While WrestleMania is known as a time where the impossible suddenly becomes possible and dream matches take place, it is also a time where WWE sometimes has to do what is best for business. Unfortunately for fans, that’s not always with their best interest in mind.

In fact, WrestleManias in the past have had myriad controversial things happen that fans didn’t like and while some of them became more accepted over time, others still live in infamy as a moment that WWE got wrong.

Of course, WWE doesn’t see it that way and the result ends up being exactly what the company wanted in the first place, but not to the fans.

Take WrestleMania 33 for example where fans thought that Bray Wyatt would retain his WWE Championship against Randy Orton, but ended up losing it to The Viper instead. Not only did the incident kill Wyatt’s momentum moving forward, especially after him moving brands so quick, it also ruined any chance of a future push.

With that incident in mind and WWE’s history of making controversial decisions at WrestleMania, here are five they need to make at this year’s WrestleMania. Tell us if you believe these things will make this year’s show of shows better or worse to watch?

#5 Kevin Owens or Sami Zayn must pin Daniel Bryan

Let’s get the hardest one out of the way.

While the WWE Universe is hoping beyond hope that Daniel Bryan is able to defeat Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn at WrestleMania 34, it actually makes a lot more sense if he doesn’t. In fact, this is probably one of those cases where the veteran Superstar needs to lose clean in order to put over their younger counterparts.

Again, it’s not perfect and will probably be met with a lot of backlash, but its worth it if Owens and Zayn can brag that they defeated Bryan in his first match since coming out of retirement. Not only that, it also sets both Owens and Zayn up for title opportunities in the future and is a perfect end to the storyline between Zayn, Owens Bryan and McMahon.

In the end, Bryan and Shane winning would be a pretty cool moment to see; it just puts over two guys that are wrestling on a part-time basis and completely buries two of the company’s top heels in the process. It’s not best for business and that’s why Zayn and Owens need to come out on top in this one.

#4 Jinder Mahal must win the United States title

You know it’s a poorly put together storyline when Jinder Mahal is the most entertaining part of the whole thing. Unfortunately for the WWE, who seemed hell-bent on pushing Bobby Roode as the next big mid-carder on Smackdown Live, fans haven’t really been getting behind him as much as the company would have hoped.

With that being said, and Jinder Mahal and Rusev now being added to the match to create more excitement around the United States title picture, it should come as no surprise that Mahal would probably be WWE’s best case scenario here. Of course, they could go with Rusev, who is immensely popular with fans right now, but it wouldn’t make much sense.

Think about it! If Rusev were to defeat Randy Orton, Bobby Roode and Jinder Mahal for the title, he would arguably just be in the same place he was in three years ago when he debuted on the main roster.

Sure, the gimmick would be a little different and he would be a babyface this time, but how long is that really going to last before getting boring.

Again, it doesn’t mean that the gimmick won’t draw in fans, but it is pretty obvious that WWE would be able to get a lot more mileage out of a heel United States champion gimmick. WWE could even set up Jinder Mahal versus John Cena for the title later on, which would be pretty great to see given the circumstances.

#3 Finn Balor must win the Intercontinental title

WWE hasn’t been taking Finn Balor and The Balor Club very seriously over the past year or so, but all that can finally change with one simple win at WrestleMania 34. Not only would the win put him on the right foot heading into the rest of the year, it would also be a huge way to cement his legacy as the future of the company.

The Intercontinental title is small potatoes compared to that of the Universal Title and WWE title, but it would allow WWE to give Balor a trial run with a title and not devote too much television time to it in case he gets injured again. It’s also a great way to set up a feud between Rollins and Balor at Backlash, which will be a great continuation of their amazing rivalry over the past couple of months.

In the end, Rollins winning the Intercontinental title would be great to see, but Rollins doesn’t need it as much as Balor does right now. In fact, if WWE chooses to have Balor come up short one more time in his quest for title gold, it could end up cementing his legacy as the biggest bust on the main roster in NXT history.

#2 Roman Reigns versus Brock Lesnar must be the main event

Believe it or not, this actually works to the WWE Universe’s benefit when all is said and done. While the WWE Universe is probably dreading the idea of yet another Roman Reigns main event, especially since its almost the exact same match from WrestleMania 30, there would definitely be no excuses if WWE got this one wrong.

With that being said and the fact that Reigns getting a positive reaction at WrestleMania 34 is near impossible, why not give WWE that one more chance to prove the fans wrong? If they can’t, which is highly likely given Reigns’ status with the WWE Universe, it should set the precedent that Reigns will never be able to get over with the fans.

Sooner or later, WWE is hopefully going to realize that Roman Reigns isn’t what the WWE Universe is looking for as their “next big thing”, or lose fans until they come to that realization.

#1 John Cena must defeat The Undertaker

This shouldn’t be happening!

Unfortunately for the WWE Universe, it does look like this match will be happening at WrestleMania 34 and we all know how it’s going to end. Sure, some Undertaker fans or even John Cena detractors might believe that WWE will do the right thing and have Undertaker come out on top, that outcome is not best for business.

In fact, what is best for business is for Cena to get arguably the biggest win of his career and knock off The Undertaker at WrestleMania 34. Not only would the win cement Cena’s career as the single best run in WWE history, it also finally satisfies the answer of what happens when The Deadman meets The Cenation leader on the Grandest Stage of Them All.

Of course, some are probably wondering how a loss for The Undertaker is best for business and how Cena deserves such a monumental win, but it really all comes down to realism. With that being said and The Undertaker bogged down with both age and a bulk of nagging injuries, it’s unfortunate to say that him winning isn’t exactly realistic.

In the end, someone needs to finally put The Undertaker down for the last time and there is no better swansong than to lose to the person that was arguably this generation’s most popular and most dominant Superstar.

Maybe some will disagree with that notion and are entitled to their opinion, but what exactly does a win for The Undertaker do?

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