With the project still in development, there’s no telling when a trailer will be dropped. There’s virtually no information circulating the internet about the movie’s plot, so fans are still being kept in the dark about what to expect from Wade Wilson’s next adventure. Characters like Weasel and Blind Al will probably return, but there’s a long list of characters Marvel could bring in to further Wade’s story.

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Lady Deadpool

There was a time in the comics where Wade was tasked with saving the multiverse and in order to do so, he gathered a bunch of Deadpool variants to help him save the universe. One of these variants was a woman named Wanda Wilson, known as Lady Deadpool, who possesses all the same powers that Wade does.

Thanks to the massive impact Spider-Man: No Way Home has had on the Marvel Cinematic Universe, bringing in Lady Deadpool as a variant could help connect Deadpool 3 to some bigger overarching storylines currently driving the franchise. Having two Deadpool’s would also mean twice the vulgarity, fourth wall breaks and humor than ever before.

Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man

It might just be wishful thinking, but fans are hopeful that Andrew Garfield isn’t quite done suiting up to play Spider-Man just yet. The chances of him getting another solo movie doesn’t appear to be in the cards right now, but that doesn’t mean he can’t make more cameos alongside other MCU stars to help enhance the storylines of other characters.

Spider-Man and Deadpool have a wild and complicated history in the comics, but their unsuspected friendship is wildly popular amongst superhero lovers. Spider-Man’s strict moral code in combination with Deadpool’s wildly unhinged way of taking care of business makes them polar opposites in every sense of the word. However, their dynamic works beautifully and Garfield’s Spider-Man would surely have tons of hilarious chemistry with Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool.

The Punisher

Netflix’s Marvel-inspired shows have now been moved to Disney Plus, since the MCU has been working more with the heroes and villains. One such character is The Punisher’s titular protagonist, Frank Castle, who uses his military training to enact vengeance on those he deems deserving of it. The Punisher works best in R rated settings, given how violent he can be, so giving him a place in Deadpool 3 means the MCU won’t have to water down his character to fit the PG-13 limits imposed on their other projects.

There was a string of comics released in 2017, titled Deadpool vs. The Punisher, where the two ex-military men battled it out with each other over numerous volumes. Pitting them against each other in Deadpool 3 would make for a bloody, brilliant story, given that both of them have no qualms about killing those who do wrong. It’d also be interesting to see how Deadpool handles himself against someone as deadly as he is.


Kingpin is officially part of the MCU, thanks to the Hawkeye series that premiered on Disney Plus near the end of 2021. The series finale led viewers to believe that Kingpin is to be presumed dead, thanks to the sound of a gunshot, but there’s still no evidence to prove that he’s been taken down for good.

Kingpin certainly isn’t easy to kill and the chances of him actually being dead are very slim. It’s far more likely that he’s hiding away somewhere and plotting his revenge on Maya Lopez for pulling the trigger, while stirring up as much trouble as possible.

In the Marvel Comics, Kingpin actually employed Deadpool as a mercenary for some time, when Wade wasn’t in control of his mind. Kingpin could surely use someone to do his dirty work while he lurks in the shadows, and it would bring an entirely new layer to Deadpool’s story in the MCU.


Deadpool was once held captive in the comics by the Skrulls, then forced to train them in order to be better killers. He eventually teamed up briefly with Nick Fury after escaping, and shared information about everything he learned while in captivity. The Skrulls have been popping up here and there throughout the MCU, and with a Secret Invasion project already in the works, their involvement in Deadpool 3 could set the stage for the events of the upcoming Disney Plus series.

It’s still unclear why Talos was masquerading as Nick Fury in Spider-Man: Far From Home, aside from giving the former S.H.I.E.L.D. director a break from the superhero stuff. Either way, the twist proved that Skrulls are capable of going anywhere while pretending to be anyone, and Wade would certainly have his hands full dealing with an alien army.

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