This denial thrives on some myths about cybersecurity. If there’s one thing that cyberattacks of recent times have reenforced, it’s the fact that no one is exempted from being attacked.

In this article, we shall identify some cybersecurity myths and debunk them.

Why Healthy Cyberculture Matters

Culture is the way of life. Going by this definition, we can say that cyberculture is the way you approach cybersecurity. It refers to your beliefs, perceptions, and actions about cybersecurity.

The way you perceive and react to cybersecurity impacts your outcomes in that space. What you put in is what you get.

Although cybercriminals equip themselves with various tools and strategies to break into some of the most secure systems, most of their tactics have little or no impact without your action or inaction. In other words, the success of cyberattacks depends on what you do or fail to do. And that’s where cyberculture takes center stage.

If you have healthy cybersecurity culture by understanding what it takes to be safe online and avoid falling into traps set by attackers, they’d have to try harder to get close to your network. The reverse is the case if your cybersecurity culture is watery or non-existent. You’ll unknowingly walk into traps created by attackers and give them access to your system.

Healthy cybersecurity culture shouldn’t be seasonal or occasional. It should be ingrained in you and be reflected in your activities online. Building healthy cybersecurity culture doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a gradual process of commitment, intentionality, and patience.

First, you need to understand the existing cybersecurity risks. That way, you get a clear picture of how they work and how attackers use them to penetrate a network. When you understand the dynamics of a cyber threat, you are in a better position to prevent it.

Understanding the motives of cybercriminals is another way to build healthy cyberculture. Why do attackers hack systems? What do they stand to gain? When you know the answers to these questions, you’ll have more reasons to prioritize your cybersecurity culture.

The 5 Cybersecurity Myths That Make You More Vulnerable to Cyberthreats

Cyberattacks thrive where there are vulnerabilities. While some vulnerabilities have to do with network devices and systems, other vulnerabilities are a result of beliefs and perceptions.

Some cybersecurity myths have lingered for so long, they have become the norm in some quarters. Let’s take a look at some of them.

1. Attackers Stand to Gain Nothing From Hacking My System

There’s a misconception that cyberattacks are targeted at the rich, famous and influential because this category of people has so much to offer and so much to lose. Many ordinary people feel that they are exempted from attacks because they don’t fall into this category.

But cyberattacks aren’t always targeted. Sometimes, attackers launch a mass attack, hoping to get people who have vulnerabilities in their systems. In such a situation, they don’t profile their recipients. It doesn’t matter whether you are rich, famous, or influential. If your network is vulnerable, you’ll be a victim.

Some cyberattacks are done just to prove a point. An overzealous hacker might want to score some points as an expert. They look out for systems with vulnerabilities without paying attention to the owners of the systems. Once your network is vulnerable, you’ll be on their radar.

Instead of thinking that attackers stand to gain nothing from you, you should ensure that your network isn’t vulnerable. Even if you aren’t the target, you could be hit by a stray bullet.

2. Using a Great Security Solution Is Enough

Securing your system against cyberattacks manually can be exhausting, especially as attackers use various tools to make their jobs easier and faster. Your decision to implement security solutions to protect you against cyberattacks is commendable because effective cybersecurity solutions put up a strong resistance against cyber threats. But they aren’t 100 percent guaranteed.

Don’t go to sleep just because you have implemented a cybersecurity framework to ward off attacks. You still have to keep vigilance on your network.

Be abreast of the strengths and weaknesses of a solution that you have implemented and pay more attention to the weaknesses as they make your system more vulnerable to attacks.

3. Implementing Cybersecurity Is Too Expensive

The myth that cybersecurity is too expensive is very common, especially among ordinary people and small businesses. Influential people and big organizations put their money where their mouth is regarding cybersecurity. They understand that they have so much at stake, so they are willing to invest in cybersecurity to secure their assets.

As we established earlier, a cyberattack is no respecter of social class. Anyone can be a victim. Losses suffered from cyberattacks often outweigh the investments you can make to prevent such attacks.

For instance, adopting an intrusion detection system (IDS) could pick up a pending cyber threat to your system that could cause you huge damage. Plus, what’s more expensive: implementing well-working systems or needing to pay significant sums to fix everything later?

4. Cyber Threats Are Only External

Since cybercriminals are usually on the outside, it’s understandable why anyone would think that cyber threats are external.

Due to this myth, you might be focusing on the external end of your network to prevent attackers from coming close, let alone gaining entry.

Cyber threats exist both externally and internally. The carelessness of an insider could result in a devastating attack. Do you practice healthy cybersecurity culture? Even if you do, what about your team members?

Attackers could initiate a phishing attack to penetrate your system internally. An insider could make the mistake of clinking an infected link or opening an infected message sent by an attacker, and your system will be compromised.

Give your internal security the same attention you give the external because both of them are connected. Cultivate healthy cybersecurity culture so that everyone on your team will avoid falling victim to the antic of attackers.

5. I’m Safe Because I Have a Security Expert on My Team

The expertise of a cybersecurity professional is invaluable. Having one on your team helps you to create an enabling cybersecurity infrastructure.

But cybersecurity is so essential that putting it solely in the hands of one person is a tall order. The expert might know their onions and be up to the task, but there’s only so much that they can do.

The security of your network is a collective effort. While it’s okay for your security expert to be in charge of securing your network, other team members have a role to play too. They could follow instructions, learn about cybersecurity practices, and make their own little contributions.

An individual cannot have a 360-degree view of your network. If your security personnel is the only one on watch, vulnerabilities could exist in their blind spots, creating opportunities for attackers. But when all hands are on deck, other team members could detect issues that may be oblivious to the person in charge.

Cultivating the Right Mindset About Cybersecurity

Although cyberattacks are on the rise, you can still go about your interactions or businesses online with a proactive cybersecurity mindset. And that entails acknowledging that you could be a victim of an attack and putting up defenses beforehand.

The smallest security measure could be your defense to stop attackers from hijacking your system completely.