#1 Triple H wanted to “Pull The Plug” On Ryback

On the December 12th, 2016 episode of his podcast, Conversation with the Big Guy, Ryback mentioned that he was in the hospital in 2010 recovering from his third ankle surgery when Triple H paid him a surprise visit. Ryback quotes Triple H saying “Eventually, we’re gonna have to pull the plug on you”, which could have been a bad hospital pun; or him announcing that his push will be over soon.

Either way, Ryback took it really personally and felt let down by WWE. He later recalled that it lit a fire under him and that he realised he was working for the devil. This interaction with HHH was only one of the many incidents that, in the end, caused him to leave the company in 2016.

#2 His throat was crushed at the 2002 Survivor Series

One of the hardest workers the industry has ever seen, Triple H has suffered immeasurable amounts of pain in the ring and still continued to put on a show. The most notable instance of this would be the episode of RAW in 2001 which saw Triple H tear his quad during a tag team match and still continue to fight.

However, the scariest example of Hunter’s professionalism comes from the very first Elimination Chamber at Survivor Series where he put his World Heavyweight Championship on the line.

In the course of the match, RVD took to the top of the cage before delivering his trademark Five Star Frog Splash on a downed Triple H; accidentally landing knee-first into Hunter’s throat, crushing his larynx.

Trips carried on for a good thirty minutes after that, fighting through the obvious pain of having his throat caved in, and was the last to be eliminated by HBK who became the new champ.

#3 He wanted to fire Edge back in 2005

Edge had a very successful run in WWE within a span of 15 odd years and 11 World Title wins before succumbed to his injuries and left WWE in 2011. If Triple H, however, had more power over the company in 2005, Edge would have had to retire sooner.

The more astute of you would probably remember that the real-life disputes between Matt Hardy and the Rated R Superstar had caused a lot of tension in the locker room and Trips wasn’t having any of that.

Triple H rallied the entire roster to try and convince Vince to fire Edge for breaking the sacred code of WWE locker room. In the end, though, McMahon chose to fire Matt Hardy; albeit for a brief period until he was re-hired due to a public outcry.

#4 Goldberg fought Triple H at an airport

Goldberg, in 1999, was at the top of the food chain in WCW and in an angle with Bret Hart where he trashed The Hitman’s limo, Goldberg ended up punching out a window and injuring his hand. A young Triple H who on his way to being the top dog of the WWE, criticised Goldberg for injuring himself on purpose which the WCW star would not take lightly.

The two met shortly after at an airport and Goldberg tried to attack Trips but his plans were foiled by airport security. Although the accounts of the incident aren’t very reliable, Goldberg did mention in 2015 at a Comic-con Q&A panel that he still wants to rip Triple H’s head off.

#5 He filmed the Katie Vick segment at an actual funeral home next to a real funeral

Often recalled as one of the most bizarre segments in WWE, Triple H put on Kane’s mask and reenacted lewd acts with the corpse of The Big Red Monster’s girlfriend, Katie Vic. What made the situation even more creepy was that they shot it in a real funeral home and not a TV set; as Triple H recalled in a 2008 interview.

There was even a real funeral with a family mourning in the next room while HHH was performing unspeakable acts with a plastic doll in a casked; while wearing a skin coloured thong. If that wasn’t weird enough, Vince McMahon was watching from the side, yelling at his son-in-law, saying, “Do it harder! Make more noise and stuff! This has gotta be over the top!”

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