Other complications are caused by the imbalance of fluids and electrolytes in the body and the impact this has on blood pressure and heart function.

Preventing complications of hemodialysis requires careful management on the part of your nephrologist (kidney specialist), the dialysis team, and you as the patient. Knowing the causes and symptoms can ensure that treatment is delivered quickly if a complication occurs, further extending your life, health, and well-being.

This article discusses some of the complications of hemodialysis and how you can recognize them.


Hemodialysis requires the creation of an artificial access point in the body. This poses a risk in that the closed vascular system is now open.

Infection is a continual risk in people undergoing hemodialysis. This is because the access point provides bacteria and other microorganisms the opportunity to enter the bloodstream. If an infection were to occur, symptoms would typically include:

Local swelling, redness, warmth, and painThe accumulation of pus beneath the skinFever and/or chills

Antibiotics are typically used to treat the infection. Heparin, a type of blood thinner, may be used to prevent blood clots and limb ischemia. Maintaining optimal hygiene and sanitary practices can significantly reduce the risk of infection.


Hypotension, or low blood pressure, is a common occurrence during hemodialysis. The dose and speed of the procedure can cause the too-rapid removal of fluids from the blood. When this happens, the internal pressure in the blood vessels will invariably drop, sometimes steeply. This can cause symptoms such as:

Abdominal discomfortYawning or sighingNauseaVomitingMuscle crampsRestlessnessAnxietyDizziness or faintingClammy skinBlurred vision

Adhering to the recommended fluid restrictions can help. By limiting your fluid intake, the amount being extracted during dialysis will be decreased, and any drop in blood pressure will be minimized.

Electrolyte Abnormalities

Hemodialysis not only removes toxins and excess fluid from the body, but also many of the electrolytes that the body needs to function. In most cases, this won’t pose a concern if you adhere to the proper diet.

However, if you have diabetes or take angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs), even adherence to the diet may not be enough to prevent a condition known as hypokalemia.


Hypokalemia is abnormally low potassium in the blood. Potassium is one of the most important electrolytes that the body uses to regulate fluid balance, muscle contractions, and nerve signals. When potassium levels drop excessively, it can affect all of these functions, causing:

FatigueWeaknessConstipationMuscle crampingHeart palpitations

If hypokalemia is extreme—defined as levels below 2.5 millimoles per liter (mmol/l)—it can cause potentially serious complications including the breakdown of muscle tissue, ileus (lazy bowels), cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heart rate), respiratory failure, paralysis, and atrial or ventricular fibrillation.

Fluid Overload

Fluid overload, also known as hypervolemia, occurs when the kidneys are no longer able to remove enough fluid from the body. If the dialysis machine is not calibrated correctly, hypervolemia may persist despite treatment.

Symptoms of hypervolemia include:

HeadacheAbdominal cramping and bloatingShortness of breathSwelling of the feet, ankles, wrist, and faceHigh blood pressureWeight gain

Adhering to fluid restrictions and tracking your fluid intake can significantly reduce the risk of hypervolemia.

If left untreated, hypervolemia can lead to heart problems, including congestive heart failure, cardiac arrhythmia, and cardiomegaly (enlargement of the heart).

Dialysis Disequilibrium Syndrome

Dialysis disequilibrium syndrome (DDS) is an uncommon neurological condition that typically affects people who have just started hemodialysis. It is believed to be the body’s response to a procedure it considers abnormal, resulting in the release of inflammatory cytokines and other inflammatory chemicals that cause the brain to swell (cerebral edema).

Symptoms of DDS include:

WeaknessDizzinessNausea and vomitingHeadacheMuscle crampsChanges in behavior or mental status

This is usually a short-lasting complication that will resolve as the body adapts to treatment. Intravenous saline is sometimes used to raise blood pressure along with an injection of mannitol (a diuretic) to relieve swelling and pressure around the brain.


Hemodialysis is meant to replicate the function of the kidneys, but it is an inexact science. If the speed of the procedure is too aggressive, or the individual being treated doesn’t adhere to the proper dietary or fluid restrictions, the homeostasis (balance) of the body chemistry can be thrown off, causing side effects and complications.

The most common side effect of hemodialysis is infection. Hypotension, electrolyte imbalances, fluid overload, and dialysis disequilibrium syndrome are some of the other complications you may experience when you undergo hemodialysis.