What we already know…

The Fiend is part of a Jekyll and Hyde character with Bray Wyatt’s Firefly Fun House kids’ TV presenter-esque persona, who chooses whether to “hurt” or “heal” his victims - usually the former. The mask is based off of a Kyle Scarborough design and was created by horror SFX legend Tom Savini - who also created the latest Slipknot masks.

Until now, The Fiend has simply appeared in the ring after some sinister laughter and incredible lighting variance, demolished his opponent, then disappeared again. Until last night…

But did you catch EVERYTHING that happened in the three minutes that took The Fiend from the ramp to the ring? Well, let’s find out…

#5 A familiar lamp with a unique inspiration

Of course, it doesn’t take a genius to see what The Fiend’s lamp represents. The lantern was non other than Bray Wyatt’s previous character, complete with his trademark beard and one red dreadlock. However, the possible inspiration behind this idea is even more interesting.

Symbollically, the lantern recalls Wyatt’s original days of walking to the ring with a lantern, but having The Eater of Worlds’ decapitated head as the cover for the lantern signals the death of the previous character and a completely new, fresh start for The Fiend.

Eagle-eyed viewers, though, may have spotted the eyes stitched shut - and realised that the lantern may very well have been influenced by “Man In The Box” by Alice In Chains.

The video is reminiscent of old Bray Wyatt anyway, but the sewn eyes on The Eater of Worlds’ face are a dead giveaway - conjuring up images of the end scene of the above video where the hooded druid-type character takes his hood down to reveal his sewn-shut eyes.

The new lantern also brings a whole new meaning to “Remember, I will always light the way. All you have to do is let me in”.

#4 Hurt or Heal?

Now, the only crossover between the host of Firefly Fun House and The Fiend is the Hurt or Heal gloves that both have worn.

During The Fiend’s entrance, he lifted his hands to his face, seemingly to pull down his hood - before shielding them in front of his face, and seemingly being instructed to follow the “hurt” option after leaving his lantern down prior to the demolition of Finn Balor.

Again, this one may seem obvious, but it was easy to miss had you been encapsulated by everything else that was going on, and because of the low lighting that obscured the writing on The Fiend’s gloves as he was making his way to the ring.

Who knows if Wyatt will always choose to heal, via his various apologies on social media, and The Fiend will always hurt in the future, but this is a very intriguing storyline crossover to merely hint that both Wyatt and The Fiend are the same person, while never addressing both by the same name and having Wyatt only ever refer to The Fiend in third person.

Either way, this merely adds to the mystery of an incredibly sinister character…

#3 The Fiend gets his own aston

Lower-thirds, or astons, are merely used for one thing - to identify the person on-screen. Very boring, right?

Like Wyatt’s previous character, though, The Fiend becomes one of very few current WWE Superstars to get their own aston for their ring entrance. This has one important reason, but it tells us several things.

Much like my point in the previous slide, it establishes the character as The Fiend - NOT Bray Wyatt. WWE are insisting on keeping both as separate characters to further progress the idea that either the character has a split personality disorder, hence the violent Fiend and the friendly Wyatt, or to suggest that they are two different people, which may be even more interesting in terms of storyline.

As of now, it’s incredibly interesting - but from an outsider’s point of view, it also shows just how much WWE are invested in the character.

He gets his own lighting, a featured spot AND his own message of “Let him in” on-screen right before his no-background lower-third, maintaining a special feel around the entrance rather than slapping a generic WWE graphic on the screen during such an atmospheric moment.

#2 The Fireflies returned!

Now, this may be the most obvious one yet, but it is just another nod - like the lantern - to Bray Wyatt’s character. I don’t think anyone even contemplated the return of the Fireflies during the entrance as everyone was just so excited to see what happened - but they were out in full force last night.

The Fireflies made Wyatt’s entrance one of the most special in WWE history, and it looks like they’ll do the same for The Fiend. Granted, it’s almost a must due to how dark the arena gets for The Fiend’s entrance, like Wyatt’s - but it’s something that doesn’t even happen for The Undertaker despite the Deadman making his way to the ring in near pitch-black conditions.

Let’s hope The Fiend is kept special and we don’t see too many of these entrances, but it did make for incredible viewing experience, and something that definitely adds to The Fiend character.

If nothing else, this, the lantern and one more thing all add to creating a certain bit of nostalgia around The Fiend, linking him up to the previous Bray Wyatt character to complete the perfect repackaging, and that final thing is…

Yep, it could only be the music. Now, for people who have followed Bray Wyatt around, there’s no hiding it - The Fiend’s music was a remix of Live In Fear, Wyatt’s hugely popular theme song.

Instead of CFO$ and Mark Crozer, though, this version featured the one and only Code Orange, who have provided a second WWE Superstar with a theme tune, following that of Aleister Black!

Now, what makes this so special is, that aside from being an incredible theme, the previous song had a certain Deliverance feel to it, which went hand-in-hand with Wyatt’s old rocking-chair-sitting, backwater-cabin-living, Eater of Worlds character.

This version follows the Firefly Fun House theme fading out, features and incredibly similar voice - and just suits the updated character so much more than the old one would, while creating a unique sense of nostalgia and a fantastic Easter egg for any older fans of Bray Wyatt.


This entrance truly was something special, and it’s something that could have gone so wrong after the incredible anticipation and build-up created for The Fiend. However, everything worked so well and I, for one, really can’t wait to see what The Fiend does next…

Did you like The Fiend’s entrance? Let us know in the comments.

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