One of the most notable changes to a current hero is the switching of Doomfist, previously a DPS character, to a tank. Blizzard announced just before the release of the Overwatch 2 beta that Doomfist’s kit was getting altered to better suit him for the role of tank. Since the sequel only allows one tank per team, this type of change shakes up the competitive meta even more. However, when looking at all the changes being made, it is clear that there are other heroes who would benefit from a role change.

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Bastion has received many reworks to abilities and his ultimate. Even during the original Overwatch beta, he had different features, such as a self-deploying shield when entering sentry configuration. As such, it was no surprise when it was announced that Bastion is getting a slue of alterations in Overwatch 2.

These changes make Bastion a more mobile powerhouse that now transforms into an artillery unit through his ultimate, which seems to make the character better equipped to act as a tank. If given more health and armor, Bastion would be perfectly suited to act as a solo tank whose job is to disrupt the enemy’s momentum.


Orisa recently received a hefty rework for Overwatch 2. Many of her shield and stopping abilities have been removed in favor of more mobile and offensive skills. With Doomfist transitioning to a tank, Orisa would benefit from taking his place as DPS.

This hero already puts out a high amount of damage but after the rework, she will lose most of the defensive capabilities that make her a powerful tank. With the addition of the Energy Javelin ability and the Terra Surge ultimate, Orisa will be very useful at picking off enemies, similar to how Doomfist did as a DPS character.


Since her introduction into Overwatch, Brigitte has always seemed like of off-healer. Though she has the ability to hand out small amounts of health via a Repair Pack, her main form of healing has always been through attacking. This ability does have its benefits, but it will be less viable with more one-on-one fights coming in Overwatch 2.

With her high-damage flail and shield, Brigitte is a close-quarters powerhouse, which usually leaves players who use her less interested in healing and more focused on getting into the fray. Even if the passive healing from attacks was kept as an ability, Brigitte is much better suited for combat and would benefit from a change to DPS.


Torbjorn is an effective DPS character in the original Overwatch. However, with the changes coming with Overwatch 2, he might not be able to keep up with the other highly-mobile heroes. Since his main ability is a stationary turret, and he once had the ability to buff teammates with armor packs, Torbjorn’s true calling could be as an off-support character.

Overwatch 2 is going to be much more faced paced than its predecessor, and Torbjorn’s lack of mobility does not make him an ideal character to push objectives. That being said, he has high-quality defensive capabilities, so with the reintroduction to his armor packs (or using the repair packs from Brigitte’s current kit), Torbjorn’s ability to hold down a position while assisting his teammates would be exceptionally useful.


Symmetra has been suffering from an identity crisis since the beginning of Overwatch. Her abilities, ultimate, and even her role have been changed more than any other heroes. She currently plays as a DPS character, and this does make sense given her high damage output, but Symmetra’s other attributes are less fitting for the role.

Her ultimate and abilities lend her to be more of a non-healing support character. Providing team shields and mass transport via her teleporting should become Symmetra’s main focus in Overwatch 2, with small adjustments also being made to her unbalanced damage output. All the heroes of Overwatch 2 will need to be at their prime in order to stay viable in this ever-changing game, so some more role changes could be beneficial.

Overwatch 2 is in development.

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