Many superstars also go one step further and decide to have both a submission finisher as well as one that can be hit from anywhere in the ring, which only adds to their creative options.

Interestingly, there are several current WWE Superstars who have signature moves that could easily be their finishers. It’s odd to think that some of these signature moves are more impactful than actual finishers used on WWE TV, but they are almost never able to secure the victory.

Here are just five current signature moves that should be used as finishers.

#5. Former WWE World Champion Dolph Ziggler’s signature move, the Famouser

Dolph Ziggler has had the Famouser in his arsenal for more than a decade, but it’s very rare that the move is able to cause the kind of impact he would like. Instead, Ziggler opts for his ZigZag finisher, which is basically just a back bump after he’s pulled his opponent backward.

Technically, in its most basic form, it could be argued the Famouser is actually more impactful than the ZigZag and it’s much easier for Ziggler to pull off. The former World Champion usually has to wait until his opponent has his back to him to deliver the ZigZag, but that isn’t always the case with the Famouser. He has been able to hit the move from out of nowhere on many occasions.

It’s also worth noting the height he achieves on the move before coming down to make an impact on his opponent would make this more impactful than several finishers in WWE at present.

There are a handful of WWE Superstars who have been able to pick up victories with their signature moves in the past. But interestingly, The Showoff isn’t one of them. The Famouser is seen as more of a move to set up his finisher than to finish a match.

#4. Current WWE Tag Team Champion Kofi Kingston’s signature move, SOS

Kofi Kingston has been using Trouble In Paradise to pick up many of his most recent wins in a WWE ring. But the current Tag Team Champion has much more in his arsenal.

In his much earlier career, Kingston would use his current signature move, the SOS, as a finisher It would allow him to sweep his opponent off their feet and easily land them into a pinning predicament.

In wrestling, it’s all about how fast you can lock in the pin so that your opponent isn’t able to think about kicking out fast enough. The SOS was perfect for this, because Kingston was able to complete the transition so seamlessly from the move to the pin.

Over the years, the star has decided that the Trouble In Paradise kick has much more effect on an opponent than the move he now sees as his signature move instead.

Kingston has been in WWE for almost two decades, so it makes sense that he has so many moves that he can pull out when needed. It’s just a surprise the SOS isn’t used as his finisher anymore.

#3. Former WWE Champion Seth Rollins’ signature move, the Phoenix Splash

It’s a signature move that Seth Rollins hasn’t been able to deliver many times on WWE TV throughout his almost decade-long career, but it’s one that’s worth mentioning.

When Seth Rollins works as a face, the former WWE Champion is often able to pull off a Phoenix Splash, one of the most visually appealing top rope moves in the company.

Much like Neville’s Red Arrow or Ricochet’s 450, there is no reason why this signature move shouldn’t be seen as a finisher for Seth Rollins, since the star regularly used it when he was in Ring of Honor.

Of course, getting an opponent into position for this move would be much harder than his current finisher. The Stomp has become the most effective and perhaps impactful finishing move in the company in recent years.

If Rollins ever turns face again, then perhaps the Phoenix Splash will make its return to WWE TV. But until then, it appears Rollins is happy using The Stomp since there is less risk of injury.

#2. Former WWE Champion Rey Mysterio’s signature move, the 619

Rey Mysterio is now seen as a WWE legend, so much so that the former World Champion has recently been able to introduce his son to the WWE Universe and even hand over his signature move.

Both Dominik and Rey Mysterio are now able to deliver the 619 as part of their matches. But despite the move being a kick to the face, it’s not one that finishes matches.

The signature move, which was named after the area code of Mysterio’s hometown of San Diego, is instead part of the buildup for the finisher, but not the actual finisher. Mysterio doesn’t pin any of his opponents immediately after the 619, since he is on the outside of the ropes and is usually forced to springboard back over into another move before the pin.

It would be much harder to use the 619 as a finisher if Mysterio made that decision. But there’s no reason why the kick shouldn’t end matches, especially when Dominik begins using it when he’s pushed in his singles career.

#1. Current WWE star Sami Zayn’s signature move, the Blue Thunder Bomb

Sami Zayn is stuck in the middle of a conspiracy storyline on WWE SmackDown at present, but the former NXT Champion should be asking the company much bigger questions.

Whilst his Helluva Kick finisher has gotten the job done for him throughout the course of his lengthy career, it could be argued the Blue Thunder Bomb is much more visually appealing and could easily be his finisher.

Zayn has picked up the win using the signature move on a rare occasion. But much like Baron Corbin and his Deep Six signature move, it appears these two moves are seen as less impactful than the Helluva Kick and End of Days.

Zayn has so much ability in the ring WWE hasn’t allowed the star to tap into throughout his time on the company’s main roster. It will be interesting to see if he’s able to pull out more of his creative arsenal next weekend when he takes on former friend Kevin Owens at WrestleMania.

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