Most of them have the caliber to headline a big event on any given night. It seems that with all the matches currently announced for the event, there could be some exciting plans for Sunday night.

Will the WWE swerve their fans with some shocking finishes and surprise appearances? In this article, we take a look at 5 surprising decisions the WWE may take at the biggest night of the year.

#5 A reincarnated Bray Wyatt wins the ATG Memorial Battle Royal

As we all know, Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy had a match recently in the Hardy compound. Wyatt got deleted after being thrown into the Lake of Reincarnation as claimed by Matt Hardy himself.

In case you didn’t know, if a wrestler is thrown into the Lake of Reincarnation, they revert back to a previous gimmick. For example, Shane Helms was thrown in and turned into the Hurricane.

Expect Bray Wyatt to do something synonymous, maybe the return of Husky Harris. Perhaps, it will be a step back for his character but any kind of rejuvenation at this point would be intriguing.

#4 Carmella cashes her Money In the Bank contract at the RAW Women’s title match

Carmella, since capturing the coveted briefcase in June of 2017 might possess the record for the most consecutive days of holding the Money in the Bank contract but she hasn’t done anything interesting to make us care about it.

A lot of us are expecting her to cash in the briefcase at WrestleMania, possibly on the Charlotte vs Asuka match. While that might be intriguing, it won’t make as much of a buzz because everyone will see it coming.

Instead of cashing in on the SmackDown Women’s title, the WWE creative should make her catch the winner of the RAW Women’s title off guard.

It will get people talking and give Carmella a nice time in the spotlight after toiling in the SmackDown Women’s division for almost a year.

#3 Hulk Hogan interrupts Elias

Heading into WrestleMania 34 in New Orleans, it’s been heavily rumored that The Rock will appear on the show. The Great One hasn’t been able to work on the Grandest Stage Of them all for a while because of his hectic work schedule.

It might be pleasurable to see a Rock vs Elias concert in New Orleans this Sunday but what if he doesn’t show up. What is the alternative?

Enter Hulk Hogan, years ago he was the host of WrestleMania. It will be a great way to kick-off the show with him one more time in the same venue.

The event opens with a hyped up Elias concert, Hogan comes out and the crowd goes wild. They will have the crowd in the palm of their hands the whole segment, plus it will give the show a much-needed energy boost from the start.

#2 Shane O Mac turns heel

The last couple of months of SmackDown Live’s main-event scene has revolved around Shane McMahon, Daniel Bryan, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. Shane’s targeting of the heel duo has reached an inappeasable height.

If history has taught us anything, it’s that if a McMahon is the higher power of authority in any storyline, it’s only a matter of time before they go back to their heinous ways of being dastardly villains.

And, the Showcase of the Immortals isn’t unfamiliar with heel turns. Seventeen years ago, Stone Cold Steve Austin did the unthinkable and joined forces with his biggest rival at the time, Vince McMahon.

Expect Shane McMahon to do something similar, he’s somehow going to side with Owens and Zayn against Daniel Bryan. Then again, I did love Shane when he was a heel back in his attitude era days.

#1 Roman Reigns squashes Brock Lesnar

A month ago at the Elimination Chamber PPV, Roman Reigns became the #1 contender for the Universal Championship after winning the Men’s Chamber match.

He is all set to face Brock Lesnar for the championship at WrestleMania. A bunch of outcomes can possibly be determined from the match.

Brock Lesnar is a Once In a Lifetime athlete. Fans come out and see him for the realism he displays night after night. When Brock comes out you know things are about to go down!

He has an aura of intensity about him that you cannot deny. As most of you know, he wrestles a UFC ground and pound style mixed in with suplexes here and there. He is all about realism.

In the UFC many high-level fights do not last long at all. Fan are expecting Roman and Brock to wrestle a similar style of the match they had at WrestleMania 31, but what if Vince books the exact opposite and have Roman squash him instead in a UFC style slobber knocker?

Most people will not predict it or see it coming, It should create a buzz for the product and add hype to the Roman Reigns saga after WrestleMania 34.

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