In the current WWE landscape, many of the storylines revolve around its Championships. But sometimes, the champions that hold the titles are not booked in meaningful storylines, often times because of no fault of their own. A title change at such junctures could help both the Champion and the Challenger pull off a meaningful program.

I think that the five following Champions need to drop their titles. Let me know if you echo my sentiments in the comments below.

Here are 5 Championships that need to change hands right away:

#5 The RAW Tag Team Championships

I’ve met Rockstar Spud/Drake Maverick in the past and think he’s very entertaining indeed. Personally, I really like the man and think that he has loads of talent. I just think that he’s a misfit when it comes to managing the AoP.

When Paul Ellering led the two colossal beasts into battle, Rezar and Akam were intimidating, ominous and scary. With Drake Maverick threatening to urinate on Bobby Roode’s robe to help his team preserve their Championships, I think that a lot of the aura has been lost. A change in title-holders could actually help rebuild the RAW Tag Team Division.

This is a division that has suffered significantly in the past from having Braun Strowman destroy everyone at one go, and then Ambrose relinquishing the titles by turning on Seth Rollins. Maybe putting the titles on a team like The Revival could bring back legitimacy once again.

#4 The NXT Tag Team Championships

This is not a knock on the Undisputed ERA, an act that I find really entertaining. I just think that with teams like The War Raiders and The Street Profits and The Mighty in the division, it needs to be a lot hotter than it is right now. Somehow, the Undisputed ERA has sat atop the mountain for far too long now. They need these teams to take them to the limit.

Remember how hot the NXT product used to be? I just think it’s lost a bit of its sheen, over the past few months. And this stems from the fact that it’s not as competitive as it once was.

By not having a team like The War Raiders become Champion almost immediately, NXT could essentially be hurting their ‘monster’ credibility. Much like the main roster has by not putting the Universal Championship on Braun Strowman.

#3 Universal Championship

Brock Lesnar, whether you like him or not, is the most celebrated athlete in sports entertainment. The problem arises during his stints away from the company, to be honest. Unfortunately, like we’ve seen in the lead up to TLC, Lesnar’s time away really affects the product. With the top title not on the show, the quality does suffer immensely.

I had genuinely thought that Reigns was a good Champion. WWE seems to be reluctant to put the title on Strowman, for whatever reason. Maybe they want his coronation to take place on a much bigger stage than Crown Jewel.

Whatever the case may be, the quality of the show suffers owing to the fact that The Universal Championship doesn’t make a weekly appearance. But then again, this probably puts heat on Lesnar so that the eventual winner can benefit much more.

But yes, I think Lesnar should drop the title for the betterment of the product.

#2 United States Championship

Do I think that Nakamura doesn’t deserve to be the US Champion? I would be crazy to say so, especially considering what a wealth of talent the man really is. The problem comes from the fact that WWE hasn’t really done anything with him since he became Champion.

Shinsuke Nakamura could not beat AJ Styles for the prized WWE Championship. He was thrust into the mid-card where he won the United States Championship, next. The NakaMerica gimmick was also thrust upon the man.

Neither has really panned out as the United States Championship continues to not be booked in feuds for weeks on end. WWE had the chance to build Nakamura as a credible Champion who puts away challengers with his unique style and mannerisms but instead have somehow squandered the opportunity to create a believable, top-tier WWE megastar again.

#1 Intercontinental Championship

Seth Rollins is the most popular WWE Superstar right now. Why should he drop the Championship he holds then, you rightfully ask?! The answer stems from the fact that the title has somehow been relegated to the back of the line ever since he became the Champion. His feud with Dean Ambrose has taken centerstage.

Rollins should just have been booked in Open Challenges every week. He can have great matches with just about anyone on the roster. Rollins would have made the title mean something again.

That has not been the case, as the title has been all but forgotten during his reign. Moreover, superstars like Finn Balor or Elias could really use the title to add credibility to their current runs.

Plus, Rollins needs to drop the title to Ambrose, so that he can rise up the ranks to Universal Championship contention if the rumours of Rollins vs. Lesnar at WrestleMania 35 are indeed true.

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