While The WWE Universe probably hopes that Baron Corbin ends up doing nothing too disastrous during the go home show of Monday Night Raw, current booking trends dictate otherwise. In fact, with the power trip that Corbin has been on over the course of the last few weeks, fans would be ridiculous to think nothing will happen.

With that being said and only one Monday Night Raw to go before Baron Corbin is forced to put his authority role on the line at TLC, what will The former constable of Raw do on his final night in power. Furthermore, how will what he does affect the overall product and how will The WWE Universe react to it all?

Here are five things Baron Corbin can do to make what should very well be his last night in power a crazy event. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and also be sure to tell us what you will think will happen on the go home show before The TLC pay per view.

#5 Demote Finn Balor to The Cruiserweight division

If WWE really wants to make fans hate Baron Corbin, why not get a little personal and have Baron Corbin demote Balor to The Cruiserweight division? Not only does this play up on Balor’s small stature and underdog qualities, it sets up a situation where Balor can eventually return to Raw and get his comeuppance

Maybe some might see that as a little cruel, especially since it puts Balor on the edge of joke fodder, but could be great if WWE does the storyline right. Think about it! Nothing would be better than seeing Balor fight his way up the Cruiserweight ranks, giving 205 a high profile storyline in the meantime and then going back to Raw once he’s proven himself.

In the end, it may be a step backwards for Balor, who has been steadfast at the middle of the card for the last year or so, but it could lead to two or even three steps forward afterwards. Beyond that, its also a way to get more fans interested in 205 Live, which will thus help the Network.

#4 Make Heath Slater referee certain matches

There is nothing quite as evil as a crooked referee and that is exactly why Baron Corbin needs to have Heath Slater be the referee for select matches. Not only does this create a storyline of Slater being forced to choose between right and wrong, it would also create another barrier for those trying to combat The Authority.

Of course some fans are going to see that as a cheap way to create excitement in several of the storylines involving The Authority, but it is something that organically will make things more interesting. If nothing else, its better than many of the other decisions Corbin has made and furthers a storyline in the process

Beyond that, it could be a useful mechanism for the babyfaces to even the odds without cutting away at the heels credibility. Maybe Slater could even help the babyfaces win the match, which will also help protect the heels’ credibility and give the babyfaces a much needed boost in momentum

#3 Make Elias perform for him

Every king needs a jester and that seems to be the perfect role for Elias on the go home show of Monday Night Raw. WWE could even have Corbin threaten to fire Elias if he doesn’t do a live concert for him, which will create a big what if situation that could have long ranging effects on the show.

Think about it! WWE can then have Elias originally go along with the concert, but then have a change of heart and take Corbin out with his guitar. McIntyre and Lashley can then rush Elias and beat him up, which will then prompt Balor and someone else to come to his aid. At least this way, the babyfaces get some kind of comeuppance and it keeps things interesting for TLC.

In the end, The WWE Universe is dying to see someone buck Baron Corbin’s authority and guitar shot followed by a brawl would be a great way to do that. In fact, it could be just the thing that snaps the writing team out of their recent drought and drive them to find other ways to move storylines forward again.

#2 Put Ronda Rousey in a guantlet match

Rumors are starting to circulate that Ronda Rousey will take the first loss of her WWE career at TLC and lose The Raw Women’s title to Nia Jax, but how exactly will it happen? Furthermore, how exactly is the company going to pull something like this off without hurting Rousey in the process?

While WWE could take a variety of avenues with this, why not have Rousey get into it with Corbin, disrespect his authority and then get put in a gauntlet match? That way, WWE can organically weaken Rousey only days before her title match and make it more realistic that Nia Jax would come out the winner.

WWE could even have Rousey chase down Baron Corbin after the match and give him the beating that fans have wanted to see for quite some time. In the end, it might be basic storytelling, but the company could easily solve that with some kind of stipulation and also by putting her against superstars she has never faced before.

#1 Fire Kurt Angle

Let’s be honest here

Kurt Angle and Baron Corbin have some unfinished business to attend to and whether The WWE Universe likes it or not, the General Manager elect still has the power to fire the Olympian outright. Of course this plan might sound like a cheap way to gain heel heat heading into TLC, it also creates a invasion storyline for post TLC Raw.

Not only would that be huge for WWE from a storyline perspective, especially if the company is able to put the right people in the right roles, it is also something that could spur Raw back to the top of the mountain. If nothing else, its worth a shot and would be a great use of Angle and other top babyfaces, but fans might not like what happens in the short run.

What are your thoughts? Will this help move storylines along or would it just be a another useless attempt to make Corbin’s reign as a Authority figure meaningful?

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