However, it’s also been a good year for fans of creepiness; fans of scary segments; fans who long for the days of the Attitude Era weirdness to return; fans who want to watch a wrestling show and get a little bit spooked along the way.

In this article, we want to show our appreciation for the weird side from the world of sports entertainment, so we’ve put together five of the creepiest moments in WWE so far this year.

#5 Bray Wyatt’s revenge on Randy Orton

It’s been a rough year for Wyatt. Back in February, just when he thought he had an ally in Randy Orton, “The New Face of Fear” proudly told the WWE Universe how he had allowed the Royal Rumble winner the keys to his kingdom: the Wyatt Family Compound.

Appearing on the big screen in the arena, Orton spent the next five minutes burning the Compound — and the soul of Sister Abigail — to the ground, while Wyatt could only look on in despair from the middle of the SmackDown Live ring.

The creepiest moment during the build to their WrestleMania match came a fortnight later when Orton was interrupted during an interview backstage with Renee Young.

All of a sudden, the lights went out. When they flickered back on, Orton was surrounded by 10 men, all wearing sheep masks. Wyatt warned that his one flaw had been exposed by “The Viper” and revealed that the power of Sister Abigail lived on… inside “The New Face of Fear”.

Spooky stuff.

#4 Horror babies!

The creepiness of the Wyatt vs. Orton feud continued at Payback, where the two battled it out in the first-ever House of Horrors match. The general consensus among fans is that it wasn’t very good and wasn’t very creepy.

Wyatt had already switched to Raw, while then-WWE champion Orton was confirmed to stay on SmackDown. In the end, they made their way back to the arena, where Jinder Mahal interfered to help Bray pick up the win.

Granted, it was an underwhelming match, but let’s just take a moment to realise that, in the year 2017, WWE produced a segment where toy babies were being dangled from the ceiling of an abandoned house while scary music was playing in the background.

It doesn’t get much creepier than that.

#3 The Alexa Bliss No Mercy promo

If you tune in to watch a WWE pay-per-view, you hope to get your money’s worth and be thoroughly entertained for the duration of the show. You do not expect to be frightened half to death midway through the event.

That’s exactly what happened at SummerSlam 2017 when an advert for No Mercy showed scary versions of Alexa Bliss marching on the spot in a completely white room. They wore masks donning the words ‘NO’ and ‘MERCY’ and sang an admittedly catchy, but creepy, song.

It’s no surprise WWE stopped showing the advert on TV soon after SummerSlam.

#2 Sister Abigail is revealed

Bray Wyatt and Finn Balor have been involved in a four-month feud that shows no sign of ending anytime soon. The two had a match at SummerSlam, which the Irishman won as “The Demon”, and another at No Mercy, which Balor won as himself.

The night after No Mercy, Wyatt interrupted Balor, who was addressing the WWE Universe from the middle of the ring, saying: “Bring your Demon and I’ll pull back my flesh to reveal the true nature of my dark side. Abigail is alive, and she is dying to meet you.”

Smoke appeared, then cleared, and Sister Abigail was revealed for the first time.

Whether you’re excited or underwhelmed by the storyline, you’ve got to admit it was a little creepy, and there’s no denying that this is some of Wyatt’s best stuff for a long time, which, unfortunately, isn’t saying much.

#1 Erick Rowan appears on Talking Smack

“I wanna show you something. I wanna show you something that I made; something that makes me smile; something that makes me laugh.”

When Erick Rowan utters words like that, you just know something weird is about to go down, and that’s exactly what happened during a bizarre episode of Talking Smack in May.

Speaking to Renee Young and Shane McMahon, the former Wyatt Family member showed off his new clown mask before carefully handing Renee a green balloon, which he then popped before laughing uncontrollably for 13 seconds.

Sadly for Rowan, we didn’t see much of him after this segment, but maybe he’ll have more success with Luke Harper as the Bludgeon Brothers.

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