Will we see major turns, extreme championship changes, or even angles that will sprout on the day? Although we won’t know for sure until April 8th comes and goes, that isn’t going to stop us from guessing.

Here are five plot twists that we can expect to see on the day of the WWE’s biggest event.

#1 Carmella pulls a Rollins

With the background of the Queen, Charlotte Flair taking on the unconquerable Empress Asuka, Carmella looms in the background. We’ve seen this exact scenario before – three years ago at WrestleMania 31.

The two hottest forces in the WWE Title picture, Brock Lesnar & Roman Reigns were set to prove who was the strongest, but out of nowhere, Seth Rollins cashed in with the infamous “Heist of The Century.”

Today, the similarities between these two situations here are uncanny. Charlotte playing the Roman Reigns type figure, clutching onto her championship in the face of the Empress, Asuka. While everyone is concentrated on the outcome of the battle between those two, the stage seems ripe for Carmella to cash in.

Sneaky as a snake, Carmella may slither into the ring and walk out with the SmackDown Women’s Championship. This does seem to make sense as it would ensure that Asuka remains free from getting pinned without having to give her the Championship yet.

#2 John Cena heel turn

It is not the first, nor last time that a John Cena heel turn will be anticipated on the road to Wrestlemania 34. While this ’twist’ has been predicted a plethora of times in the past, it is possible that the only place to do it is in a dream match against The Undertaker.

Just imagine a scenario in which John Cena is unable to put The Deadman down. The only way to win this dream match is to hit a low blow or pull out a chair. Personally, I doubt the possibilities of Cena turning heel.

With that being said, if it does ever happen, it must be against The Undertaker at WrestleMania. That is the only scenario in which it makes sense for Cena to abandon his morals, and the fans. Cena has always played the character of a man obsessed, maybe now it is time for his obsession to get the better of him.

#3 IC & US Title Unification

I am indeed looking forward to both of the mid-card title matches at this year’s WrestleMania. Both the prospects of Rollins vs Balor vs Miz and Mahal vs Roode vs Orton pose the potential for some glorious Wrestling.

However, the state of both titles has always been rather fluctuating, and the oddity of WWE knowingly booking two similar story-lines on the Show of Shows seems rather odd. This is especially so, as WWE haven’t acknowledged the similarities publicly, indicating that they’d rather draw attention away from them.

Both title matches include two baby-faces and one heel all vying for a championship, and both title matches have essentially been constructed in only the last few weeks.

It might be a long-shot, but the arena seems set for WWE to spontaneously create a tournament, smashing together the winners of both matches to create one over-looming mid-card title for both Raw & SmackDown.

#4 Cruiserweight upset

The state of the Cruiserweight division has been gradually improving over the last few weeks and months, especially with the introduction of Drake Maverick’s Cruiserweight title bracket. The consistently strong In-Ring action and staunch focus on the Championship itself give the show a unique flavour.

While there haven’t been any rumours to suggest any grand plans for the title at ‘Mania aside from a solid match to decide the title, could we get something more?

The fact that Drake Maverick (aka Rockstar Spud) hasn’t shown off even an inkling of either his heel side or wrestling skills is important. Could WWE be hiding this side of him, all to reveal a grandiose heel turn at WrestleMania, where Drake reveals himself as the secret final boss of the tournament?

It’s certainly an idea worth throwing around. Furthermore, maybe Drake has another secret boss in store, maybe a returning Neville, or Mysterio? Although Mysterio is unlikely now that he has signed with AroLucha. Or maybe we’ll see another Lucha Underground alum in a debuting Ricochet? Who knows, the point is, WWE have options here.

#5 Brock Lesnar wins clean

The one thing that everybody seems to be sure for the most part is that Roman Reigns will be walking out of WrestleMania 34 with the Universal Championship. This seems counter-intuitive as his opponent is the almost indestructible Brock Lesnar.

The road has been paved for years now, for Reigns to take his place at the top of WWE, with four main events, two title wins, and an Undertaker victory at WrestleMania. But what if, WWE just at the last minute, swerves us all as they occasionally do, and decide to tell another story.

What if Lesnar’s role in all this isn’t to be the big bad monster for Reigns to slay, but instead to be the stumbling block, the wall that “The Big Dog” just can’t get past. What if Lesnar is slated to be the champion for yet another long period of time, either for Reigns to work his way back to or for another challenger to finally dethrone.

This, out of all scenarios is the unlikeliest. However, it would be interesting to see WWE push Roman Reigns to the side, maybe allowing someone else to take the spot that we all believe to be held for Roman Reigns.

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