It’s fair enough if you buy a ticket to watch the show, but at least show some modesty towards the lovely wrestling you’re being allowed to view.

With that being said, such fans only make up a small portion of the overall WWE Universe, which tends to react and view the week to week product in a number of different ways.

It certainly allows for a wider spectrum when it comes to analysing a big angle or match, but it can also confuse people who like to rest a lot of importance on what other people perceive to be good.

For example, one person rating a match five stars does not make it a classic. What makes it a classic is if the majority of the viewing audience are encapsulated with the contest to the point where they are on the edge of their seat hanging on every near fall that takes place.

It’s very rare you get moments like that in the modern day landscape, but once you do it, it can provide fans with some magical memories that last a lifetime.

With that being said, being able to universally agree on something is never going to be a trait WWE supporters possess. So instead, let’s look at five classic types of WWE wrestling fans.

#1 Smart fans

To a lot of people, this lot are considered to be the worst of the bunch. Smart fans are the guys and girls that read the dirt sheets and listen in depth to the Wrestling Observer, proclaiming they know everything that’s going to happen in the next three months of WWE television.

Whilst they get something right here and there, they’re largely not correct all too often.

But it’s not even the fact they choose to read supposed spoilers - it’s that they flaunt it in other fans’ faces and their enjoyment of the product suffers as a result. If they’re entirely convinced something will happen and it doesn’t, they’re left feeling dejected as opposed to just enjoying the moment for what it is.

Being so fascinated with WWE that you want to know exactly what happens is fair enough, but don’t act holier than thou and then expect no repercussions once you’ve been proven wrong.

Just sit back, try and enjoy the show for what it is and remember back to when you were a kid and first fell in love with wrestling.

Speaking of love, that’s definitely something that isn’t present within this next lot.

#2 Pessimists

This portion of the fanbase goes into a multitude of WWE events expecting to be disappointed. They’ll watch the Royal Rumble and WrestleMania purely due to habit, looking miserable as they pick out every individual flaw in every match on the card.

You may think that it’s only themselves they are harming by doing this, but it can cause something of a domino effect.

As we previously mentioned, a lot of WWE fans are very impressionable and being so down on an event can lead to others feeling the exact same way when upon first viewing they loved what they saw.

Pessimism may just be the natural state of being for these people, but that doesn’t mean their experience should start to poison the optimists among the WWE Universe. Regardless of whether it makes sense or not, everyone enjoys a bizarre result or a touch of nostalgia every now and then.

Ironically enough, nostalgia plays no part whatsoever in this next selection.

#3 Five star critics

Boy oh boy. The great thing about professional wrestling is that it allows you to combine a number of different aspects of entertainment, creating this entirely unique entity. There’s showmanship, drama, athleticism - and it makes for some fascinating viewing when you consider how much work goes into it.

Unfortunately, some people are only looking towards what goes on in the ring. They couldn’t care less about the production team or the storylines, and instead, they just want to base every thought they have on the actual wrestling.

That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it can be frustrating when you think back to bouts like The Rock vs Hulk Hogan.

Now that wasn’t the greatest technical match-up in the history of WWE, but the atmosphere and occasion dragged it up towards being a classic. However, five-star critics may choose to disagree based on what they perceive to be “good” wrestling.

Onto the guys who are looking for a more laid back experience.

#4 Casual fans

These guys can actually be a lot of fun, but it depends on how you see the WWE landscape as a whole. A lot of casual fans are defined by their love of the Attitude Era, and instead of watching week to week they choose to just pop in and out of the big shows such as Mania or SummerSlam.

This definitely increases the subscriptions or buy rates for those events, but for the other 364 days of the year, WWE are left with less viewership.

What’s even worse is that the company deems these people to be so important that they cram as many veterans as they can into the PPVs just so that such fans can bask in the nostalgic glory of their past heroes.

That’s all well and good, but when people like The Rock are taking up precious time that can instead be awarded to future talent, it becomes a problem.

There’s a fine line with these kinds of things and while casual fans are well within their rights to be “part-timers” themselves, the impact they have on the business isn’t necessarily a good one.

We’ll take a page out of WWE’s book now and end on a high note to send the fans home happy.

#5 Hardcore fans

If you want the definition of thick and thin, you’ve come to the right place.

It doesn’t matter if it’s snowing, there’s awful traffic or your TV has been stolen - one way or another hardcore WWE fans will find a way to watch every weekly edition of Monday Night Raw and Tuesday Night SmackDown because they just love everything about the company.

These are the people that keep the WWE going, and they’re also the people that represent why WWE is so great. No matter how bad things can be in your personal life or how poor the quality of the product actually is, professional wrestling can provide an escape from the every day lives of people who just want to relax and enjoy themselves.

Every wrestling fanatic has people in their lives that don’t quite understand the industry or what it’s about, but that’s okay - because they don’t need to. The important thing is that these men and women are as loyal as they can be and they’re the ones who have dreamed about going to WrestleMania since they were young.

If we had one word to sum them up, it would be this - irreplaceable.

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