Finishers like The ChokeSlam, Spear, Tombstone Piledriver are legit deadly finishers which if done wrong can lead to heavy injuries. Then there are finishers like RKO, which are fan-favourites. Randy Orton might have a boring match but just one beautiful RKO to end the match makes fans jump in joy and excitement.

Even after the finishers being such an important part of a match, there are many wrestlers in WWE currently, whose finishers are pretty underwhelming. It’s tough to believe looking at them that these can actually keep someone down for a 3-count, especially considering they have better moves than that already in their arsenal.

In this article, let’s take a look at 5 Worst finishers in WWE today and the wrestlers that use them. Feel free to share your thoughts, views, and opinions in the comments section.

#5 Bayley to Belly - Bayley

While we all know how much Bayley loves to hug people, but her finisher should not be a hug and a soft slam on the mat. Bayley, no doubt, is one of the top women’s wrestlers on the main roster, but her finisher is not so impressive.

Even though WWE has given it a cute little name “Bayley to Belly”, it is still just a Belly to Belly suplex, a basic move taught to everyone in their wrestling schools. This move would have looked more devastating had some huge monstrous superstar performed it, but with Bayley, you just look at it and say “aww”, something which should not be taken as a compliment for a finisher.

#4 Khallas - Jinder Mahal

To be honest, the only time this move looked deadly was when Jinder once botched it on one of the Singh Brothers. For the rest of times, it’s just a basic back bump.

Khallas is the closest to the Cobra clutch slam in pro wrestling books. But the way the move is executed, makes it look weird. Jinder wraps the opponent’s hands around their arms but releases them before hitting it. It’s like a bootleg Rock Bottom, but Rock Bottom was successful because The Rock made it famous by his charisma.

Jinder seriously needs to change his finishers and a lot of other things if he wants fans to take him seriously.

#3 The Big Ending - Big E

I love the name of this finisher “The Big Ending”, it sounds like something so devastating that would not let the opponent get up before the 3-count. But when you look at it, you can’t help but wonder - whom are you trying to hurt Big E, the opponent or yourself?

Big E pretty much picks up the opponent and then drops him on his shoulders, that too not very hard. In the process, he himself takes a nasty back bump which looks more painful. A man of Big E’s size definitely deserves a more painful-looking finisher that can establish him as a force to reckon with.

#2 The DDT - Alexa Bliss

In modern day wrestling, we see superstar kick-out of such insane moves that one gets shocked as to how that person is still moving. But then comes “The Goddess” Alexa Bliss’ finisher, a simple DDT.

This was a move that was once considered deadly when Jake “The Snake” Roberts used to use it. But these days, almost every superstar uses this move, and don’t even try to pin their opponents after using it.

The DDT is one of the many moves, alongside The Superkick, that is used so often that it’s weird to see someone using it as a finisher. At the maximum, it can be used to set-up the opponent for a finisher, but a 3-count? Naah!

#1 The Lightning Fist - John Cena

No points for guessing this one, arguably the worst finisher in all of sports entertainment, the sixth move of doom, I still wonder what made WWE Superstar John Cena decide to actually use it? He’s definitely mocking us all who used to mock him for his 5 moves of doom.

Not like he had an amazing finisher previously, but the Attitude Adjustment was still better than acting like Goku from Dragon Ball Z and then moving two steps and hitting your opponent with your fist (that too, very softly).

While Cena has mentioned that he decided to use this move to pay respect to the time he was in China during his film shoot with Jackie Chan, and the culture of the country, still using such a move on TV makes wrestling haters use the word “fake” for the sports that we all love.

Which other current Superstar finishers do you think could have been included in this list? Mention them in the comments section below.

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