Many WWE stars favor their submission over any other move that they may have, but that isn’t always the case. At present, there are more WWE Superstars contracted to the company than ever before and every superstar has to have a unique finisher in order to be taken seriously.

Whilst some finishers are definitely going to get the job done like Braun Strowman’s Running Powerslam or even Charlotte’s Figure 8, there are several WWE stars who are part of the company at present that are in dire need of a new finisher.

#5. WWE Star Naomi - The Rear View

It’s been several months since Naomi has been seen on WWE TV, but the former SmackDown Women’s Champion was drafted to Monday Night RAW as part of the recent WWE Draft.

Before Naomi’s lengthy WWE hiatus, the former Champion was embroiled in a feud with Lacey Evans on SmackDown, where the former NXT star used The Rear View to her advantage.

In its most basic form, the Rear View is basically a move where her opponents run into her rear face first. This is seemingly enough to take down many of the strongest contenders in the Women’s Division even though Asuka’s hip attack which is very similar isn’t able to do the same.

Naomi has always been one of the company’s most athletic stars and whilst the Rear View is an innovative move, it’s one that needs to be switched up when the former Champion makes her return to WWE TV.

#4. Jinder Mahal - Khallas

A few years ago, when Jinder Mahal was WWE Champion, the former 3MB member boasted a finisher that no star had kicked out of. The Khallas became the move that not only won him the title but allowed him to keep prolonging his reign as WWE Champion until it eventually came to an end at the hands of AJ Styles.

Mahal has been sidelined for the best part of 2020 after the former Champion was struggling with a knee injury. Mahal returned back in April, but just a month later he was forced back onto the sidelines when he required further surgery for his knee injury.

Even though Mahal hasn’t been seen on WWE TV for several months, his finishing move is still one of the most memorable and definitely one that needs to be updated whilst he’s on the sidelines.

Jinder was once pushed as the face of the company and could easily climb back to that level once again, but only if he’s able to create a memorable and believable finisher this time around.

#3. Natalya - The Sharpshooter

The Hart Family has been using The Sharpshooter as their main submission finisher for decades so it was only fair that Natalya took on the move when she signed with WWE.

The former Women’s Champion has been using this submission move throughout her career but it’s reached the point now where more people are able to find a way out of it than actually tap to it.

Natalya goes for the submission in every match and then her opponent will make their way to the ropes and find a way out. Nattie needs a high octane move that will allow her to finish a match much quicker.

The Sharpshooter was a submission move that won WWE Championships and changed matches a number of years ago but it could now be time for The Queen of Harts to change up her moveset. The women in the division are adapting all the time, this could also be the change that could help the WWE veteran to have one more push towards the Women’s Championship.

#2. John Morrison - Starship Pain

John Morrison returned to WWE earlier this year and it could be argued that it definitely wasn’t the return that fans expected. Morrison has since been put into a team with The Miz and the duo have seemingly picked up where they left off.

Morrison’s return match in WWE saw him pick up the victory over Big E back in January, but in order to get the win, Morrison had to hit Starship Pain, a move that he managed to botch.

The move itself doesn’t look as though it has a lot of impact behind it after Morrison has finished twisting in the air and actually looks as though it hurts him more than it hurts his opponent.

Add in the fact that Morrison seems to botch the landing of the move more times that he’s able to land it and it could be argued that this is the reason why the WWE Universe now rarely see Morrison deliver it.

The former IMPACT and Lucha Underground star has a wealth of knowledge in the ring and definitely has enough in his arsenal to create himself a new finisher.

#1. Billie Kay - The Big Boot

In recent months, Billie Kay has been split from her Iconics teammate Peyton Royce and was even drafted to a separate brand back in October. Whilst Royce has seemingly had a successful run on RAW since the split and was even included in the Women’s Survivor Series team, Kay has had very different fortunes.

Kay has been seen in backstage segments in recent weeks where she has been handing out her CV to fellow WWE stars in the hopes that she could join another tag team. Kay has proved that she can be quite entertaining when she needs to be, but if she is to have any kind of future in WWE then she needs a new finisher.

Billie Kay’s finisher hasn’t been seen on WWE TV for a number of months and that’s because it’s rather underwhelming. The Australian star uses a Big Boot which is very similar to Charlotte’s and most of the time it isn’t enough to get the job done.

Kay’s long legs are the obvious reason for the move, but if she wants to be taken seriously then she needs to switch up her moveset before she enters a new storyline on SmackDown.

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