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Some Pokémon suffer from the handicap of a terrible name, while others benefit from names that make us smile. Who doesn’t want Pikachu to have a “peek at you”? So with that, here are 5 Pokémon with clever names and 5 that are just lame.

10 Clever: Drampa

This precious Normal/Dragon-type Pokémon from the Alola region has a name just as adorable as its design. Drampa perfectly describes an elderly looking dragon. However, don’t let the name fool you into thinking that it’s also a reference to gender. All Drampa are not exclusively male Pokémon. Even though there isn’t a “Dram-ma,” there are both female and male Drampa.

9 Lame: Seel

You may recognize a common theme throughout the “Lame” entries on this list. Over the years, Game Freak has made a habit of naming some Pokémon by simply mis-spelling words. Our first example of this is Seel. The name is, of course, just the mis-spelling of “seal.” Creative? Nope. However, it is an apt description of the design. After all, this Pokémon is, well, a seal.

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Poor Seel suffers from more than just a weak name. It’s also a weak Pokémon. Its stats, movepool, and design are all simply uninteresting. It’s a cute little seal, the least they could have done would have been to give it a better name.

8 Clever: Honchkrow

Want a name in the form of an excellent pun? We give you the evolution of Murkrow created in Gen 4: Honchkrow. The name is derived from “honcho,” as in “head honcho,” and this is definitely the “Boss Crow.” It is designed after your typical old-school crime boss, with a crest that looks like a classic gangster trilby and the feathers on its chest resembling an ascot.

7 Lame: Krabby

Our next member of the “spelled badly” club is Krabby, the pre-evolution of Kingler from Gen 1. Yep. You guessed it. It’s an ill-tempered crab. Krabby belongs in a different game franchise. Who can look at this thing, see its name, and not immediately think “Spongebob?” Of course, in Bikini Bottom, they go all out with misspelling both words in “Krusty Krab.”

6 Clever: Toxtricity

Honestly, could there be a better name for a Poison/Electric-type Pokémon? Toxtricity is the best. It is a play on the words “toxicity,” and “electricity.” Toxtricity’s design has a great punk rocker vibe, and this concept is honestly a match made in heaven for the typing.

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Further capitalizing on its name and design, Toxtricity is often seen strumming the protrusions on its chest like an electric guitar and rocking out with its shocking mohawk.

5 Lame: Sawk

The last but definitely not least of our “spelled badly” gang is Sawk. A pure Fighting-type introduced in Gen 5, its name is a corruption of the word “sock” as in the synonym for “punch.” Sigh. Alright, so they nailed the combat theme of the name, but that is about all it has going for it. What makes this name upsetting is that most of our “spelled badly” bunch belong to Gen 1. Sawk didn’t come along until Gen 5. You would think that Game Freak would have gotten a bit better by then. It seems like such a step backward.

4 Clever: Primarina

Gen 7 has phenomenal starters and one of them ends up with a fabulous name. Primarina is the final evolution of Popplio, the Water-type starter. A combination of a prima donna, ballerina, and marina, the name just fits. Primarina’s elegant design even includes a cute tutu.

3 Lame: Ekans/Arbok

These names hit a new low for the “Lame” section of the list. Ekans, one of many, many, Poison-types from the Kanto region, is just “snake” spelled backward. Arbok is the same idea, just with the word “cobra” spelled both backward and badly. They are poisonous snakes, we get it, but come on. You could at least throw in a little creativity. How about a simple combination of words meaning “poisonous” and “asp”? “Venoviper” or something similar gets the point across a little more creatively.

2 Clever: Flapple

Great puns really do seem to be one of the magical elements in a Pokemon’s name to make it worth remembering. Flapple gets its puns across in both its name and design. The name “Flapple” is a combination of the words “flap,” the sound of its wings moving up and down, and “apple,” the fruit that makes up its skin and wings. This could not reflect Flapple’s design and typing more accurately. A Dragon/Grass-type, Flapple is literally a “wyrm” inside of an apple that has now grown too large and is using the remains of its old home as its skin.

1 Lame: Electrode

It is often said that Electrode is one of, if not the most, uninteresting design in all of Pokémon. Detractors point out that it’s just a living Poke Ball and nothing more. However, nobody ever talks about the name. Is the name really any better than the design? No. Electrode is just a word. Outside of the Pokéverse, an electrode is an electrical conductor used to make contact with a nonmetallic part of a circuit.

Ok, so Electrode’s name is appropriate for pointing out that you’re dealing with an Electric-type, but the fact of the matter is that’s still just a word in the English language. Could they have been lazier? It’s like naming your dog, “Dog.” In the end, it could have been worse. They could have gone with “Ball.”

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