Interestingly enough, there are rumours that several titles could be changing hands at the pay per view, but it’s not known which ones. With that being said and some of the title changes seeming obvious at this point in time, what titles are most likely to change hands come TLC?

In the end, its impossible to know exactly what will happen at the upcoming pay per view, but it is possible to take an educated guess based on what is happening now in the company and how a particular champion is doing in their role. Their challenger’s momentum and current booking will also play a factor, which will hopefully give fans a clearer picture of what to expect.

#5 Raw tag team titles

It was supposed to be a crowning moment.

Unfortunately for The Authors of Pain, what was supposed to be the start of a dominant run with the tag team titles, they quickly got turned into joke fodder a few weeks later. Of course, it was their manager, Drake Maverick, who was the laughing stock at first after pissing himself during a match, but AOP seems to be guilty by association at this point.

In fact, between jokes of AO Pee and the follow up of Maverick tossing Bobby Roode’s jacket into a toilet to piss on it, there really isn’t much WWE can do to save this storyline or this team. Furthermore, it doesn’t even seem to be worth trying at this point with so many other deserving tag team looking for an opportunity

In the end, Bobby Roode and Chad Gable have so much more momentum than AOP right now and the company would be better off just to switch the titles. Of course, that will end AOP’s reign for now, but the sooner the team becomes an afterthought, the sooner WWE can build them up as something else as far from this as possible.

#4 United States Title

It’s hard to imagine The United States title staying with Shinsuke Nakamura, especially with Rusev now in the hunt for the title. The best place to make the switch probably lies at The TLC pay per view. In fact, it could be a launching point for Rusev after several months of being stifled and might even lead to something better on down the line.

As for Nakamura, he has been largely non-existent as United States Champion. Making a title change at TLC almost needed in order to maintain the prestige of the title. Beyond that, Rusev has such a die-hard fan base, which is only going to make the decision that much more popular to put the title on him.

In the end, Nakamura’s time as United States champion has done nothing for WWE, anyone he has fought or even himself. Furthermore, the title hasn’t had a lot of television time in a while and WWE hasn’t done anything meaningful with the title when it was on television. If nothing else, its time for a change and it starts on Rusev day!

#3 Smackdown Live Women’s title

Let’s be honest here.

The WWE Universe wants to see Asuka finally get her crowning moment and win the Smackdown Live Women’s title at TLC. In all honesty, anything less than that will likely drive fans into a rage and make them consider giving up on the product, which is why the company is likely to make the safe decision here.

Interestingly enough, Ronda Rousey’s presence is also shrouded in the match and could be WWE’s way of switching the title to Asuka without making Charlotte and Becky Lynch look weak in defeat. In fact, between the threats that the two parties have lobbed at each other and the momentum that Asuka has right now, some kind of interference seems almost certain.

Whether it happens or not is up to WWE, but its hard to imagine that they wouldn’t pull the trigger on an Asuka championship reign if they have everything at their disposal to make it work.

#2 Intercontinental title

WWE has become a little too predictable

Not only is that evident by their lacklustre television product at the moment, but also by just how safe they seem to be playing most of their storylines right now. In fact, WWE seems to be hesitant to move anything forward or make any long-lasting changes that they almost have to at this point to keep fans coming back.

With that being said and Seth Rollins versus Dean Ambrose being one of the marquee matches offered by WWE at TLC, why not give Ambrose the championship to shake things up a little bit. At least that way, WWE can give fans a little surprise at the pay per view, firmly establish Ambrose as a top heel and clear up Rollins to fight for The Universal title.

Maybe it’s not how everyone wants to see Ambrose versus Rollins end, but fans can’t deny that Rollins would lose nothing in defeat and that the win would do wonders for Dean Ambrose as a top heel. It also furthers their storyline for the time being until Rollins ultimately goes for the big prize!

#1 WWE Title

Daniel Bryan won the WWE Championship from AJ Styles on a recent episode of Smackdown Live and while most thought it was the beginning of something big for Daniel Bryan, it also seemed to be due to the fact that Styles was negotiating his contract at the time. Unfortunately for Bryan, that likely means that the title change is temporary.

While WWE could always choose to keep the belt on a heel Daniel Bryan, which has been working pretty well so far, it seems at least a little more likely that WWE will switch the title back to Styles instead. In fact, if the contract negotiations were the only reason behind the Initial switch and the new deal reportedly signed, Styles should probably be champion again.

Think about it! WWE is catching a lot of flack for their booking as of late and the company needs some kind of hail mary in order to keep the fans coming back. If nothing else, switching the title back to Styles could be a way to do that and at least continue Smackdown Live’s momentum as of late while Raw continues to crumble.

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