From backstage fights to leaky excretions, the wrestlers in WCW truly gave us some memorable moments.

While WCW was best remembered for the star power of Hulk Hogan and Sting, it was the lesser known wrestlers that ran rampage behind the scenes. Enough talking, let’s find out what these crazy individuals got up to.

Here are 5 crazy backstage stories from WCW.

#5 Sycho Sid puts a squirrel in his tights

As his name suggests, Sycho Sid was a notoriously eccentric character both in the ring and behind the scenes. The two-time WCW Champion was always pulling pranks, getting into trouble and generally being a livewire backstage.

Just to add to his resume of craziness, Sycho Sid started to carry a squirrel with him on the road in between shows. Always up for a dare, Sid one day was dared by some of the wrestlers backstage to stuff the squirrel down his trunks.

Of course, Sid responded and as a result, the squirrel bit him where the sun doesn’t shine.

#4 Harlem Heat refused to wash their ring attire

When many people think about wrestling and just see sweaty men rubbing against each other in an unhygienic fashion. And when you hear stories like this, it’s hard to argue with that viewpoint. Booker T and Stevie Ray were a dynamic duo that added much-needed life to the tag team division on WCW.

But back in WCW, the duo were notorious for stinking out the locker room. Many wrestlers simply believed the duo were deliberately not washing their tights on purpose for a prank.

However, it was only when Sherri Martel started to manage them that those rumours were confirmed. She found out the pair only had 1 pair of tights and always took them on road with them. After that day, she continuously washed their tights behind their backs.

#3 Rip Rogers gets revenge on Sycho Sid

As we already told you, Sycho Sid was a bit of a livewire behind the scenes, he was always pranking fellow wrestlers and pulling their legs. Rip Rogers wasn’t particularly a popular wrestler, but he was generally well liked backstage. So well liked that Sycho Sid kept on pranking him every time he saw him in the locker room.

However, everybody has a limit, and although Rogers was a mild tempered guy, he couldn’t take it anymore. He reached his breaking point and responded by buying hundreds of protein bars and rubbing them on his bum.

He then proceeded to chase Sid out of the arena with the disgusting mixture of solids and fluids. It’s safe to say that after that, Sid never pranked Rogers again.

#2 Curt Hennig has an unfortunate accident

The late great Curt Hennig was generally considered as one of the larger than life personalities backstage. It’s said that he always up for a laugh and forever pulling pranks on his co-workers.

But it seems like his most controversial antic wasn’t a prank, but just an unfortunate mishap. It’s not uncommon for wrestlers to leak bodily fluids in the ring, but Curt Hennig’s situation is a bit peculiar.

Whilst waiting to do a run-in with Scott Norton and the Ultimate Warrior under the ring, Hennig’s belly began to play up. As luck would have it, Curt couldn’t hold in the contents of his stomach anymore and proceeded to ease himself under the ring.

The smell was so bad that Scott Norton couldn’t help throwing up, while the tough as nails Ultimate Warrior had to bear the smell until their cue.

#1 The Misfits wreak havoc backstage

WCW was literally an unruly wilderness at the best of times. Eric Bischoff allowed the wrestlers to run havoc, sometimes even booking their own matches. On televised shows, segments were loosely based around the main event stars and their booking. Live events were even more lawless, and talents could do whatever they wanted.

One night, WCW wrestler Vampiro was told by officials that they had nothing planned for him that night.

So, what did he do? He walked out of the arena, went into a bar that the Misfits were playing at and asked them to accompany him to the ring. They did, and the WWE officials loved the idea so much, they were even booked for shows afterwards.

However, the alliance had to be cut short when the lead singer of the band got injured after being beaten up by Dr Death Steve Williams. Just to add insult to injury, the band’s guitarist ending up entering into a relationship with Macho Man’s girlfriend Stephanie Ballars, behind his back.

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