Kane is now back and for some reason that’s yet to be explained, he’s ready to throw down against Roman Reigns and friends. Perhaps he still harbours anger from all of those six-man tags he was put in against them during his Team Hell No days? Or maybe he was just bored doing politician stuff and crawled under a random ring? WWE should probably explain his involvement better.

Besides Kane’s outrageous return, other fun moments from this episode that are about to be nitpicked include Kalisto forgetting that he’s the current Cruiserweight Champion, a possibly botched Dragon Ball Z reference from Corey Graves, and a smear of blood across the face of Sasha Banks. The Boss is up first, so let’s dive right in.

#5 Bloodied Banks

After Sasha Banks exited the ring from her match against Alicia Fox, blood was evident on the side of her face. Well, she doesn’t exactly have a reputation for being a bruiser but if she makes a habit of giving her opponents a bloodbath like this, she might be tougher than many give her credit for.

The most likely reason for the bloodletting was a stiff elbow strike from Fox midway through the match. This didn’t stop The Boss, who later won the bout via submission after reversing a tilt-a-whirl into her Banks Statement.

In the backstage afterwards, Alicia jumped at Sasha from behind. She shoved down a referee and got fined for her behaviour in the process. These two will meet on the pre-show of Sunday’s pay-per-view.

#4 WWE versus BC continued

It’s common knowledge by now that those Bullet Club boys have been ‘ceased and desisted’ from using the “Too Sweet” chants and hand gestures. Since Corey Graves resides on the side of the big bad corporate monster, he gets to say it as much he wants. During Finn Balor’s entrance to the ring for the purpose of addressing both Bray Wyatt and Sister Abigail, he uttered the taboo phrase.

Graves was may have been merely complimentary of the entrance of Finn Balor, but the timing appeared a tad suspicious. Considering that Balor is a founding member of Bullet Club and has been known to throw his fair share of Too Sweet gestures, this line could be interpreted as another shot by WWE in their current war against the mega-popular stable.

#3 The new Cruiserweight Champion

Kalisto was never overly gifted in the promo category. He’s not too shabby inside the ring, but his microphone moments such as the infamous “Lucha things” line should warn WWE not to give him too much talking time. He’s more skilled inside the ring, so why not accent his positives and hide his weaknesses?

In spite of his obvious skill set, he was forced to talk to Enzo Amore and tell him how he was going to win on Sunday to become the new Cruiserweight Champion. The botch is, of course, that Kalisto is already the Cruiserweight Champion. The way he worded it, he made it sound like he still considered Amore to be the title holder.

#2 Corey said “Super Saiyan”

Corey Graves made a Dragon Ball Z reference on Raw and this author’s gut reaction was to label it as a botch. He said the phrase “Super Saiyan”, but instead of making the first syllable of the second word sounding like ‘say,’ he pronounced it like ‘sigh.’ Clearly, Graves doesn’t know his stuff and there were plenty of people on social media to back up this claim.

Or maybe, Corey was right.

Despite a horde of people (including me) more than willing to call Corey Graves out for his improper anime pronunciation, he may be in the right after all. A vocal section of social media came to the Raw announcer’s defence, proclaiming his version of Saiyan to be correct.

If you’re a WWE fan and someone who’s into Dragon Ball, what’s the correct answer here? Either Corey botched or he sparked an outrageously geeky debate.

#1 The Big Red Machine returned to Raw

The Miz’s team gained a fifth person to challenge The Shield at TLC this Sunday and sadly, it won’t be Curtis Axel. The identity of that participant was revealed mid-match during the Steel Cage main event between Braun Strowman and Roman Reigns.

Kane’s music hit and he emerged from underneath the ring to attack The Big Dog. Dishing out multiple Chokeslams as well as a Tombstone Piledrive is apparently way more fun than tending to whatever responsibilities go along with campaigning for public office in Tennessee.

Stroman finished off Roman after he was destroyed by The Undertaker’s brother, then pinned him for the win.

The return of Kane was a shocking surprise to close out Raw, adding some intrigue to this weekend’s big show. WWE pulled an outrageous last-minute wild card out their hats to drum up interest for TLC. Kudos to them, because it worked.

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