WWE has previously been known to face low-rating issues, especially after the WrestleMania season when many casual fans turn away from the product only to come back later for the next WrestleMania season.

Vince McMahon opened this week’s Monday Night RAW and was interrupted by Roman Reigns. The Big Dog had tweeted his desire to come to RAW a couple of days ago, and he did show up to confront the Chairman of WWE. In what looked like a very desperate move, Vince McMahon announced a new “Wild Card” rule, under which certain superstars from both RAW and SmackDown would be allowed to appear on the other show.

With superstars like AJ Styles, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, The Usos, and many more appearing on different brands this week, the ratings would surely be better than the last outing.

In this article, let’s take a look at the 5 desperate measures that Vince McMahon could take to save the ratings after introducing the “wild card” rule this week. What is your take on the wild card rule? Let me know your opinions in the comments’ section below.

#5. End the Brand Split

One of the biggest problems with the recently introduced wild card rule is that it pretty much makes the brand split and superstar shake-up useless.

The whole point of splitting the roster into two different brands is to keep the wrestlers on each brand away from each other. The wild card rule was reportedly announced to bring more unpredictability to the WWE programming, which is fine to a certain level, but if this continues and wrestlers keep jumping brands every week, then the Superstar shake-up becomes somewhat pointless.

While we are yet to know he wild-card rule’s effect on the ratings, if they are still comparatively low, the signs are indicating towards WWE ending the brand split soon. While I’m personally not a big fan of this as it would take away the opportunity from many wrestlers to shine at the top level, from a business point of view, this decision makes some sense.

#4. Bring back the Hardcore Title

The Hardcore title has always been associated with chaotic storylines, shocking moments, and unexpected champions - something which might really help WWE at this moment.

One of the biggest reasons why the fans are complaining about the current product is the lack of unpredictability and excitement in the storylines. Bringing back the hardcore title could just solve the problem. Remember, the rule with the Hardcore title is - you have to defend it 24X7, anywhere and anytime.

This could give many young superstars a taste of gold on the main roster, and could also help in establishing new superstars. Imagine a scenario where someone like Dean Ambrose making his return by shocking the Hardcore champion and pinning him.

#3. An NXT Invasion Storyline

Throughout all the chaos that is going on with the fall in ratings and the weird “wild-card” rule, one person surprisingly missing from the occasion is WWE COO, Triple H. Remember, he along with Vince, Shane, and Stephanie McMahon appeared on the last RAW of 2018 to announce that all four of them would be taking over the decision-making duties of the main roster.

While I know he’s involved in the shots being called backstage, an on-screen return of who looks like the only babyface Authority figure at this point would be amazing. A better way to do it? Let Hunter lead an NXT Invasion on the main roster with a point to prove against Vince.

Fans have long been waiting to see a Nexus-like storyline with NXT Superstars invading the main roster, and we know whenever that happens, the ratings will surely jump up. If there has ever been a desperate time to pull-off this angle, it has to be now!

#2. Call back The Champ

There are only a handful of Superstars in WWE’s history who always manage to get a reaction whenever they are in the ring. John Cena is probably on top of that list. The 16-time World Champ has been a massive part of WWE’s Programming for the last decade and a half.

However, things aren’t the same anymore as Cena has transitioned into a part-timer owing to his commitments and ventures in Hollywood. He last appeared on WWE TV at WrestleMania where he gave all his fans a flashback of his initial “Thugonomics” gimmick. The segment was a massive hit and fans have been asking for more of it on social media.

Looking at the recent state of ratings, it won’t be a big surprise if Vince decides to go back to his original poster boy, whom he rightly calls the “Babe Ruth of wrestling”, John Cena. A return from The Champ for a semi full-time schedule would surely increase the ratings, and if Vince decides to pull off his trump card and turn Cena heel, who knows, this situation could become completely opposite and the ratings could hit the ceiling.

#1. A retirement angle for the Boss

In one of my previous articles, I discussed the 5 potential storylines that could lead to the retirement of WWE Boss, Vince McMahon.

While this would definitely be the last thing Vince would want to do, but as it is said - desperate times call for desperate measures. The fans, for long, have been wondering as to when the Evil Boss would finally decide to rest and give the control of the company to his son-in-law and COO of WWE, Triple H.

Knowing Vince McMahon, if and when he decides to step down, he won’t do it quietly and would surely turn it into a huge storyline that could change the course of WWE’s future and surely increase the ratings as well.

With him focusing on his new venture XFL - which is supposed to start next year - can Vince really do the unthinkable and decide to retire or at least temporarily call it quits from WWE?

A power struggle between the McMahon family, leading to Triple H taking over the company would surely bring back many lost WWE fans and would actually be “best for business”.

What are the desperate measures do you think Vince McMahon could take to save the ratings? Do let me know your thoughts and opinions down below.

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