Now, Nintendo’s most recent Direct revealed that Monster Hunter Rise will be receiving a new expansion this summer titled Sunbreak. Monster Hunter World also received a massive expansion called Iceborne, and although little is known about Sunbreak, fans are hoping that it will be of a similar size. This would include new regions, weapon abilities, armor sets, weapons, and, of course, new monsters. Monster Hunter Rise does already boast a sizable roster of monsters both classic and new, but the series has been around for a very long time, and there are still plenty of classic Monster Hunter creatures that should come to Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.

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Nerscylla was first introduced in Monster Hunter 4 and is one of the most freakish-looking monsters in the series, an example of Monster Hunter’s fantastic monster design. Resembling a real-life arachnid, Nerscylla is a massive spider that can move at incredibly fast speeds, even when using sideways. Its attacks come from one of its four legs, two claws, its large retractable jaw, or the stinger that is at the tip of its abdomen. The Nerscylla can also quickly spin webs to both make nests and trap hunters and prey alike.

The Nerscylla is also able to walk on walls and ceilings thanks to the barbs that it has on the end of its legs, as well as being able to swing itself through the air with its web. This makes the Nerscylla a great candidate to start off fighting hunters in the jungle or forest before retreating to a claustrophobic cave where its nest is. This nest as well as the Nerscylla’s breakable body parts would also provide a great way for players to get poison-themed equipment and armor sets in Monster Hunter Rise.


Monoblos are a very powerful flying wyvern in the Monster Hunter series. The Monoblos first appeared in the first Monster Hunter, and have a brown, rock-like carapace that looks similar to the iconic Diablos monster. One major difference between the two is that the head of a Monoblos resembles a Styracosaurus with a beaked mouth and a pointed nasal horn. The monster also features a large frill on the back of its head as well as spikes of various sizes.

The Monoblos attacks primarily with its mace-like tail while also having a roar that is an effective lethal weapon in itself. The Monoblos is also well known for being able to tunnel through the sand of the desert, allowing it to ambush prey and hunters alike. The Monoblos is also similar to Monster Hunter’s Diablos in that it is incredibly aggressive and will attack hunters immediately upon seeing them.

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Lunastra is an Elder Dragon that first appeared in Monster Hunter 2 but recently showed up in Monster Hunter World as well. There is already a handful of Elder Dragons in Monster Hunter Rise, and they are the most powerful monsters in the game. Fans are always excited to see new Elder Dragons added to every Monster Hunter game and while Lunastra is not one of Monster Hunter’s most powerful Elder Dragons, it is a unique enough one to be a more than worthy addition to Monster Hunter Rise.

Lunastra is a dragon with lion-like features and a blue-gray coloration complete with a large mane, fangs, and a crest that is reminiscent of a crown. Historically, she had a very powerful attack that saw her filling an area of flammable powder that she could spread by beating her wings. She could then snap her teeth together to create a spark that ignites the area to try and catch hunters in the devastating explosion. Her unique attacks and appearance would make Lunastra a great option for the much-needed addition of Elder Dragons in Monster Hunter Rise.

Jhen Mohran

Jhen Mohran is another Elder Dragon that was introduced in Monster Hunter 3. The Jhen Mohran is a massive monster with a serpentine body and massive tusks extending out on either side of its mouth. It closely resembles an alligator and moves by dragging its body and rear legs along the ground behind it or by swimming through the sand of the desert. It also has a spine of rocky outcrops that hunters can mine to find valuable minerals. It may be difficult for Monster Hunter Rise to get the Jhen Mohran to work on the Switch, but it would incredible to see if the developers could make it work.


The final Elder Dragon that would be a great addition to Monster Hunter Rise is Kirin, who was introduced in the very first Monster Hunter. Kirin resembles a Unicorn, but also has lion-like features on its face and has a body covered in scales. Kirin’s long mane stands on end as if holding static electricity, while the Elder Dragon can also summon lightning to shoot at attackers or to cover the area around it. Kirin can also cast electricity around itself for increased protection, while an even more difficult of Kirin has shown up throughout Monster Hunter and has even more electrical abilities. Kirin is also incredibly agile, allowing it to dance around its opponents and quickly strike an enemy with its horn before retreating to a safe distance before they have time to react. Thankfully, Kirin is quite peaceful unless provoked, so hunters who happen across the Elder Dragon don’t have to worry about it too much unless they make it angry in some way.

Monster Hunter Rise is available now on Switch with a PC version releasing in 2022.

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