It may feel impossible to deal with, but there are a few staple cards that players can slot into their decks if they’re coming across lots of the Drytron Fairies decks on their climb up the ladder.

Eldlich can hard counter the Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel deck on its own

One deck players can just run to try and counter Drytron Fairies in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel would have to be Eldlich. It is arguably the most powerful control in the game right now, so players can run it and solve a lot of the problems without stressing too much.

It also hinges on the player getting the counters in play, or having handtraps accessible, but it nonetheless is one of the best ways to just stop the deck cold in its tracks.

There are a series of staple cards that players can use in any deck to make sure Drytron decks get their just desserts.

Dimensional Fissure stops the Drytron combos

Drytron monsters cannot enter the game normally in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, so they tend to go to the graveyard first. One Continuous Spell can put the entire deck to a stop just about immediately. Players can still win as Drytron if this is in play, but it won’t be easy.

Dimensional Fissure is a spell with a simple, one-sentence ability. All monsters that would go to battle would be banished instead. As long as the player’s deck isn’t also built on graveyard play, this stops Drytrons from affecting the game for a very long time.

Called by the Grave targets Benten, ruins fun in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Called by the Grave is a Quick Spell, so it has to be used at the right moment. When done perfectly, the other player will be at a complete loss. The ideal target for Called by the Grave is Cyber Angel Benten.

That card’s ability can be used repeatedly on a turn, so by targeting it when it hits the graveyard and banishing it, the player is doomed.

The spell negates all activated effects and abilities of the card, and any cards in play that have the same name. This means the player can no longer use further Cyber Angel Benten shenanigans at that turn.

Forbidden Droplet counters Herald of Ultimateness’ ability to counter other monsters

Herald of Ultimateness’ ability to negate monster abilities is frustrating and a large part of how the deck works. Forbidden Droplet, on the other hand, can put a stop to that as well.

The Quick-Play spell has the duelist send any number of cards from their hand and/or in play to the graveyard.

That number of monster cards in play have their Attack Points halved and also negates their abilities for the turn. Other monsters with the same name can no longer activate their abilities or effects on top of that. It’s an excellent way to counter the Herald of Ultimateness.

Maxx “C” is a staple to reward the player as Drytrons get played

Maxx “C” is one of the best handtraps in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, but it doesn’t actually stop what the other player does. On the other hand, it may halt their actions.

Maxx “C” lets the player draw a card each time their opponent does a Special Summon on this turn, so the other player may simply decide not to grant the card advantage to their foe.

Nibiru, the Primal Being can demolish a field of foes

Nibiru, the Primal Being is a really interesting staple in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. It doesn’t care about the monster level at all. When the other player has Normal or Special Summoned 5 or more monsters, this can be played.

Players tribute their opponent’s monsters and grant them a “Primal Being Token,” which has Attack and Defense to the combined original Attack/Defense of the Tributed monsters.

Sure, that player gets a potentially incredibly powerful monster, most decks that run this have ways to take that monster away, and it also robs that player of setting up their combo. The player will probably want to do it before Herald of Ultimatness if possible.

While Drytron Fairies can feel frustrating in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, it’s not an impossible mountain to overcome. Many of these cards can slot into virtually any deck, so all the players have to do is have the right card at the right time, and Drytrons get demolished.

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