Most WWE fans, like myself, would love to see Bryan wrestle anyone at this point, but here are five opponents looking forward that Bryan simply must face.

#5 Daniel Bryan vs Seth Rollins

These two have history going all the way back to their Ring of Honor days but have never had a proper one-on-one program in WWE.

The two are some of the best workers in the world and the matches between the pair would surely be fantastic. In terms of a storyline, Rollins can grow jealous at the fan’s adoration of Bryan compared to his own.

Rollins, much like anyone who would face Bryan at this point, would likely be the heel in the feud, can express some anger that the fans seem more fond of the SmackDown GM even though Rollins is the one who’s been working so hard in Bryan’s absence.

Bryan can want to prove that he is still good enough to beat one of the company’s top stars.

#4 Daniel Bryan vs Braun Strowman

Strowman has only become a star after Bryan’s retirement from in-ring action, so this is not a match that WWE fans may have been yearning for. However, in many ways, Strowman is a perfect foil for Bryan as the much larger Strowman can dominate Bryan, who can showcase his resiliency and heart.

Strowman, being the monster he is, can simply choose to attack Bryan at any point to kick off this feud, and while some of Bryan’s matches with other big men (Big Show and Mark Henry, come to mind) were somewhat forgettable, Strowman is a much agiler and versatile worker.

One has to think a program between the two could be stellar and the rivalry would also serve to cement Strowman as one of the company’s biggest stars.

#3 Daniel Bryan vs AJ Styles

Whilst I I wouldn’t want to see this one too soon after Bryan’s return to in-ring action, this match simply has to happen. Bryan should shake off the ring rust with some other opponents, but when WWE does decide to pull the trigger on this match, the entire pro-wrestling universe will be ecstatic.

These two are some of the best performers ever and the match is so big it really would have to be a WrestleMania headline match or at least something comparable. This match also needs next to no build.

Styles is one of the few WWE Superstars who would likely still receive some support in a rivalry with Bryan and so the two can simply go at it, wanting to prove who is the best.

#2 Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar

This is a dream match that many wrestling fans feared WWE had let slip through its hands. However, with Bryan’s return, we might finally be able to see Bryan vs. Lesnar take place. Lesnar as the brutal destroyer, and Bryan as the resilient foil, is such a natural direction for the match; these two seem as though they were meant to wrestle each other.

While this is somewhat similar to the Strowman program, Lesnar is a bigger star, as no-one has been booked as strongly as Lesnar in recent years. Many fans have not bought into Reigns being the one to finally end Lesnar’s reign of dominance, so perhaps WWE might change plans and set up a Bryan vs Lesnar match to headline SummerSlam.

Alternatively, this match can happen without the title up for grabs as two stars like this can instantly provide a headline match with little build up needed.

#1 Daniel Bryan vs The Miz

The Miz is definitely not the biggest star on this list. Maybe he isn’t most people’s favorite choice for a rivalry with Bryan, but the truth of the matter is that this story is the most compelling of any of Bryan’s potential options.

Bryan was The Miz’s rookie on NXT all those years ago and the two have hated each other ever since. Even throughout Bryan’s in-ring absence, the pair’s tension has managed to spark up on a number of occasions, most notably in a Talking Smack promo where Daniel Bryan called The Miz a coward.

There are so many ways this could be booked but almost anything would work with these two involved. Miz is, in my opinion, the most natural heel in the WWE and no-one is more over with the fans than Daniel Bryan. A Bryan vs. The Miz program will be sensational and, personally, I feel could be a viable contender headline WrestleMania 35.

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