In all honesty, there is nothing this man can’t do and while he is getting up there in age, his appearance on television still gives off the same glow that it did during the Attitude Era. If nothing else, McMahon has carved his name into history as a pro wrestling legend.

With that being said, this article will be about none of that and instead focus on his more eccentric and unbelievable behavior. Here’s the five craziest Vince McMahon stories on the internet:

#5 Vince McMahon gets drunk and beat up

Whether Vince McMahon is super human or not will always be up for debate and while some believe he is just as vulnerable as anyone else, he has done a lot of things that has proven otherwise. In fact, one night after a taping, he got drunk at a bar with a bunch of his wrestlers and allowed them to perform their finishers on him.

Now, The Road Warriors were first, who performed a less brutal version of their big move on Vince McMahon, but this got Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart angry. Interestingly enough, Bret Hart and Neidhart decided not to take it so easy on the boss, which lead to Brett giving him a wicked clothesline over the bar while McMahon was on Jim’s shoulders.

According to Brett The hitman Hart, “All of a sudden I turn around and Jim [Neidhart] had Vince in the bearhug for The Hart Foundation move. I just remember Hogan and a bunch of guys looking at me like, “Are you going to do it? Or are you just going to do a powderpuff one too?” I just took his head off. I just took straight off. Clotheslined Vince right in the bar. Took him right to the ground. I remember our heads both banging on the cement carpet. I can remember Vince looking at me while we were both on the ground. He turned his head to me and I was just lying flat right beside him.”

McMahon responded in kind by saying that they owed him a drink and everyone pretty much laughed the bizarre experience off. That wasn’t the only interesting thing to happen that night however, as McMahon was also rumored to be in Ric Flair’s hotel room, urinating on Flair’s bed.

#4 Drag racing one of his writers

Vince McMahon is a very smart man. He is also a man that likes to live life to the fullest and do things that most people could only dream off. Unfortunately for those around him, that can sometimes lead to some very scary situations, which is where one of his former head writers found himself.

How it all started is never explicitly explained, but it is claimed that Vince McMahon saw his former head writer, Court Bauer, and decided to engage him in a drag race. The two cars supposedly raced down the highway for a few minutes until McMahon decided to raise the stakes by boxing his employee into a construction zone.

Bauer was eventually forced to hit the brakes in order to avoid hitting a construction zone, which pretty much gave McMahon the victory. It’s amazing to see the lengths McMahon will go to in order to win and also pretty astounding that he has managed to get away with something so insanely dangerously.

#3 Almost getting Kurt Angle killed

The year was 2002 and WWE had just finished up their Insurrextion pay per view in the United Kingdom. The flight was packed with Superstars, which included the likes Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Curt Henning, Michael Hayes, X Pac, JBL, Linda and Vince McMahon.

Now, rumor has it that a lot of superstars were drinking before the flight even took off and it wasn’t long before chaos erupted. Between Lesnar’s infamous fight with Henning, Michael Hayes’s hair getting cut off by X-Pac, and Ric Flair flashing every stewardess in sight as he drunkenly walked down the aisle of the plane, it was disaster.

Interestingly enough, McMahon was having a wrestling match with Kurt Angle during all of this and it started with the boss hitting the Olympic gold medalist with a takedown. After a few minutes of back and forth between the two, Undertaker woke up to find his boss being attacked by Angle.

Unfortunately for Angle, Undertaker wasn’t in on the fact that it wasn’t real and got choked out by The Deadman until McMahon begged him to stop. If nothing else, seeing Angle wrestle McMahon to the floor of an airplane is already wild, but seeing The Undertaker choke out Angle while McMahon pleads for his life would be nothing short of insanity.

#2 Fake arresting Johnathon Coachman

Vince McMahon has done some pretty cruel things storyline-wise throughout WWE’s history, but none of them seem to compare to the pranks he would pull on other talent. With that being said and the laundry list of things he has done to his own employees just for fun, what he did to Jonathan Coachman seems to be the most bizarrely cruel.

Believe it or not, it all started with an underground betting pool that Coachman was running at the time and McMahon wanted to get Coachman in trouble for it.

Unfortunately for Coachman, this meant getting arrested before a taping in front of the rest of the talent, being put in a cop car and taken away. The police were radioed a short time later to bring him back to the event location, but Coachman admits crying his eyes out on the way to the police station and wondering how he would tell his dad about losing his job over a ten dollar betting pool.

#1 Falling off a tower

Vince McMahon has taken some insane bumps in his lifetime and while some might think he should start slowing down, he doesn’t seem to be interested in doing so. According to Becky Lynch in a recent interview, McMahon threw himself off a tower to prove it could be done.

Of course that might not sound too surprising, especially if you consider McMahon blew himself up on live television and wrestled Kurt Angle during a flight, but it’s pretty interesting to know McMahon is still taking bumps. It’s even more amazing to know that he is apparently able to do this without getting injured!

“I think Vince would do pretty well on this show, the eccentric character that he is. You look at [Axe], and he’s unassuming. Vince is such a larger-than-life character. At the same time, I watched him the other day demonstrate falling off a tower at 74-years-old without a bother, brushing his shoulders off and standing up again,” said the former RAW Women’s Champion about McMahon falling off a tower.

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