Unfortunately, not every member of the roster is destined to be a success in the company. At this point, a small portion of the roster is failing miserably and desperately needs a change. One option for that change would be the revamped Impact Wrestling – which used to be Total Nonstop Action or TNA as you and I have grown to call it.

These men and women are undoubtedly talented but their tenure with Vince McMahon and his promotion have not yielded the expected results. A much bigger role at a much smaller organisation could be just what the doctor ordered, and TNA would be the perfect destination.

So, without any further ado, here is our list of 5 current WWE Superstars who could move to Impact Wrestling:

#5 The Ascension – Konnor and Viktor

Okay, I lied when I said five; it’s actually six Superstars. But, for the sake of this article, Konnor and Viktor and being lumped into one entry under their tag team identity, The Ascension. After all, they are failing together on SmackDown LIVE week after week as a tag team.

The pair were hot property in NXT between 2012 and 2014 where they dominated the tag team division in WWE’s developmental territory. They captured the NXT Tag Team titles and held them for one day short of a full year – one of the most impressive title reigns in recent memory. Expectations were high when they were promoted to the main roster.

Unfortunately, everything started going downhill soon after their promotion to the main roster and rumours started swirling around that the company had lost faith in the team mere weeks after their debut on Monday Night Raw. The next three years have been disastrous.

The fact of the matter is, the two are an extremely talented team who could do wonders at a place like Impact Wrestling and the time has come for them to wave goodbye to the WWE. It’s a shame because they definitely deserved better.

#4 Titus O’Neil

I am not a fan of Titus O’Neil. You might have seen me criticise the guy in some of the other articles I’ve written here. Everything about him rubs me the wrong way. But, most of all, it’s this absolutely atrocious promo which made me want to jump off a building that has fostered my antipathy towards Mr O’Neil. Watch it at your own risk.

The man’s mic skills are ridiculously bad, his wrestling skills are subpar and he doesn’t deserve his spot on the WWE’s main roster. Send him back to developmental or even better, send him off to TNA where he will be forced to learn in order to make it on the indy scene. There is nothing good for him in the WWE.

#3 Apollo Crews

Now we come to someone who has been allying himself with Titus O’Neil in recent weeks, Apollo Crews. Unlike Titus, I actually like Crews and rate him very highly as a wrestler. His skills of speed, athleticism, and power offer a rare combination. He has the potential to become a successful professional wrestler.

Unfortunately, opportunities have been hard to come by in the WWE. Just like The Ascension, Apollo impressed in NXT but has not been given a chance to prove himself on the main roster. A place where he can truly put his skills to good use would be Impact Wrestling.

They are crying out for a guy like Crews to come in and seize the opportunity to fill the large voids in the company formerly known as TNA. Who knows? A successful run there could warrant a return to the WWE in the future. A future with better prospects.

Also read: 5 current Impact Wrestling Superstars who could move to WWE

#2 Paige

The reason for Paige’s inclusion on this list has nothing to do with her wrestling ability. She is one of the finest women’s wrestlers to have ever graced the squared circle in the WWE and has been credited with kickstarting the Women’s Revolution. No small feat – especially considering she’s just 24 years old.

No, the reason that Paige could move to Impact Wrestling has to do with her personal life. She is about to get married to one Mr Alberto El Patron – better known to you and me as Alberto del Rio. The same man who has been posting videos where he drunkenly rants against the WWE and its management team – all while Paige is by his side in these videos.

She is throwing away a career at the biggest promotion in the world and it seems unlikely that she has much of a future with the WWE. Since el Patron is signed on with TNA, it would make sense for her to follow her to-be husband over to Impact Wrestling.

#1 James Ellsworth

Just get him out of the WWE, already. He was fun when he started off with his whole “Any man with two hands” spiel but things have taken a wrong turn since then. James Ellsworth ruined the WWE Title scene with his presence and now he’s doing the same to the SmackDown Women’s Division as part of The Welcoming Committee.

We have seen enough of him and he needs to leave. A tier 2 promotion such as Impact Wrestling should be a perfect home for nonsense.

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