All of the big matches seemed to get the proper attention they deserved, which resulted in a few momentous spots. A few examples include when Becky Lynch was shoved off of the top rope through a table, as well as when A.J. Styles gave everybody’s favourite underdog one of the most vicious Styles Clashes of the year.

Those were some of the jaw-dropping moments from this Tuesday night show, but that’s not really what this article is about.

Focusing more on the unplanned instances, as well as the stuff that makes us scratch our heads, there are several moments that need to be highlighted. JBL uttered a line that sounded like he was trying just a tad too hard to sound cool; Dean Ambrose was a jerk to medical personnel, and the Tag Teams Champions apparently do not care if the monitors that they watch work or not.

All of that and more lie ahead, so continue, to read about the five botches, slip-ups and most outrageous moments from this episode of SmackDown Live.

#5 Not nice, Dean

A.J. Styles violently attacked poor James Ellsworth, slamming his back hard with a chair, then administering a brutal Styles Clash off the steel steps onto the floor. By this point, James desperately needed medical attention. A team of EMTs secured him to a gurney and loaded him into the back of an ambulance.

Thankfully, James had a buddy to ride along with him to the hospital.

Dean Ambrose entered the ambulance ungracefully by shoving somebody with far more life-saving training than he to the front of the vehicle. “Getting in here, get out of the way” is what he said as he came to the aid of his pal.

#4 More un-PG language

Becky Lynch had quite the opening encounter with Alexa Bliss. They both publically signed the contract for their match this Sunday at TLC, and of course, it led to a brawl. It looked like Becky was going to slam Alexa off the ropes through a table, but the figurative tables were then turned on her.

Instead, Lynch shoved the SmackDown Women’s Champion off the ropes, crashing through the table below.

When Lynch was informed backstage that they’ll now be competing in a Tables Match, a very choice word was used in regards to Bliss. The above image has a clever edit on what she actually said, but someone should really remind Becky that WWE is supposed to be in a family-friendly era.

#3 Technical difficulties

There’s nothing strange about the Tag Team Champions scoping out who their competition might be for this Sunday’s TLC PPV. Heath Slater & Rhyno, affectionately referred to as Beauty & The Manbeast, were backstage watching American Alpha vs. Bray Wyatt & Randy Orton, while Rhyno was chomping down on some potato chips.

The goofy part in this segment was that the TV momentarily went out on the Champs, yet it completely unphased them. Slater even started pointing out something on the already blank screen to Rhyno, who nodded in agreement. To their credit, they stuck to their script regardless of the circumstance, so kudos on that.

#2 Graceful at all times

There’s nothing indicating that this specific flop by Jason Jordan was a botch. For what he was attempting, it actually looks like he nailed it perfectly. In fact, Jordan should be awarded style points simply for elegance here, because this is beautiful. However, it also looked dangerous.

Keep in mind that Enzo Amore was concussed earlier this year because he inadvertently smacked his head on the bottom rope.

As far as the match goes, Jordan & Gable lost to the Wyatts. It looks like any hopes of getting a proper title bid won’t happen anytime in the near future for American Alpha.

#1 Cultural Relevance

WWE has this odd obsession with jumping on board with literally every little thing that has momentary relevance in pop culture. The current trend that will likely be forgotten within a few short weeks is the ‘Mannequin challenge’, a fad that has people looking statuesque in videos they upload online. It’s like planking but slightly less dumb.

When the Wyatts celebrated their win over American Alpha, JBL made the above comparison. It’s hard to argue against the fact that Orton has a chiselled physique, but I’d also like to think that at least half of the WWE Universe reflexively rolled their eyes a little at that one. Any less than half and I’ll be massively disappointed.

The Wyatts now face Heath Slater & Rhyno at this Sunday’s TLC PPV for their Tag Team Championships. Along with AJ Styles vs. Dean Ambrose, Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss, and a host of other solid matchups, that show, is shaping up to be a solid night of action.

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