go on both Monday Night Raw and Smackdown Live as he pleases. On the blue brand side of things, he has a feud against Rusev set up for WWE Battleground 2017 when the two men do battle in a Flag match. But, what about his storyline with the red brand.

Well, what’s better than a feud against Samoa Joe? The Samoa Submission Machine needs a big name opponent and it doesn’t get bigger than John Cena. Big Match John has been putting over talent at Summerslam for years now and look at what his loss to AJ Styles did for The Phenomenal One’s career at The Biggest Party of the Summer last year.

Joe and Cena can put on a great match and the former can really use the momentum of doing battle against someone of Cena’s standing to cement his place as an elite performer.

#2 The Battle of the Samoans

We saw a preview of this a few weeks back and it seemed quite tasty even back then. Roman Reigns and Samoa Joe clashed when the former said the latter wasn’t a true Samoan. There was a spark for a really good angle there and now could be the time to pull the trigger on that potential feud.

With Roman’s new brutal streak coming to the fore against Braun Strowman, he needs an opponent who can stand up to that level of power and devastation. And, there is nobody better suited to the role than The Destroyer.

This could be a really good angle if the WWE does it right.

#1 NXT rematch against Finn Balor

If you need any proof at Finn Balor vs Samoa Joe would be pure gold, watch their matches for the NXT Championship during their time together in WWE’s Developmental Program. It is absolutely superb wrestling.

And now with Joe’s recently concluded feud against Brock Lesnar and the lack of a suitable opponent for Finn Balor, the time has come to put the two together again and let them work their magic.

There is no better program for either man short of a WWE Universal Championship run and even that is debatable.

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