The showcase of the immortals, the granddaddy of them all or the biggest pay per view of the entire year! No matter what you prefer to call the upcoming pay-per-view, the general consensus is that there is an unprecedented amount of excitement around it. In fact, WrestleMania season seems to feel a little bit more exciting than in previous years.

Whether that is due to the fact that we are only months away from witnessing the first ever all women’s main event or the possibility of The Shield reuniting to take on Brock Lesnar is anyone’s guess, but it really feels like WWE is giving it their all here. Beyond that, it really makes you believe that they are willing to pull out all the stops this time.

With that being said and only a short time remaining until WrestleMania 35 is finally upon us, here are five things WWE must do before WrestleMania 35. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us what you think WWE needs to do in the coming months!

#5 Build Asuka back up

WWE has done next to nothing with Asuka after she made Becky Lynch submit to retain her Smackdown Live Women’s title and it’s really killing her momentum. Of course, her momentum was also severely depleted after Mandy Rose defeated her via roll up, but being off television for seemingly no reason isn’t helping anything.

If nothing else, WWE needs to once again show fans why Asuka is a big deal on the main roster. Now how they choose to do all that is up to them and will depend on what they think they can do with the time they have left, but anything has to be better than keeping her off tv for months and bringing her back once to lose to Many Rose.

In the end, it’s just disappointing to see a superstar like Asuka being treated like this. Keep in mind this is the same woman that went undefeated in NXT, was forced to relinquish The NXT Women’s title due to injury and was once pegged as the next big thing to hit the roster. This woman is supposed to be a big deal and WWE needs to treat her like one!

#4 Give Charlotte Flair The Women’s title

Seriously though, just give it to her!

Not only will Vince McMahon handing The Raw Women’s title to Charlotte Flair be the single most out of touch thing that Vince McMahon could do, but it also creates a stacked deck against Ronda Rousey and Becky Lynch heading into WrestleMania 35. In fact, it almost forces Lynch and Rousey into a pseudo-alliance to take Charlotte out.

Beyond that, it would be one of the most shocking moments in Monday Night Raw history and could very well be a pivotal moment in the storyline. Maybe it could even ricochet the match to the main event status that WWE is going for with this kind of match and make it something fans will always remember

In the end, WWE ratings are falling and some fans are losing interest before Wrestlemania even comes around, which is why WWE needs to do this! If nothing else, this moment will act as the catalyst that really makes this white-hot feud everything that it can be and more. WWE just needs to pull the trigger and watch the results unfold.

#3 Let Becky Lynch get her hands on Vince McMahon

Let’s be honest here.

Watching Becky Lynch get her hands on Vince McMahon after he took her out of the Raw Women’s title match at WrestleMania 35 would be nothing short of cathartic. Furthermore, the move could be one of the biggest moments in the company’s history and might even make the WrestleMania 35 main event more most see than it is already.

Of course, WWE should probably tease the brawl a couple of times, especially with the company still needing to do enough storyline wise before WrestleMania 35, but Lynch should eventually exact her revenge on The Chairman that screwed her over. Maybe Lynch could even threaten to beat McMahon until he puts her back in the match.

And then WWE can have Rousey take a couple of shots at him for good measure while the crowd goes wild. In the end, it would be the perfect way to keep this white-hot feud heading into the next couple of months and maybe even give Monday Night Raw a huge pop in the ratings as well.

#2 Make Vince McMahon appear more insane

WWE has made a habit of bringing realism into storylines over the course of the last couple of years, but nothing could compare to WWE finally making Vince McMahon look out of touch. Interestingly enough, WWE has already done this to an extent by taking Becky Lynch and Kofi Kingston out of their respective title matches and it looks like the trend will continue!

While some might see the move as ridiculous and controversial, just imagine WWE doing this kind of thing with Dean Ambrose. In fact, between Ambrose’s real-life gripes against the company and the storyline of him leaving after his contract is up, why not have Ambrose go to head to head with McMahon to prove that the chairman is even more out of touch.

WWE could even threaten to separate The Shield via the upcoming Superstar shakeup and it would perfectly cement the fact that McMahon has lost touch with reality. After WWE establishes that a little bit more, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon can then make a power grab and have control of the company hang in the balance at WrestleMania 35.

#1 Don’t reunite The Shield too fast

Give us what we want WWE!

Fortunately for The WWE Universe, it seems like WWE is actually going to go through with The Shield reunion, especially after Roman Reigns’ and Seth Rollins’s interactions with Dean Ambrose on Raw and it honestly couldn’t have come at a better time for WWE. In fact, WWE reuniting The Shield before WrestleMania 35 seems like one of the company’s best ideas.

With that being said and WWE already hinting at reuniting The Shield last week on Raw, the company needs to play things a little smarter this time. For example, instead of just rushing into The Shield reunion with a little build like they did last time, the company really needs to stretch it out and really take their time with this.

Not only will that allow their eventual reunion to be all the more impactful, but it also gives WWE something to do with Rollins while Brock Lesnar is still away being a part-time champion. Beyond that, WWE could eventually use The Shield as a tool to protect Lesnar in defeat At WrestleMania 35 and allow Rollins to finally win The Universal title.

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