Unsurprisingly with the way titles are treated these days, there are many performers currently in the WWE that are either one or two Championships away from achieving it, and while some won’t achieve this feat, here are 5 performers in the WWE that we think will indeed lay claim to it within the next 5 years (if not sooner, depending on WWE’s booking of these immense talents).

#5 John Cena

Considering the names already on the WWE Grand Slam Champions list, it’s incredible that John Cena has never joined them, and although a full-time return is unlikely anytime soon, he needs to join that list before he calls it a day. Over his career, Big Match John has been at the top of the mountain 16-times and won countless other awards over that time, but the one title that has always eluded him is the coveted Intercontinental Championship.

That Championship has unfortunately not been booked the way it deserves over the past few years, and with John nearing the end of his WWE career, one final run (and dare we say final open challenge series?) would be a great way to go out. With all the accolades he’s accumulated over his WWE career, the Grand Slam Championship isn’t likely the biggest thing on Cena’s mind as it pertains to his WWE career, but given the legend he’s become, it’s an honour he deserves.

#4 Cesaro

Cesaro is arguably the most talented professional wrestler on earth today, but for some reason, the WWE have been intent on holding him back for years now, and in spite of that, he’s become one of the best in the company. He’s won the United States title and several Tag Team Championships, but with the company needing fresh faces at the top, The Swiss Superman is the perfect choice for the main event run he so desperately deserves.

Time and time again, Cesaro proves that he can make it work with whoever he is paired with, and while that may work against him in terms of a main event push, eventually, the cream rises to the top, and Cesaro is the best of the best. It’s easy to see him being frustrated with his standing in the company right now, but if he can break out on his own in 2019, it’s easy to see The Swiss Cyborg as a main event player as early as WrestleMania 36, and that will help him all the way to WWE’s Grand Slam Championship.

#3 Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens has only been with the WWE since 2014 when he made his NXT debut, but in that short time, he’s achieved a remarkable amount, and after his recent return, it’s clear that the company are wanting to give him a big push. The WWE Championship picture is currently very crowded, so it’s unlikely that we see KO challenging for quite some time, but his old friend Sami Zayn is due back soon, and that could mean another duo for the tag team division.

When we last saw them, KO and Zayn were doing fantastic work as heels, but with KO seemingly returning as a face, it gives them a chance to do something really special on Smackdown Live. That Tag Team title reign is the only thing holding The Prize Fighter back from being a Grand Slam Champion, and while most guys on this list are singles stars just like KO, sometimes it’s good to do something fresh and reinvent yourself, and this is a great chance for the friends-turned rivals-turned friends to do some damage together.

#2 AJ Styles

Over his 20+ year career in the wrestling business, AJ Styles has accomplished an unmatched amount, competing and succeeding in companies such as PWG, ROH, TNA and New Japan, and he’s brought that success to the WWE for the past 3 years. Many people thought his trip to the big time wouldn’t amount to much, but Styles has been a star since the day he stepped into Vince McMahon’s company and is only a Tag Team and Intercontinental Championship away from the Grand Slam.

They’ve pushed him heavily on Smackdown Live in the main event scene for 3 years now, so it’s time to move him down the pecking order to freshen things up, and teaming him with any of the immense young talent in the locker room would make a great pair. It’s hard to see Styles as anything but a star in wrestling, and once he does accomplish this feat, The Phenomenal One will be arguably the greatest wrestler in the history of the business.

#1 Kofi Kingston

Kofi Kingston has been with the WWE for 11 years now, and over that time he’s accomplished everything there is to accomplish, except for one thing, and at WrestleMania 35, that’s an injustice that will hopefully be rectified. The New Day member is set to challenge The New Daniel Bryan at The Showcase of the Immortals, and with all the momentum in the world behind him, it’s hard to imagine that Kingston doesn’t come out on top in that match.

His opponent is a Grand Slam Champion in his own right, but Kingston has been grinding and grinding up and down the road for 11 years, and while the Grand Slam isn’t the most coveted WWE award, it would certainly validate Kingston’s fantastic career. Even if he doesn’t come away with the richest prize in WWE in New York, Kingston has put together a legacy in the WWE and will no doubt be a Hall of Famer, but winning the big one is certainly something he deserves, and we believe in Kofi Kingston.

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