Apart from the battle royale matches, PUBG Mobile also has a prevalent system of achievements. The Achievement section displays the titles that a player has achieved in the game by completing a specific task or a series of tasks.

There are plenty of titles available in PUBG Mobile, and this article lists out some of the easiest titles that are available in the game.

Note: This is a generalized list and is not in any particular order.

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5 easiest titles in PUBG Mobile in January 2021

#1 - Chicken Bucket

The Chicken Bucket achievement is one of the easiest titles available in the game, and players don’t need to do any extra work to acquire this. The achievement is divided into five parts, and a player can acquire the title Chicken Bucket V, if he/she wins 50 classic matches.

#2 - Perseverance

The title Perseverance is also easily accomplishable. All the players need to do is to log in consecutively in PUBG Mobile for 60 days to win a permanent Bestial Instinct set. However, the logins must be consecutive, and if a player fails to log in any day, the mission will restart again.

#3 - Evo Tactician

It is one of those titles that require a bit of time, but is not so hard to achieve. The title requires players to complete 200 matches in the EvoGround mode.

Players often play EvoGround matches. Hence, after a few weeks, the task will be completed automatically without even putting in the extra effort.

#4 - Armor Expert

This is one of the easiest titles in the game and has a very basic requirement to complete. The title requires players to equip the following items:

Backpack (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3)Motorcycle Helmet (Lv. 1)Military Helmet (Lv. 2)Spetsnaz Helmet (Lv. 3)Police Vest (Lv. 1, Lv. 2)Military Vest (Lv. 3)

As soon as a player equips all these armors throughout the games that he/she has played, the title will be acquired.

#5 - Well-Liked

The Well-Liked title does not require any extra effort from the player and has a requirement of achieving a total of 1000 likes on the player’s in-game profile. The teammates can give a like after a match has been completed.

Also read: 5 best offline games like PUBG Mobile for low-end devices on the Google Play Store

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