The developmental territory NXT has evolved into a separate brand for the WWE apart from Raw & SmackDown Live. Each year multiple Superstars graduate from NXT and move on to the main roster to find worldwide fame and acclaim.

There are also some Superstars with WWE who are home-bred by the company. Most of them started their careers with the company, and some will even end their careers there.

With such diverse members on the roster, WWE can only afford to push a few to become main-event players. Some will find themselves in the tag-team division, and some will be on their own as mid-carders for the company.

Superstars on the main event will only appear on the shows for a few hours, but it’s the mid-carders who have to bear the burden of carrying the show until the main eventers take over.

The main eventers will open and close the shows, but the mid-carders have the responsibility of putting people on their seats until the main event. When the mid-carders are talented enough to prevent the fans from changing channels, they have all the right to be in the main event scene for at least once in their career.

Let’s look at five current mid-carders who deserve to break into the main event scene and have a run with the WWE / Universal Championship.

#5 Cesaro

Cesaro has to be the most underrated superstar in WWE history, and few might argue with that fact. But let’s think about it for a moment. Even Rusev had a stunning WrestleMania entrance in a tank, and that will be something to remember when he looks back at his career.

But irrespective of having the looks, strength and in-ring talent, Cesaro never got an opportunity to become a proper singles player.

He’s a six-time tag-team champion, and five of them came as a part of “The Bar” with Sheamus. Now that his partner is out of action because of injury, WWE can capitalize on the opportunity and give Cesaro a run with the WWE Championship. If Jinder Mahal is worthy, so is Cesaro.

#4 EC3

Though EC3’s first run in the WWE as Derrick Bateman did not go very well, he did all that he could and got into the best shape of his life and reinvented himself in TNA.

When the former two-time TNA World Champion made his return to the WWE in January 2018, the fans had high hopes for his future. He had improved so much since his first run, and the fans thought EC3 would make an impact in the WWE. But Vince McMahon & Co had other plans.

He didn’t get a run with the NXT Championship unlike his TNA colleague Drew McIntyre. The only title shot he got in NXT was an unsuccessful attempt at the North American Championship.

WWE aired a decent vignette to promote EC3’s main roster debut which increased the hopes that he would do better on the main roster. But no such thing has happened to EC3 to this day. Judging by his demeanor during his entrance, it’s clear he is unhappy with his booking.

EC3 made a tremendous impact in TNA as their world champion, and it puzzles the fans as to why WWE is holding back from promoting him to the main event picture. It shouldn’t be a tough decision, and he deserves to have a run with the WWE Championship.

#3 Samoa Joe

The current United States Champion Samoa Joe had multiple opportunities at the WWE Championship before, but didn’t get to hold the title.

Being one among the TNA originals to make it to the WWE, Joe made his debut with NXT and established himself with two reigns as NXT Champion. That was the last major singles title he held in the company until he won the United States Championship.

His TNA colleague AJ Styles has already had two reigns with the WWE & US titles and has walked into WWE’s big four PPV’s as WWE Champion. He has done all this within three years since making his debut. But Joe did not get the same kind of opportunity from WWE.

The “Samoan Submission Machine” is proving to the WWE Universe he has all it takes to be a great heel champion, and it’s sure he’ll do the same if given a run with the WWE/Universal Championship.

#2 Big E

Would you believe if we told you Triple H was the one to push for Roman Reigns to be the face of the WWE? It’s a hard pill to swallow as the WWE Universe believes it was Vince McMahon’s idea to push Reigns as the top star of the company.

But who did Vince had in mind before Triple H’s suggestion? It’s the current New Day member Big E. PWTorch’s Wade Keller gave away the information while he was a guest on the Steve Austin Show.

Vince McMahon was so high on Big E that, when he was a singles Superstar and wanted him to be the next poster boy for the company. But after the company went with Roman Reigns instead, Big E became a part of the New Day.

Kofi Kingston’s historic WWE title win at WrestleMania 35 has opened the door for Superstars like Big E, Xavier Woods and Ricochet to become future WWE Champions. There should be no doubt Big E should be the first in the line to get that opportunity.

#1 The Miz

Do you remember when the Miz destroyed both John Cena and Roman Reigns in the same segment on being given unfair opportunities? Though it’s a part of the script, it’s sure he meant everything he said.

He’s been with the WWE for 15 years as of now, and looking back at his career, he would only be remembered for his eight reigns as Intercontinental Champion.

When Brock Lesnar made sporadic appearances while being Universal Champion, it was The Miz who gained some interest towards the show as the only singles champion on Raw.

His only WWE title reign came in 2010, but it didn’t get the deserved spotlight as it got overshadowed by the feud between John Cena and The Rock.

WWE should make up for their failure with the Miz’s first WWE title reign and pull the trigger on the A-Lister to get a proper stint with the WWE / Universal Championship.

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