No match on the show seemed to drag and, quite surprisingly, the audience that usually zones out during extended WWE PPVs kept the interest levels up right until the very end.

Now, Raw may have pipped SmackDown Live courtesy a screwy finish to the men’s 5 on 5 Elimination match and some of the other results may have been quite predictable, but that still doesn’t take away from a solid showing overall.

But why did things turn out the way they did? Is this the last we’ve seen of the Shield? What can we expect Triple H’s role to be in the coming weeks?

There are still a few questions that need addressing after the pay-per-view and that’s exactly what this article is about.

So, without further ado, here are 5 burning questions that we have after WWE Survivor Series 2017.

#1 Is the Shield going to split?

Short answer, yes.

First off, The Shield wasn’t reformed to give the fans a genuine nostalgia trip like DX, the Brothers of Destruction or other such teams of lore did as and when they would reunite.

The Shield was reformed for a single reason, and that was to get Roman Reigns over by association.

Almost everything major going on in the WWE today is geared towards project Roman Reigns and making damn sure that he isn’t booed out of the stadium when he defeats Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 34.

Will it work?

Well, it certainly seems to have improved the situation as the audience has warmed to the dude a little bit.

But continuing with The Shield storyline after a point only hinders Roman’s singles push to the stratosphere and the WWE can’t have that.

So while the payoff for The Shield’s reunion was extended till Survivor Series after Roman couldn’t make it to TLC, I do certainly expect Rollins and Ambrose to pick up where they left off in pursuit of the Raw Tag Team Championships and Reigns to move on by himself.

#2 Why was there a 5-man commentary booth?

And here many of us are cribbing about three man booths and hoping that the WWE would see the sense to revert to two again.

In all fairness though, the five-man booth didn’t turn out as convoluted and all over the place as I thought it would. It was pretty well managed and the commentators rarely spoke over one another.

That being said, it’s possible that the WWE saw it as a way to make Survivor Series seem like a bigger deal by even portraying SmackDown Live and Raw-specific commentators as separate entities that had their own allegiances and motives.

Although, I must say, Booker T seemed lost in the shuffle and I’m pretty sure he ended up supporting both brands at some point in time.

All in all, well played WWE. Personally, I’m not a huge fan… but at least there wasn’t a monumental cock-up when there could easily have been.

#3 Why didn’t the Traditional 5 on 5 Men’s Elimination match live up to expectations?

Unlike most other matches on the card, which were generally restricted to a manageable number of narratives so as to let the action flow, the Men’s elimination match just had too many eggshells to tread around.

For instance, they had to make Braun Strowman look like a monster. They also had to build on the animosity that was teased between Triple H and Kurt Angle when the Game attacked Jason Jordan and replaced him as the fifth member of Team Raw.

Apart from that, they had to keep the SmackDown vs Raw “under siege” angle going by having Shane at the centre of it all too.

Couple all of these narratives with the fact that they had to make Nakamura, Balor, Roode and Joe look strong despite not featuring any of them in the finish and throw in the Sami-KO interference spot too.

That will probably give you a clearer picture about why the main event seemed so overdone and convoluted.

To be honest, the WWE did book themselves into a corner on this one.

#4 What next for Triple H?

I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to decipher that Triple H will probably be involved in some angle with Kurt Angle after the finish to Survivor Series.

That could possibly lead to a WrestleMania match between the two but I don’t really see the sense in two oldies going at it and taking up a main card spot.

If Triple H wrestles at Mania, which he probably will, he will likely put over younger talent.

Now, his brush with Strowman may also be a sign of things to come in that direction. Especially since it looks like the Authority is back on Raw, Strowman may fall afoul of them and be involved in a one man against the whole system type of feud that has traditionally gotten Superstars over big.

And I get the feeling the WWE are really pushing the envelope on Strowman ever since his lacklustre loss to Brock Lesnar cut the legs of momentum he had going for him.

So, Kurt Angle and Jason Jordan in the short term for Triple H and perhaps, a longer term program involving Braun Strowman too.

#5 Why did Brock Lesnar wrestle a proper match against AJ Styles?

After being accused of working half-heartedly, of being a thankless part-timer and doing the same suplex-F5 routine in every match, it seemed like Brock Lesnar went out on a limb to prove everyone wrong.

Only, Brock Lesnar has traditionally never given a hoot about what people think of him. And I highly doubt that was his motivation against Styles too.

But one of the reasons why he did end up working an extended match against him could have been because Vince views Styles as a top player, along with the likes of Roman, Strowman and Cena.

And the trainwreck against Strowman must have been a bitter pill for Vince to swallow, what with him still trying to undo its ill effects.

The bottom line, however, remains that Brock Lesnar is well capable of putting someone over even in victory if he wants to. He wanted to against Goldberg and it was obvious that he wanted to against Styles too.

Also, the WWE Champion cannot possibly get squashed by the Universal Champion, thereby undermining the legitimacy of the title.

Plus it was Survivor Series, one of the traditional Big 4 pay-per-views.

So while I don’t think Lesnar putting on a great match with Styles was down to one specific reason, I do believe all of these reasons may have contributed in some way to it.

Well, whichever way it is…who’s complaining, right?

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