WWE likes to build stories up slowly and not rush into them, especially if it’s a major feud for a title. But sometimes fans can get quite impatient, resulting in a lot of booing and venting on social media.

Fans turning their backs on a Superstar can destroy some Superstars’ confidence, while other feuds may be cut short or shelved if the WWE creative team feel that fans are not on board.

There are a few Superstars that fans don’t think are good enough to be afforded chances or not hyped up as much. Let’s take a look at 5 current WWE Superstars massively undervalued by fans:

#5 Alexa Bliss

The hardcore WWE fans, who gravitate towards the NXT style of wrestling, often criticise Superstars who aren’t the best in the ring. Alexa Bliss has faced quite a bit of criticism from WWE fans for not being able to deliver as well as the likes of Charlotte Flair, Sasha Banks, Bayley, or other NXT graduates.

Bliss although not supremely gifted in the ring, has improved significantly since joining the main roster back in 2016. It’s easy to forget that she’s a 5-time women’s champion (3 RAW titles, 2 SmackDown titles) in WWE, and has been a key player of the women’s roster since being moved to the main roster.

There is also no doubt that Bliss is the best talker in the women’s division and has an air and charisma about herself that many athletic and talented in-ring wrestlers would die for.

Simply put, Bliss is made for the WWE and it’s time WWE fans acknowledge and appreciate her.

#4 Cesaro

The Bar, the tag team of Sheamus and Cesaro, recently split up when Cesaro was sent over to RAW, while Sheamus remained on SmackDown. The five-time tag team champions had a great run as a team, but now it seems that both of them will embark on singles action once again.

While Sheamus has won numerous WWE titles, Cesaro hasn’t had the same level of success, winning the US title once, while his other titles have been tag team titles.

It’s a pity that WWE hasn’t pushed Cesaro, considering he has the physique, the athletic ability, as well as being decent on the mic. But WWE maybe hasn’t pushed Cesaro because the fans don’t really believe in him.

While a small minority of fans have been fans of Cesaro, he has largely been undervalued by the WWE Universe despite putting great match after match, while also being a fantastic heel. We hope that he also has a KofiMania like moment, because he deserves it and would be a great champion.

#3 Sami Zayn

It is shocking that Sami Zayn, one of the most talented in-ring wrestlers in the WWE as well as a great talker, hasn’t won a title on the main roster. In fact, Zayn has just one title in the WWE, the NXT Championship, which he won in 2014, and then lost to his friend Kevin Owens.

Owens, funnily, despite signing a year and a half later than Zayn, has had numerous title runs, including winning the Universal title.

Zayn, it can be argued, hasn’t had the fan backing that Owens has had, which is a pity as he can match the former Universal champion in many ways. Zayn has grown on the mic, cutting unusual promos as a heel, while his in-ring wrestling can match some of the best in the WWE.

Zayn has been underused by the WWE, while the WWE fans have not lapped up his gimmick.

#2 Roman Reigns

A majority of you reading this must be fuming with rage with the sight of Roman Reigns, the arch nemesis of the smark, in this list.

Reigns has been pushed down the throats of the WWE Universe, has taken up spots that over other Superstars that fans love, while also being Vince McMahon’s favourite, which has rubbed fans the wrong way.

But, we’ve got to appreciate what The Big Dog has to offer compared to his peers. While phenomenal, high-flying, quick athletic ability of the likes of Seth Rollins, AJ Styles, Finn Balor, and co. makes for great viewing, Reigns has the charisma of a world-class Superstar, that extra oomph that the above three are missing.

Reigns is a marketable figure, a hero to many, even before his leukemia scare, while also being a Superstar that WWE can depend upon and a diligent worker.

The Big Dog has paid his dues to get to the top and he deserves to be there. It is no surprise that he’s adored and loved by kids because he’s the comic book hero come to life. In the end, it’s all about putting smiles on faces!

#1 Ronda Rousey

Even the harshest Ronda Rousey critic will admit that her inclusion on the WWE RAW roster brought legitimacy to the women’s division. Simply put, the former UFC champ was the adrenaline shot that the WWE women’s roster needed.

It still baffles me that the WWE Universe turned on Rousey, booing her almost to tears. She’s worked hard to get to the WWE and fulfilled a life long dream, and did it in style. Her promo work was a bit off at first, but she was coming into her own, which was clearly seen when she turned heel. A little more time and she could have been great on the mic.

But she was a natural in the ring, her agility, quickness, and fast-paced offence adding so much value to any women’s match.

Her impact on the women’s division is akin to the impact Kurt Angle had on the men’s division when he signed with the WWE two decades ago.

Rousey has changed the game for women in WWE and will be remembered in years to come as one of the most important players in WWE’s Women’s evolution.

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