Be careful with casual sex because it’s really easy to form an emotional bond. You may accidentally fall for your ex again without intending it. [2] X Expert Source Amy ChanRelationship Coach Expert Interview. 1 May 2019.

Having a fling is pretty easy, but a relationship takes a little time. It may be difficult to get him back if he’s moved on or if you really hurt him during your breakup. You can still try, but he may be hesitant to give you another chance.

Try to remember that your feelings are temporary. You will start to feel better as your heart heals.

You might ask one of your friends to be a source of support when you feel tempted to call or text your ex.

Find something to distract you from your heartache, like fun with your friends or a hobby.

Remember that abuse is never your fault, so don’t feel guilty for cutting ties with your abuser.

If your ex has moved on, it’s best to focus on your own future. It might seem like it right now, but your ex isn’t the only guy out there for you. You’ll find someone wonderful.

“Hey there 😉” “I’ve been thinking about you. ” “Your last selfie was 🔥” “Wanna get a drink?”

“You won’t believe what I dreamed last night 😉” “Lately, I can’t stop thinking about our beach date. Remember what we did?” “I’ve had you on my mind a lot lately. ” “My plans today ✔️shop Victoria’s Secret ✔️relax” “What was your favorite thing to do to me? “What was the best part of our sex life?” “I’m still in my towel after my bath. I guess I should get dressed 😉”

Send a photo of a hot bath, then post a photo of your legs in the bathtub. Take a selfie of you with your shoulders bare. Take a picture of you outside your favorite lingerie store. Then, take a pic of some selections in the dressing room and of a bag containing your purchases.

For a big change, cut your hair or dye your hair a new color. Go to the salon for a blow-out, up-do, or braids. You could also buy a new outfit or mix up your wardrobe pieces to create new outfits. Watch makeup tutorials on YouTube and try them out!

Get your morning or afternoon coffee at his favorite coffee shop. Shop at his neighborhood grocery store. Eat at his favorite restaurant. Catch the game at his favorite sports bar. Patronize his employer if he works for a business.

Perfume smells differently on everyone. Always judge a scent by how it smells on your body, not how it smells coming out of the bottle.

Try touching him and then pulling away slightly. The distance could make him crave your touch.

Be especially careful about telling each other intimate details about your lives. Being vulnerable with each other can make you feel attached.

You’re the only one who knows when you’re ready. Take a few days or a few weeks to let your feelings settle. In the meantime, spend time with your friends and family who can show you how loved you are.

Take the next step toward accomplishing a goal. Start a new hobby. Take an art, cooking, or improv class. Learn a new language. Get a pet. Apply for a new job. Hang out with friends. Join a club.

“Hey, stranger 😉” “👋 how’ve you been lately?” “I saw your post about the race. Congrats on finishing!” “Today I went by ‘our place,’ and it made me think of you. How are things?” “I finally watched that show you recommended. It was so good! Any new recommendations?” “I hope you’re doing well. I’m so sorry about what happened between us. I’ve been thinking about you a lot. ”

“Remember our epic laser tag battle? Want to go Saturday for a rematch?” “It’s been so long since I’ve played mini golf. Would you be interested in going with me on Sunday?” “A group of us are going bowling on Friday. Wanna come?”

You don’t need to wear something stereotypically sexy. You look hottest when you’re confident, so go with an outfit that makes you feel great.

Try going back through your old social media posts to see what you were posting about. You could also talk to your friends about how they perceived you before your relationship with your ex. Reconnect over similar interests, like your shared love of comic books or music. Similarly, invite him out to a restaurant you both love. [22] X Expert Source Nicole MooreLove & Relationship Coach Expert Interview. 6 October 2021.

For example, you might adopt a 3-date rule before sleeping with him.

When you’re texting him, delay sending your reply sometimes so it seems like you’re busy. Make plans with friends one night so you’re unavailable at that time. If he asks you to meet up, check your schedule before you say “yes. ” Suggest you’re open to dating in your social media posts. You might say, “Looking for a great guy” or “Searching for my prince. ”

Start the conversation by saying, “I want us to last this time, so I’m hoping we can talk about why we broke up. ”

“I really like this vibe we have, but I don’t want something casual. I want us to get back together. ” “Our chats have been amazing. I’m so glad we reconnected, and I definitely feel the spark between us. I just want to make sure that you’re feeling it, too. ” “Our breakup was really hard on me, and I still have feelings for you. I miss what we had, and I’m hoping we can get that back. ”

If he hasn’t responded for longer than a day, you might send him one follow-up text. If he doesn’t respond to that, he may not be open to reconnecting with you.

You don’t have to wait forever. Just don’t have sex the first time you see each other after your breakup.