Again, having The Miz win the briefcase probably wasn’t the most popular decision at Hell in a Cell, but it definitely did a lot to change the landscape. It also catapulted The Miz’s stock in the company and did so in a way that could set up a shocking title change in the future.

With The Miz now the proud owner of the Money in the Bank briefcase, here are five possible directions for The Miz after his Hell in a Cell victory. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us who you think he will cash in on.

#5. The Miz feuds with Otis over the briefcase

While The Miz and Otis are now on separate brands thanks to the draft, one would think that WWE could give the former tag team Superstar a chance to get his briefcase back. At least that way, The Miz’s win can feel more decisive, WWE can pad out time and Otis gets one more chance at the spotlight.

And maybe Otis somehow comes back out on top in a second match with The Miz and is able to recapture his briefcase. Or maybe The Miz has John Morrison run interference for him, which would set up a third and final match between the two.

In the end, WWE has a lot of options with this feud. While giving Otis another chance might seem a little anticlimactic, it would be a great surprise for an episode of RAW or SmackDown in the coming weeks. It might even be a great chance to rebuild Otis and give him the briefcase back.

#4. The Miz feuds with John Morrison and leads to a split

The Miz and John Morrison have been a team since February of this year and they have shown time and time again that their friendship is strong. In fact, Miz and Morrison would go on to win the SmackDown Tag Team Championship earlier this year, which was a highlight for both Superstars.

Morrison has also been overwhelmingly supportive of The Miz getting his hands on the briefcase, even going so far as to help him every step of the way. The only question left to ask, though, is how long does this bromance last between the two best friends before resentment sets in?

If nothing else, friendship has limits and after Morrison was left for dead by The Miz during a segment with Lars Sullivan. One has to wonder how strong their bond is. Furthermore, does Morrison hold any resentment towards The Miz for taking the briefcase for himself and putting Johnny Nitro in a sidekick role?

#3. The Miz teases cash-ins on Roman Reigns and Randy Orton

The Miz is that special kind of heel, the kind who can solicit the heat that toes the line between anger and absolute hatred. He has an overly smug face, an unbelievably high opinion of himself and the ability to string fans along whenever he opens his mouth to speak.

If nothing else, The Miz is one of the most under-appreciated heels in WWE right now and he can get a reaction out of anyone. That’s why WWE might want to play the long game here and go with The Miz repeatedly teasing cash-ins on Roman Reigns and Randy Orton for a while.

In the end, cash-ins are moments that make fans hold their breath as they watch everything unfold and WWE needs more of that. Fortunately for the company, they now have a chance to do that with a Superstar who has some legitimacy and can get the desired reaction every single time he teases cashing in the Money in the Bank briefcase.

#2. Have The Miz bide his time and cash in later

The Miz told fans after Hell in a Cell that he would wait for the right time to cash in his Money in the Bank contract and while that’s a little anticlimactic, it might be better to play the long game. Furthermore, it might be better if The Miz just doesn’t tease a cash in for a while.

The point of the Money in the Bank briefcase is the element of surprise. With a whole calendar year for a Superstar to cash in his or her contract, that moment could come at any time. Making it unpredictable and not telegraphing Miz’s intentions immediately buys time for WWE and also builds fans’ anticipation.

In the end, WWE might just be better off keeping The Miz and the briefcase in their back pocket for now. At least that way, the company can save the briefcase for when they really need it and The Miz can continue to build up heel heat in the meantime.

#1. The Miz immediately cashes in on Randy Orton or Roman Reigns

The Miz might have told the WWE Universe after Hell in a Cell that he would wait for the perfect moment to cash in and no one would see it coming, but what if it’s all a ruse? What if The Miz is playing mind games with his opponents and planning to cash in sometime between Hell in a Cell and Survivor Series?

Not only would it be one of the most shocking moments in WWE television if The Miz were to run down the ramp and steal the title from Roman Reigns or Randy Orton, it would also put either title picture in uncharted waters. Add in the fact that it’s all taking place in the lead up to Survivor Series and there are a lot of options at play for WWE.

In the end, Randy Orton seems like the more vulnerable champion in this case and one probably shouldn’t expect that to change unless Roman Reigns drops the belt. Either way, an instant cash-in would have instant ramifications for the the WWE landscape and would be a sweet swerve for fans to watch.

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