What are some of the dream matches that WWE could put together for The Hounds of Justice, this time around? I will list 5 trios and a special match, for your reading pleasure. Let me know in the comments what you think of my picks.

Also let me know whom you would like to see The Shield face off against. Your comments are, of course, very valuable indeed.

Here are some matches that I would like to see.

#5 The Shield vs. SAnitY

Anyone that has watched NXT for any length of time knows just how good SAnitY can be, if given the chance to prove their worth in the ring. Unfortunately, they have been lost in the shuffle on SmackDown Live, where bigger and more successful names currently rule the roost. I seriously think that a program between The Shield and SAnitY could certainly be money.

What could potentially make this interesting is the X Factor that is Nikki Cross. I would love to see The Shield add a woman to their ranks, to take on the heel faction and even the odds against them. This would be an interesting dynamic and one that’s been discussed before.

That aside, the men can put on some breathtaking matches as well. Some matches of a hardcore nature can certainly transpire between the trios.

#4 The Undisputed ERA

While The Shield dominates the main roster, there is a group in NXT that rules the roost known as The Undisputed ERA. They are brash, they are arrogant and they are all gifted workers. They all have the potential to be top guys in the main roster, if aligned as a heel unit. And what better way to make a first impression than going after the top dogs in the promotion?

Why I am so invested in this feud is because of how good the matches will be. Not only will it make sense from a storyline perspective (heels from NXT who’ve won all the gold want to claim the top position in the main roster), The Undisputed ERA can put on some great classics with The Shield. It would be a treat for casuals and smart fans alike.

The Undisputed ERA consists of four superstars who’re not as big as the guys that Vince McMahon is known to traditionally push. Having them defeat The Shield right off the bat,with the advantage of their increased numbers, could be the only way to see them in a certain light!

#3 The Wyatt Family

Yes, I know what you’re all thinking. Why should we watch these two teams collide once more, when we’ve already seen them clash in the past? I personally think that it’s the only way to bring back Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper into the limelight one more time. The Wyatt Family needs this match far more than The Shield does.

With Matt Hardy and Erick Rowan on the shelf, both men are without a partner at this moment. It will also give Strowman something to do, if he continues as a heel hereafter.

#2 The Elite

I think it’s only a matter of time before Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks come to WWE. This comes from WWE trying to recruit every available act in the independents that’s available. Plus, Omega and The Young Bucks have never technically ruled out going to WWE when they have been asked in interviews.

And when they do arrive, WWE would be wise to book this dream match. This is a contest fans have wanted to see for a long time. Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks vs. The Shield is a match that would set the wrestling world on fire.

Much like the other cases, all of the men involved are fantastic workers. Therefore, there is no doubt that the matches would be entertaining to see as fans!

Special Mention: Reigns (c) vs. Ambrose vs. Rollins for The Universal Championship

We’ve seen an Ambrose vs. Rollins vs. Reigns match in the past. This was at Battleground 2016 where the three men clashed for the WWE Championship. I just think that the men are even bigger stars at this point. I would love to see them compete once more.

Of course, this should happen after The Shield breaks up. Maybe at WrestleMania 35. I would not mind this match bringing the show to a close, considering all 3 men are top guys.

#1 The Club

Remember how hot ‘The Club’ were when they were aligned as a unit? Unfortunately, they were separated and they lost their steam. Even though Styles and The Club are currently on SmackDown Live, they’re all in different roles right now. The Club doesn’t even make TV these days.

I still think that there’s money in a Club reunion to take on The Shield. This could happen as soon as Survivor Series. What a great RAW vs. SmackDown contest it could be!

So, now you know my picks, folks. Whom would you pick to take on The Shield in potential dream matches, in your very own list?

Let me know in the comments section below!

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