And the best way to accomplish this is to chop Rousey down to size like the company has been doing for the last couple of months. For example, WWE used a storyline rib injury to slow Rousey down during her title match with Alexa Bliss, which made the match a little more competitive and believable.

Of course, there are some fans that are going to dislike the fact that the WWE keeps making Rousey look more and more vulnerable, but it is quickly becoming the only way that WWE can keep fans invested in her title reign. It also does a great job of helping to elevate other superstars, which is also important.

With that being said, and less than two weeks to go before the Evolution pay per view, here are five ways they can make Nikki Bella look like a legitimate threat to Ronda Rousey’s title reign. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and tell us if you are looking forward to Rousey versus Bella at Evolution.

#5 Backstage brawl

There’s nothing quite like a backstage brawl to add to the intensity of a feud and WWE would probably benefit by doing so with Rousey and Bela. Not only will it give Bella another chance to show her aggressive side, which will help paint her as a believable threat, it also makes the feud a little bit more personal at the same time.

Beyond that, a backstage brawl would be great for the go-home show before the Evolution pay per view and serve as a last ditch effort to get fans interested in the feud.

WWE could even have Brie Bella take part in the backstage brawl, which will help plant even more doubt that Rousey will walk away with the title at Evolution.

#4 Target a body part

Another great way to chop Ronda Rousey down to size is to once again give her a storyline injury and have Nikki exploit it before and after the match. At least this way Nikki can believably stand toe to toe with Rousey and also gain a little heat every time she intentionally injures the champion.

In the end, targeting a body part, especially something like her arms or legs, would be a great way to slow Rousey down and make her focus on her power game to beat Bella. With Rousey slowed down and Bella targeting a specific body part throughout the match, it will create an opportunity for brutal moves, near falls and the comeback of a lifetime.

Maybe WWE could even have Nikki severely injure Rousey before the match and even put in doubt whether she can compete or not. Not only would that create a lot of mystery leading up the big pay per view, it also helps add to the story of Rousey not being 100 percent when the match does actually take place.

#3 Double team

Let’s be honest here - Twin Magic was a very effective move when The Bella Twins were just starting out and using it against an opponent like Ronda Rousey would be the ultimate trickery. Its also a way to stack the odds against Rousey in a way that at least makes it believable for Nikki to walk out with The Women’s title.

No matter how WWE decides to do twin magic it works perfectly with The Bella twins heel dynamic and helps create sympathy for Rousey. Of course, a lot of fans are probably going to be upset that WWE would do something cheap like this to help level the playing field, but if it levels the playing field and creates doubt, it’s very much worth it.

In the end, using Brie Bella would definitely be to WWE’s advantage and really help benefit the entire match. it would basically be the same thing WWE did with The Miz and The Miztourage last year. It helped Miz win matches and helped stack the deck against anyone that was unlucky enough to go against him.

#2 Have Rousey lose a match

Believe it or not, there is no better way to kill a superstars momentum, even just for a moment, by handing them the first loss of their career. Just take Asuka for example, who suffered her first loss to Charlotte Flair at WrestleMania 34 and hasn’t been much of threat since then.

With that being said, Rousey losing a match to Nikki Bella before the Evolution pay per view would go a long way in helping fans feel like the title is really up for grabs. Not only will that help WWE justify making this match the main event of the pay per view, it also will be a huge swerve and excellent storytelling.

Beyond that, a loss for Rousey is a huge crack in her seemingly unbreakable Armour and could be the start of a significant shift in how the company books her in the future. Of course, that’s just going to lead to Rousey eventually losing to someone else, but it’s also an effective storytelling device that will help sell this pay per view!

#1 Counter the arm bar

In all honesty, Nikki needs to counter the move once or twice before the evolution pay per view to help create doubt that Rousey can actually lock it in on Bella. This also helps take away one of Rousey’s most effective weapon and could even lead to her debuting an even more vicious finisher than before.

If Nikki Bella is going to be any kind of threat to Ronda Rousey and her title reign, she needs to be able to effectively counter Rousey’s deadly arm bar. Unfortunately for Bella, no one has been able to successfully counter the armbar, which means that she would have to be the first

In the end, there are a lot of ways to make Nikki a legitimate contender to Rousey’s title, but none seem as effective as successfully countering Rousey’s key move. In fact, it could go a long way in helping the pay per view buy rate, especially since it at least creates doubt in Rousey being able to get the job done.

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