While it’s true he did go out on his terms because of his dismay at how he was treated, speculation will always run rampant as to whether he will or will not ever return.

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If he truly does stay away forever as he’s stated, several dream matches will be left to the ether of our imagination.

He did face AJ Styles, albeit in ROH when both were still very young in their careers.

But that’s not to say there are many more potential matches we could have seen between the ‘Voice of the Voiceless’ and several other talented superstars.

We won’t be able to see the likes of Aleister Black, EC3 or even Adam Cole stand opposite Punk in a WWE ring.

Although he did also face Samoa Joe at one point in his career, it was before the bright lights of the WWE.

Here are some other CM Punk dreams matches that we never had the pleasure of witnessing.

#1 CM Punk VS. Kevin Owens

Just like CM Punk almost a decade before him, Kevin Owens came to notoriety after his top-level run in Ring of Honor.

He also made his name in Pro Wrestling Guerilla and many other independent promotions, but it was in ROH where he caught the eye of Triple H.

Both Owens and Punk were plucked from ROH at different points in time, but it seems like they are of varying opinions when it comes to Triple H.

Punk always seemed to be fighting against ’the King of Kings’ in one way or another, whether it was proving he belonged or speaking out against how things were run in the WWE.

Owens, on the other hand, has always had the support of Triple H as the NXT Champion and the second-ever Universal Champion.

A match between the superstars could have been a great study in mic work between the two.

They would have had fantastic promo battles leading up to a potential match at a big PPV.

Owens is criminally underrated in the ring mainly because of his looks.

Punk always delivered in the ring as well, so I have no doubt these two could have had a stellar regular match or even a ladder match.

Owens has delivered in all of the matches he’s been in with ladders, both in ROH and WWE.

Punk won two Money in the Bank matches.

The possibilities would have been tantalizing.

#2 CM Punk VS. Shawn Michaels

These two did cross paths a few times in the ring.

The first was when Punk was a member of Team DX along with the Hardys and DX.

They opposed Team Rated RKO (Orton, Edge, Mike Knox, Johnny Nitro and Gregory Helms) at Survivor Series in 2006.

Team DX won, but from then on thereafter, Punk and allies of Triple H would be at odds on camera and backstage until Punk left in 2014.

Shawn Michaels is Hunter’s best friend, but was retired by the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 26 in 2010.

Punk was just starting to become a main event player in WWE, but the stars never aligned for a match between the two.

Michaels did confront Punk during his historic title reign, but they never had a match due to HBK’s retirement.

Some fans have always considered a showdown between the two to be a dream match.

It would have main-evented any PPV and even could have closed a Wrestlemania like Punk always wanted.

Michaels is named ‘Mr. Wrestlemania’ for a reason, and what better way than for Punk to beat him at the Show of Shows?

Both could obviously go in the ring and who knows who would have won.

Both guys could battle on the mic and the intensity could have even been turned up to 11 if Punk mentioned the person Shawn Michaels was before his first quasi-retirement.

It would have been akin to Punk’s feud with Jeff Hardy, only Michaels has stayed on the straight and narrow since his troublesome earlier days.

The feud would have been more believable and personal if that was the road it took, rather than just being a random feud.

Michaels has always been seen as one of the all-time greats in the ring and both superstars were among the best of their respective generations.

#3 CM Punk VS. Finn Balor

This feud might not have been the best on the mic due to Balor’s limited microphone game.

But in terms of in-ring action, it could be one of the best potential dream matches.

Balor’s always had the respect of his peers and the fans when it comes to his in-ring prowess.

It’s the people in charge who haven’t always had Balor near the top of their pecking order.

He might have had a better WWE run had he not suffered an injury in the same match he won the Universal Title.

Since then, he hasn’t held a title but has challenged for them.

Punk had the same sort of battle as Balor in a quest to gain respect from those not deeming either as A+ players.

That would be a perfect impetus for a feud between the two.

Punk could have said something like ‘I’ve been where you are but I’m the Best in the World. What have you done since leaving Japan?’

I’m sure the barbs on his insults would be sharp but Balor would do his talking with his strikes and perhaps the Demon.

The Demon is only dusted off for big matches, and this would have certainly qualified as a big one.

Just picture a match at Summerslam or Wrestlemania between the two. It would even have made sense to have it across multiple PPVs in building to Finn bringing out the Demon.

The action would be great - both love to strike but Balor’s quickness would give Punk trouble.

He’s fought Rey Mysterio before, so they easily could have had a quality match if Punk was still in WWE.

