In another article where I had talked about why the product was not up to the mark, I had mentioned it had to do with the gross mishandling suffered by some of the wrestlers present on the roster.

With that premise, I sat down and just looked at the roster and what you see is a plethora of superstars in both Raw and SmackDown, and with that is a huge potential of some tasty feuds that could develop in the future, and would actually be welcomed by the viewers.

So without any further delay, lets jump right to it and go through some of the dream feuds that could still happen in the WWE.

#1 Bobby Lashley vs Brock Lesnar

Just sit back and think about it. Two of the biggest mass monsters of this generation going at it. Doesn’t matter if it is for the title or not, this is the match every WWE fan would want to see because it would be fireworks guaranteed if these two giants faced off against each other.

When Bobby Lashley stepped into the WWE once again, there were rumors of a feud developing between Lashley & Brock, and that Lesnar would eventually hand over the title reign to Bobby.

For reasons not known to us (and probably Roman Reigns) that plan was dropped and Bobby has been trotting along in the mid-card ever since then.

#2 Lashley vs Strowman

It’s not like these two wrestlers haven’t clashed at all. They have, but it hasn’t been booked properly yet.

For this feud to work, both these huge muscular men need to be portrayed as warriors who are not ready to back down even an inch, and are not ready to give any ground to their adversary.

Bobby Lashley, a veteran in wrestling, a huge man close to 300 pounds who has dominated everything he has come across, going up against Braun Strowman, a monster close to 7ft and 400 pounds who beats up huge men for fun.

This feud has the potential of taking it to the next level, just like the feud between Braun Strowman and Roman Reigns had done some time back.

#3 Drew McIntyre vs Brock Lesnar

This is one feud that would probably happen sooner than later. Drew McIntyre is on the rise, and he has shown that he ticks all the boxes.

On his radar (and on WWE’s as well), Brock Lesnar would not be far away. With Roman Reigns himself out of the picture, WWE is looking around to find the new face of the company.

And Drew McIntyre does fit the bill. A tenacious wrestler with such great presence in the ring, Drew does tick all the boxes. Drew could soon get the push and be on his way to fight Brock Lesnar for the ultimate gold (the Universal title) in WWE right now.

One thing that does keep Drew in good stead against Brock Lesnar is his imposing presence in the ring. Even the huge Braun Strowman didn’t look as intimidating in front of Drew.

This could be a perfect passing the torch feud, and an interesting match-up in all aspects

#4 Demon King vs Randy Orton

Two legends of the sport, two great performers, and two men who at the moment are slightly underutilised by WWE. Finn Balor has one of the best gimmicks in the WWE. The gimmick involving The Demon King really is unique, and is one of the few gimmicks that still holds a certain level of mystique.

The Demon King going up against Randy Orton who himself has shown on more than enough occasions the demented, twisted, and edgy side to his character. This could lead to a different kind of feud between the two, where it’s the midgames that takeover and dominate, rather than the long boring monologues that are becoming the norm for the feuds these days.

With Randy taking a backseat from the championship feuds, and Finn hardly getting the push himself, it would suit both wrestlers to be embroiled in a feud with each other.

#5 Randy Orton vs Brock Lesnar part 2

Lets face it, Randy Orton and Brock Lesnar are arguably two of the biggest legends of the sport. And lets get another thing straight, their previous feud culminated prematurely, and it ended in both shock and horror at what Brock Lesnar did to Randy as he busted him open intentionally, which led to a premature end to the match.

One thing that was amazing about that feud was the build-up. Randy Orton’s “RKO out of nowhere” vs Brock Lesnar’s “Suplex City” was a great way to promote the fight, and it told a great story as well.

The previous events have built a backstory. A backstory that can be put to use in building up “Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton part 2”. And this could turn into a great fight as well because both Paul Heyman and Randy Orton are great with the mic, and Both Randy and Brock are great inside the ring.

This feud could really gather steam if proper thinking is put into it.

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