#4 CM Punk VS. Kenny Omega

The Best in the World against the Best Bout Machine.

From 2011-2013, fewer acts were hotter than Punk.

He had dropped his pipe bomb on the pro wrestling world and would go on to start his record-breaking reign in November of 2011.

He would have several great matches during his reign of 434 days.

Unfortunately, his reign ended at the Royal Rumble in 2013 so that the Rock could fight John Cena at the upcoming Wrestlemania.

Losing out on his best chance to main-event a Wrestlemania obviously angered Punk.

Kenny Omega has become one of the best wrestlers in the world outside of WWE.

A feud between the two would have been easy to write.

Punk’s claim of the Best in the World could be put to the test against the Best Bout Machine.

Omega and Punk have both wrestled matches in excess of over an hour, so endurance wouldn’t have been an issue.

They could engage in an Iron Man Match, a TLC match, an ‘I Quit Match’ or Last Man Standing.

Any type of match would be perfect between these two.

Both don’t need to prove to anyone else that they are the best.

But in order to prove it to themselves, they’d have to fight each other.

Punk was even rumored to show up at All In to take on Omega. It was in Punk’s hometown of Chicago, but it did not come to fruition.

Punk prided himself on taking on the system and doing things his way, and that’s exactly what Omega has done since he’s become one of the biggest stars in pro wrestling.

They are both heroes to the underdogs or people who stayed true to themselves rather than giving in to temptation.

That’s not to say Omega signing with WWE at some point would be ‘selling out’.

Why wouldn’t he want to prove he’s the best wrestler in the world against guys in the biggest company in the world?

#5 CM Punk VS. Stone Cold Steve Austin

This is one match that has more history behind it then the others.

Back in the days when a teenage Punk was causing havoc as a chick magnet in his own backyard wrestling federation, Stone Cold Steve Austin was arguably the biggest star in pro wrestling.

His battles against the Rock, Mankind, Triple H, Shawn MIchaels and Mr. McMahon were those of legend in WWE’s Attitude Era.

Since Punk was obviously a fan of pro wrestling, he would go on to meet Austin while still a teenager.

When Punk was entering his prime as a main-eventer in WWE, Austin would come back for a visit.

The two confronted each other in a backstage segment when Punk was the leader of the New Nexus.

It must have been hard not to mark out when sharing a TV screen with one of his heroes (Dean Ambrose was unable to hold in his laughter when Jake Roberts put a snake on him).

The match would be more of a brawl type as Austin was never considered a technical master.

Punk could have even said Austin lost his edge ever since he retired.

He could have brought up the times he met Austin as a teenager and say ‘he shouldn’t have met his hero - he should have punched him in the face.’

Austin would have obviously obliged with a fight and a Steveweiser or two.

It would have been a feud between two superstars known for fighting against authority in their respective eras.

Punk could have said he never sold out to the McMahons like Austin did in one of his runs as champ.

Needless to say, the stabs with the microphone would be just as appealing as the fighting.

Honourable Mentions

CM Punk VS. Bret Hart

This showdown was actually highlighted when Punk was in the middle of his record-breaking title reign.

He talked to Hart about what would have happened in a match between the two of them.

Of course, the cocky champion said he would have kicked his butt.

John Cena, as he always does, came out to ‘defend’ Bret’s honor, but Hart eventually got the last laugh when he decked Punk.

It would have been a good technical match between two legends who used the adjective ‘best’ in their catchphrases.

CM Punk VS. Shinsuke Nakamura

This one would have been a study in striking.

Nakamura is the King of Strong Style, something Punk and Daniel Bryan helped bring to the WWE.

Punk used Kenta’s (Hideo Itami’s) ‘Go To Sleep’ and Bryan and Nakamura both use the running knee.

A striking bout would have been a perfect match for any type of PPV.

The counters that each would use would also be something to watch. Obviously the whole Best in the World mantra would battle the Strong Style mantra for supremacy.

CM Punk VS. Pentagon Jr.

This one is more a personal preference.

Pentagon Jr. basically came into international stardom during his Lucha Underground tenure.

He’s been an antihero in the mold of Steve Austin and Punk before him.

He’s also proven to be a beast in the ring and with the crowd.

Who better to test the ‘No Fear’ mantra than the Best in the World?

They wouldn’t talk much, obviously, because I don’t know how good Punk’s Spanish is.

Penta’s English is severely limited.

If you’ve seen any of Pentagon’s work in either LU or Impact, you know how good he is.

The rest of the world knows how good he is but he’d be a great match for Punk.

Two antiheroes going toe-to-toe to prove who is the baddest dude.

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